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deletedalmost 8 years

It's my personal cry for help

Feel free to treat it like an AMA if you so please but I'm sure this is just going to become my anime rant thread

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Best Jimbei variation
deletedalmost 8 years
getting a charley horse is one of the worst ways to start today

but not the worst way it could end today
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
I don't have any AA games :(
almost 8 years
what's your opinion on AA6 if you have one
deletedalmost 8 years
A nightmare would be better to have over this thing imo
deletedalmost 8 years
So I remember I put the ace attorney anime on-hold a few months back

watching the next episode is like remembering a nightmare except it's reality
deletedalmost 8 years
So I messed up the names of the fifth element and sixth sense

deletedalmost 8 years
Protest voting on my part across the board
deletedalmost 8 years
filled out my ballot, gonna turn it in and have a nice lunch tomorrow.
deletedalmost 8 years
also walking dead today was so sad I need to mention this.
deletedalmost 8 years
nvm I need a prereq for fish conservation >:(
deletedalmost 8 years
Fish conservation or oceanography are two very compelling classes
deletedalmost 8 years
Still thinking about majoring in environmental science, going to probably take two different marine biology related classes next semester to dip my toes in the water and see how it goes haha get it cause water = marine biology okay
deletedalmost 8 years
Talked my sister into taking a class I took this semester though, as I said like 5 pages ago it's just a bunch of stories where racist people meet their end for being racist.
deletedalmost 8 years
Either way I'm screwed it's either this or math and whichever one I chose I just put the other one off for a semester
deletedalmost 8 years
I may take an art class with my sister or just take interior design for the easy way out
deletedalmost 8 years
I dread every class on the arts list. I can't draw properly or craft anything with my hands without it looking like a ball of bad life choices
deletedalmost 8 years
Planning out classes for spring like uwu
deletedalmost 8 years
I'm still terrible at it
deletedalmost 8 years

half-life 2

I just realized the rocket shooter thingy I'm bad with weapons name does not automatically go after the helicopter I control it with my mouse
deletedalmost 8 years
This place is unreal
deletedalmost 8 years
Found a place in the mall with really low end pc games from early 2000's

I love it
deletedalmost 8 years
I barely could get 100 let alone 8,000 my glory days are over
deletedalmost 8 years
I just remembered exists
deletedalmost 8 years
I hope my friends on myanimelist can see that I see them adding a ton of hentai to their lists