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Closed roles in Main Lobby

about 8 years

This will probably get a bunch of people trolling me and tons of downvotes, but eh, might as well give it a try.

Inspired by this thread and dooze's comment on it

I suggest that we add closed roles in main. Why, you may ask, as it's the thing that Sandbox is known for.

It is. However, Sandbox is also known for being a lobby in which very few people actually cares about what happens and thus the games get full of trolls, and people that just dont play the game properly.

And there are quite a few people that would enjoy playing closed roles setups with a bit more of seriousness. people that don't think there is a strategy for closed roles setups cleary havent played them enough, as in the ocassional serious sandbox games that happen now and then, there is a lot of tactics, role knowing, and speculation people can do, and it actually can be quite interesting.

Closed roles can't be used in ranked games, so it wouldn't ruin the competition in any way.

Yes, I know not everyone takes games seriously in Main either if they are unranked, but in overall, the userbase here is more game-oriented than in sandbox.

People in main that just don't like closed roles games can just... not play closed roles games, so that wouldn't really be an issue either.

idk, i think its worth arguing about it, unless there is a specific reason why they are not a thing here that im missing, which could be.


Closed roles in Main Lobby?
Other (Explain)
about 8 years
what do you think harrold
deletedabout 8 years

poser says

lmaooooooo you are sooooooo ridiculous why would you ever do that?????? why wouldnt you just lie about checking no one!!

i mean i am a massive troll
about 8 years
Mafia is actually a great game. It's just impossible to take it seriously anymore. Too many ihaveashitname663 people taking the majority spot in games.
about 8 years

roadman says

Honestly, the best thing to do would be to wipe everyone's accounts of stats and trophies and re-open comp simultaneously.

addendum to this

wipe all stats and trophies, add pre-wipe trophies based on previous stats to keep the players who would otherwise leave as a result

like if you have a certain point ranking in main, you get some little medal on your profile before your points are wiped then you can feel special and not ragequit the site
about 8 years
lmaooooooo you are sooooooo ridiculous why would you ever do that?????? why wouldnt you just lie about checking no one!!
deletedabout 8 years

poser says

at the end of the day, you're still the person who checked "no one" as cop to win a CC because that's the only way people would believe you. therefore i cannot trust your advice

i checked no one as cop 3 times lol. and still fcking won
about 8 years
Checking no one as cop sounds like something I'd do.
about 8 years
LOL no i mean veryniceboy

deletedabout 8 years

cub says

veryniceboy says

cub says

veryniceboy says

poser says

caps spam is my specialty, laced with emotional appeals and vague logic

look up psychological reactance and try use it. basically u can get a clear to hammer who u want by denying them that option, they'll hammer it as a proxy check of u

and there are a bunch of other mechanics in actual people to manipulate in this game

and all that is what this game is about. you don't get told those mechanics alongside some little icon, even if they are very simple - you have to figure them for yourself

can't clear assume based on previous plays that you'll use this strategy and the game devolves to endless wifom

it's a hard thing to become aware of foxie. i've been called out on using it by one other player ever, and that was maxwell

i know a few people who do this in sandbox and that makes whatever they do unpredictable and inherently unreliable so it just makes you less trustworthy once someone knows how you play

there's a difference between being an obvious dumbass and applying subtle pressures
about 8 years
Are you talking about me rose?
about 8 years
reading like 40 games for two people each round makes me want to drink clorox but i do it sometimes because i like epicmafia
about 8 years
at the end of the day, you're still the person who checked "no one" as cop to win a CC because that's the only way people would believe you. therefore i cannot trust your advice
about 8 years
The fact that not only do you have to compile a bin, but then get others to read the bin, discuss it with them, and present it to the public. It's abhorrent.
about 8 years

veryniceboy says

cub says

veryniceboy says

poser says

caps spam is my specialty, laced with emotional appeals and vague logic

look up psychological reactance and try use it. basically u can get a clear to hammer who u want by denying them that option, they'll hammer it as a proxy check of u

and there are a bunch of other mechanics in actual people to manipulate in this game

and all that is what this game is about. you don't get told those mechanics alongside some little icon, even if they are very simple - you have to figure them for yourself

can't clear assume based on previous plays that you'll use this strategy and the game devolves to endless wifom

it's a hard thing to become aware of foxie. i've been called out on using it by one other player ever, and that was maxwell

i know a few people who do this in sandbox and that makes whatever they do unpredictable and inherently unreliable so it just makes you less trustworthy once someone knows how you play
deletedabout 8 years

veryniceboy says

cub says

veryniceboy says

poser says

caps spam is my specialty, laced with emotional appeals and vague logic

look up psychological reactance and try use it. basically u can get a clear to hammer who u want by denying them that option, they'll hammer it as a proxy check of u

and there are a bunch of other mechanics in actual people to manipulate in this game

and all that is what this game is about. you don't get told those mechanics alongside some little icon, even if they are very simple - you have to figure them for yourself

can't clear assume based on previous plays that you'll use this strategy and the game devolves to endless wifom

it's a hard thing to become aware of foxie. i've been called out on using it by one other player ever, and that was maxwell

and gira got super jealous, it was hilarious lol
about 8 years
Keeping track of cheaters is honestly so outrageously mind numbing when you have competition after competition. The work behind it becomes lacklustre.
deletedabout 8 years
now please delete my post, i do not want any proof existing that i was in this thread lol
about 8 years
the thing is too, the fact that comp is going on so much and so much less importance around it.. the drive to actually be legit goes away and the drive to ensure everyone is PLAYING legit goes away, like most things that wouldn't get pardoned would get pardoned nowadays. i do my best but its incredibly tiring
deletedabout 8 years

cub says

veryniceboy says

poser says

caps spam is my specialty, laced with emotional appeals and vague logic

look up psychological reactance and try use it. basically u can get a clear to hammer who u want by denying them that option, they'll hammer it as a proxy check of u

and there are a bunch of other mechanics in actual people to manipulate in this game

and all that is what this game is about. you don't get told those mechanics alongside some little icon, even if they are very simple - you have to figure them for yourself

can't clear assume based on previous plays that you'll use this strategy and the game devolves to endless wifom

it's a hard thing to become aware of foxie. i've been called out on using it by one other player ever, and that was maxwell
about 8 years
just make a separate, bigger trophy for yearly competition and reserve current trophies as an old, no longer obtainable variant which will give them increasing value and encourage all players who earned those trophies to hang around and feel better about them
about 8 years
People still care about the site, but it's just too stale in the current state. Remember how many people came back when petri got modded?
about 8 years
I made a thread about it a year ago and it got a good response.
about 8 years
oh god so many people would be infuriated LOL i personally wouldnt care, but that is literally hours of someones life being washed away (all dramaticness aside, it is seriously time consuming) and i guess it'd spark up the drive to run again and regain it, but im not sure if everyone would be that upset to where they don't even want to
about 8 years

veryniceboy says

poser says

caps spam is my specialty, laced with emotional appeals and vague logic

look up psychological reactance and try use it. basically u can get a clear to hammer who u want by denying them that option, they'll hammer it as a proxy check of u

and there are a bunch of other mechanics in actual people to manipulate in this game

and all that is what this game is about. you don't get told those mechanics alongside some little icon, even if they are very simple - you have to figure them for yourself

can't clear assume based on previous plays that you'll use this strategy and the game devolves to endless wifom
about 8 years
Loads of people would come back snd people would take it seriously again.