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Closed roles in Main Lobby

about 8 years

This will probably get a bunch of people trolling me and tons of downvotes, but eh, might as well give it a try.

Inspired by this thread and dooze's comment on it

I suggest that we add closed roles in main. Why, you may ask, as it's the thing that Sandbox is known for.

It is. However, Sandbox is also known for being a lobby in which very few people actually cares about what happens and thus the games get full of trolls, and people that just dont play the game properly.

And there are quite a few people that would enjoy playing closed roles setups with a bit more of seriousness. people that don't think there is a strategy for closed roles setups cleary havent played them enough, as in the ocassional serious sandbox games that happen now and then, there is a lot of tactics, role knowing, and speculation people can do, and it actually can be quite interesting.

Closed roles can't be used in ranked games, so it wouldn't ruin the competition in any way.

Yes, I know not everyone takes games seriously in Main either if they are unranked, but in overall, the userbase here is more game-oriented than in sandbox.

People in main that just don't like closed roles games can just... not play closed roles games, so that wouldn't really be an issue either.

idk, i think its worth arguing about it, unless there is a specific reason why they are not a thing here that im missing, which could be.


Closed roles in Main Lobby?
Other (Explain)
about 8 years

groundhogday says

if it gets to the core of mafia eventually why do you need the stuff before that

it beats never getting there
about 8 years

cub says

why is it that i can deduce who mafia is using role logic in the worst closed role setups (with every pr and no discretion) and as mafia i can convince town im a town pr because mafia almost all have secondary visits to support their claims

at a point, you end up having a verifiable pr claim ccing another verifiable pr claim, at which point it comes down to explaining your visits, which is persuasion which is the core of mafia

outside of granny wins, there's always a logical way to play closed roles that doesnt depend on any meta

Has it not occurred to you that this might just be because no one cares enough to really dispute your claim in sandbox? Nor are people really that interested in winning? And before Amelio chimes in and says, 'this is why it should be in main', it will attract the same audience here.
about 8 years

roadman says

Regardless, my point is that multi setups are a far better option for those who enjoy closed roles.

your point should be your opinion, because myself and others disagree

multi is far too limited, which is why ive suggested fixed roles in closed role setups, because while some fixed roles are good multi is far too lacking to support variety beyond those few select roles and falls victim to meta for each limited alteration
about 8 years
if it gets to the core of mafia eventually why do you need the stuff before that
about 8 years
why is it that i can deduce who mafia is using role logic in the worst closed role setups (with every pr and no discretion) and as mafia i can convince town im a town pr because mafia almost all have secondary visits to support their claims

at a point, you end up having a verifiable pr claim ccing another verifiable pr claim, at which point it comes down to explaining your visits, which is persuasion which is the core of mafia

outside of granny wins, there's always a logical way to play closed roles that doesnt depend on any meta
about 8 years
i like lobl but it's awful
about 8 years
Regardless, my point is that multi setups are a far better option for those who enjoy closed roles.
deletedabout 8 years

groundhogday says

there's little to no scumhunting involved in solving mechanics. scumhunting is why most people play mafia regardless of skill level

i am just here for the girls dude
about 8 years

groundhogday says

roadman says

Role logic =\= shîtshow of roles.

Multi setups are a good example of what the current closed role system strives to offer for committed players, with the exclusion of fancy pants.

multi setups also tend to be awful

I like the GAI multi.
about 8 years
there's little to no scumhunting involved in solving mechanics. scumhunting is why most people play mafia regardless of skill level
about 8 years

roadman says

Role logic =\= shîtshow of roles.

Multi setups are a good example of what the current closed role system strives to offer for committed players, with the exclusion of fancy pants.

multi setups also tend to be awful
about 8 years
Role logic =\= shîtshow of roles.

Multi setups are a good example of what the current closed role system strives to offer for committed players, with the exclusion of fancy pants.
deletedabout 8 years
you're all very silly lol
about 8 years

poser says

cub do you think competitive players have gotten less rude since the merge? i feel like they have but only by 20% or so. then again, HC and harassment were looser in the old days so that could be why. i think in "competitive" lobby there was a higher standard therefore everyone was treated like they knew better for everything, which has changed

comp had a higher standard because a higher standard was the point of comp

you shouldnt be asking if comp players have gotten less rude but rather if the general attitude outside of comp has gotten more rude
about 8 years

cub says

groundhogday says

cub says

closed roles is a dynamic that transcends traditional mafia as opposed to following tired strategies so it shouldnt be surprising if someone who actually likes playing mafia likes closed roles since it's a better form of mafia in many ways

"following tired strategies" means perfecting something with an insanely high skill cap. you can bring more creativity into closed roles but don't claim that apples transcend oranges

following tired strategies means having one meta for each setup as opposed to variety

sure some people like finding metas, but once it's found there's no point anymore, you just do the same thing every game

you want to call it "an insanely high skill cap" to feel like repetition can be conflated with mafia skill

i'm calling it an insanely high skill cap because when everyone at the table knows setup mechanics the game gets to basics. it doesn't take a lot to get your mind around how games like chess or starcraft work but they're massively skill intensive. pictionary is fun too but in a different way
about 8 years
i dont know what that is but are you saying role logic and deduction requires less skill than meta and AtE?
about 8 years
Closed roles with such variance is the equivalent to saying Yogg-saron requires skill in Hearthstone.
about 8 years

roadman says

Look, you can say this, that and the other about how complex you feel closed roles are, but if you can't control the variance in any way

yeah thats the point

roadman says

, then it's just nonsense. The fact you have no limit on blue/nilla count means you could have auto mechanics, everyone could claim and have their role tested, and etc.

town claims, mafia claims what's left over. if you believe claims in order, mafia just has to claim first. if you believe ccs, mafia just has to cc. you can't meta this
about 8 years
It's not derailing. You're asking for a platform to take closed roles more seriously. I'm telling you why it needs to be refined before that can happen.
about 8 years
i mean that mostly depends on the balance of the closed roles setup in question.

the official sandbox setup is pretty townsided right now, with mafia mostly winning when town screws up too much of when they get too lucky.

there are more balanced setups tho, such as this one i made

but this is derailing the discussion a bit too much
about 8 years

groundhogday says

cub says

closed roles is a dynamic that transcends traditional mafia as opposed to following tired strategies so it shouldnt be surprising if someone who actually likes playing mafia likes closed roles since it's a better form of mafia in many ways

"following tired strategies" means perfecting something with an insanely high skill cap. you can bring more creativity into closed roles but don't claim that apples transcend oranges

following tired strategies means having one meta for each setup as opposed to variety

sure some people like finding metas, but once it's found there's no point anymore, you just do the same thing every game

you want to call it "an insanely high skill cap" to feel like repetition can be conflated with mafia skill
about 8 years
Look, you can say this, that and the other about how complex you feel closed roles are, but if you can't control the variance in any way, then it's just nonsense. The fact you have no limit on blue/nilla count means you could have auto mechanics, everyone could claim and have their role tested, and etc.
about 8 years

cub says

do you mean adding a feature that limits town prs and adding actual blues? because that would make mafia overpowered in closed roles

what balances it is the fact that there's a high probability of any role mafia claims being cc'd, as well as the fact you can't claim blue unless you're claiming gallis or lm, both of which can be tested

you might see it as a clusterfuck of prs from a glimpse, but there's a lot of rational play

In the same way, you include a nilla count.
about 8 years
additionally, roles like forger are made far more valuable by the fact probability supports wills
about 8 years

roadman says

cub says

even an extremely random setup, as long as it has unique roles, is perfectly playable so long as you know how every role works (which is pretty expected in sandbox)

now if you didnt have unique roles, then it would all fall apart, but because you have unique roles ccing is still an important feature

With closed rolls, you need to have an option to include a blue count otherwise the mechanics exist beyond the realm of rationality. In the same way, 99% of compable setups really on power role restrictions.

do you mean adding a feature that limits town prs and adding actual blues? because that would make mafia overpowered in closed roles

what balances it is the fact that there's a high probability of any role mafia claims being cc'd, as well as the fact you can't claim blue unless you're claiming gallis or lm, both of which can be tested

you might see it as a clusterfuck of prs from a glimpse, but there's a lot of rational play