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Closed roles in Main Lobby

about 8 years

This will probably get a bunch of people trolling me and tons of downvotes, but eh, might as well give it a try.

Inspired by this thread and dooze's comment on it

I suggest that we add closed roles in main. Why, you may ask, as it's the thing that Sandbox is known for.

It is. However, Sandbox is also known for being a lobby in which very few people actually cares about what happens and thus the games get full of trolls, and people that just dont play the game properly.

And there are quite a few people that would enjoy playing closed roles setups with a bit more of seriousness. people that don't think there is a strategy for closed roles setups cleary havent played them enough, as in the ocassional serious sandbox games that happen now and then, there is a lot of tactics, role knowing, and speculation people can do, and it actually can be quite interesting.

Closed roles can't be used in ranked games, so it wouldn't ruin the competition in any way.

Yes, I know not everyone takes games seriously in Main either if they are unranked, but in overall, the userbase here is more game-oriented than in sandbox.

People in main that just don't like closed roles games can just... not play closed roles games, so that wouldn't really be an issue either.

idk, i think its worth arguing about it, unless there is a specific reason why they are not a thing here that im missing, which could be.


Closed roles in Main Lobby?
Other (Explain)
about 8 years
merging training and comp would be like merging main and sandbox, comp was a lobby for a small community of tryhards just like sandbox is a lobby for a small community of people who think this is just a quirky chat service

bring back training for normal people who come to this site to play mafia
deletedabout 8 years
Can you explain this for the learning disabled I don't get it
about 8 years
we do have some meta, and yes there are a few hosts that used to kick trolls although not so much lately, but overall you are having one good game every ten ones or so, while i'd assume that ratio would be way better in main.
about 8 years

poser says

@roadman yes but that could be changed lol. I honestly think it'd be incredibly hard to maintain an even balance with setups that were closed roles, but it would also be fun.

@siramelio dont you guys have like.. meta? arent there players who host and have more inclination to play "seriously" rather than just ruin the game? i mean i guess it shouldnt be that hard to find a more serious table, but i didn't think it'd be impossible either

Of course it can be changed. I wouldn't envy the person nagging lucid to implement it though.
about 8 years
I didn't actually read any of the thread. I was just explaining why it's pointless. If it gets implemented in main then people would want to have ranked availability. It's better off staying in sandbox.
about 8 years
@roadman yes but that could be changed lol. I honestly think it'd be incredibly hard to maintain an even balance with setups that were closed roles, but it would also be fun.

@siramelio dont you guys have like.. meta? arent there players who host and have more inclination to play "seriously" rather than just ruin the game? i mean i guess it shouldnt be that hard to find a more serious table, but i didn't think it'd be impossible either
about 8 years

roadman says

The issue with this is that closed roles cannot be used in ranked play as per the site's coding. Have fun forwarding this to lucid.

you misunderstood my post, i'm asking for unranked closed role games in main, not for ranked ones.
about 8 years

Zhuorb says


may i ask why not?

poser says

I think if closed roles are allowed in main, sandbox kind of loses it's appeal in a way. I mean there will be a lot of sandbox ppl who stay sandbox only, the only way I'd suggest a change is if main had ranked closed roles but not unranked.. but then it'd be super congested with red hearts of reverse, FP, x2 AND comp.. which would make people want comp separate again. I dont think thatd be an issue. Honestly I think trophies have lost their appeal of importance anyway. #deepafbro

i mean i see your point, but the appeal of sandbox is mostly being laid back and not caring much about games than closed roles themselves... and there are people that would enjoy the sandbox setups to be played seriously
about 8 years
The issue with this is that closed roles cannot be used in ranked play as per the site's coding. Have fun forwarding this to lucid.
about 8 years

poser says

I think if closed roles are allowed in main, sandbox kind of loses it's appeal in a way.

sandbox has no appeal to lose
about 8 years
If unranked closed roles were for main lobby, so that it's less silly and more of something to take half seriously, something must be made to filter red hearts, unranked and golden hearts because otherwise competitive games will never fill and suffer tbh
about 8 years
I think if closed roles are allowed in main, sandbox kind of loses it's appeal in a way. I mean there will be a lot of sandbox ppl who stay sandbox only, the only way I'd suggest a change is if main had ranked closed roles but not unranked.. but then it'd be super congested with red hearts of reverse, FP, x2 AND comp.. which would make people want comp separate again. I dont think thatd be an issue. Honestly I think trophies have lost their appeal of importance anyway. #deepafbro
about 8 years
I'm down for this.
about 8 years
about 8 years