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Closed roles in Main Lobby

about 8 years

This will probably get a bunch of people trolling me and tons of downvotes, but eh, might as well give it a try.

Inspired by this thread and dooze's comment on it

I suggest that we add closed roles in main. Why, you may ask, as it's the thing that Sandbox is known for.

It is. However, Sandbox is also known for being a lobby in which very few people actually cares about what happens and thus the games get full of trolls, and people that just dont play the game properly.

And there are quite a few people that would enjoy playing closed roles setups with a bit more of seriousness. people that don't think there is a strategy for closed roles setups cleary havent played them enough, as in the ocassional serious sandbox games that happen now and then, there is a lot of tactics, role knowing, and speculation people can do, and it actually can be quite interesting.

Closed roles can't be used in ranked games, so it wouldn't ruin the competition in any way.

Yes, I know not everyone takes games seriously in Main either if they are unranked, but in overall, the userbase here is more game-oriented than in sandbox.

People in main that just don't like closed roles games can just... not play closed roles games, so that wouldn't really be an issue either.

idk, i think its worth arguing about it, unless there is a specific reason why they are not a thing here that im missing, which could be.


Closed roles in Main Lobby?
Other (Explain)
about 8 years

Betrayal says

This thread is bad. It sounds like you are promoting Sandbox lobby so that our elite Main lobby players will flock over to Sandbox and help weed out the trolls and bad players. Mods please lock this thread plox. We can't give Sandbox more attention than it deserves.

Sandbox has nice ppl, so no thx
about 8 years
All I see are pansies
about 8 years
This thread is bad. It sounds like you are promoting Sandbox lobby so that our elite Main lobby players will flock over to Sandbox and help weed out the trolls and bad players. Mods please lock this thread plox. We can't give Sandbox more attention than it deserves.
deletedabout 8 years
Lol I'm joking
about 8 years
Yvette is such a bad mod.
about 8 years

poser says

funnily enough, deleting peoples accounts that have been worked on for years tends to make people cry. crazy right?

ive had this account for four years but the difference is i didnt do anything in those four years

my account could have been deleted at any time just for inactivity and im kind of surprised it wasnt in retrospect
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
Nothing x rated about it.
deletedabout 8 years
That is incredibly x rated
about 8 years
thats definitely not allowed here im calling the real mods
about 8 years
funnily enough, deleting peoples accounts that have been worked on for years tends to make people cry. crazy right?
deletedabout 8 years

poser says

u all sound mean af making girls cry over epicmafia. go take ur masculinity and put it elsewhere

i know. i really did feel fcking bad lol. but i was on win-mode
about 8 years

poser says

u all sound mean af making girls cry over epicmafia. go take ur masculinity and put it elsewhere

so many cry babies
about 8 years

poser says

u all sound mean af making girls cry over epicmafia. go take ur masculinity and put it elsewhere

if epicmafia makes you cry i think it would be a disservice not to give you that wakeup call
about 8 years
wait, oh, wait. i think i've made at least three people cry. great
about 8 years

veryniceboy says

i made atikur actually cry one time. she never talked to me again, and we were good friends beforehand

I made Kerry cry when I was admin...

I didn't want to give someone an x-rated vio.
about 8 years
u all sound mean af making girls cry over epicmafia. go take ur masculinity and put it elsewhere
deletedabout 8 years
i know dude lol. she was totally weird about this game tho
about 8 years
I was on call with devante and Togepi once too. Done cheating happened.
about 8 years

veryniceboy says

i made atikur actually cry one time. she never talked to me again, and we were good friends beforehand

deletedabout 8 years
i made atikur actually cry one time. she never talked to me again, and we were good friends beforehand
deletedabout 8 years
And my ex was crying afterwards I felt kinda bad
deletedabout 8 years

veryniceboy says

i have made dave hammer kerry while she was literally crying at him not to lol

Reminds me when I made my ex turn in her good friend blister for cheating. I got on call with devante/togepi
about 8 years
go to bed poser
about 8 years
hashtag born in the wrong year