deletedabout 8 years

Today I'd like to propose a motion coined by Bebop. As you know, Sandbox is technically a default lobby, forming the big 4 with Main, Games, and Survivor. Sandbox has always been a grey area, since many see it as a custom which should be able to form it's own rules. HOWEVER, like the EU and UK situation, I believe Sandbox should leave the default lobbies, and become custom.

By becoming custom, Lucid would have NO control over who is owner. Let that sink it. We wouldn't have to deal with owners being swapped in and out every 20 minutes. We could return to the days of voting ourselves, and or just owners passing along naturally.

We could finally make our own rules, without site mod interefences. Site mods don't want to even moderate Sandbox reports because of all the drama. Sandbox issues should stay in sandbox.

Sandbox is England, Games Lobby is Wales, and the default lobbies are the EU. Let's make Sandbox Great Again friends.

deletedabout 8 years
It's been screwed up so many times, and this isn't a knock on Bebop by any means, people are just settling. I'm not saying Bebop has done a bad job, people are just tired of the constant change and just want to settle on an owner who is active.
about 8 years

DrPeePee says

I was just stating that it helped get rid of the SJWs, not that I supported it. I do see Amelio's argument, but Lucid is not the solution as seen by the last year.

back in the day, when the first golbox happened i proposed to do a "political game" in which people interested in ownership would present their ideas and positions in every main topic of handling the lobby. Then the site mods could filter the best 3 or best 5 depending on how many, have a debate between them, and then we could have democracy and people could vote. Yes, circlejerks would be involved and it could come down to a popularity contest, but at least there will be filters in which people without good ideas wont even be considered, so even if its a popularity contest it will be one between people with relatively good ideas and not just the most circlejerked.

I can't think of a way that will leave most people satisfied. Its a community with a lot of people have been here for years and the ones that haven't dont care much about ownership, so there will always be bias and stuff.

I agree lucid is not the best option, but I'd still rather have that option than get screwed up and having to suck it up without being able to do anything about it, even if not the optimal way.
about 8 years
swap the sandbox click link with games lobby so that games lobby is next to main lobby, then swap the names around.
about 8 years
I think Jamal is onto something. Lucid should be an insurance plan in the off-chance that the mods will go corrupt. I have faith in Bebop that should he be given more reign over the lobby than the other defaults (whether that means as a custom or simply more autonomy since, you know, it's Sandbox) that he won't go corrupt, but I'm a very optimistic person and I know in the back of my mind there's always that chance that something will go wrong. It's an inevitability.

The problem is that Lucid is so easy to manipulate, it's been readily demonstrated to us that if you just find a patsy to PM Lucid and tell him something false about Bebop and the mods then he'll put you in as the new owner. Maybe we could ask Lucid for some kind of standard for his intervention? That way one can't abuse his power so easily.
deletedabout 8 years

JamalMarley says

DrPeePee says

JamalMarley says

We must fight to have a constitutional monarchy. I do not trust anyone in Sandbox to be controlling it without Lucid being able to step in to save us if needed.

Lucid is not perfect. Lucid is not a good checks and balance system. First he took the lobby from Kenny and gave it to Golbolco, without checking the with the community or researching. Then he took the lobby again and kept handing it over, next to hima which would have been a disaster. Then to platy, then he stepped in AGAIN and gave it to garden, which we all hated. Then finally site mods fixed it and gave it to Bebop, only for LUCID TO MESS UP AND GIVE IT TO JIMBEI. LUCID IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED. HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR SANDBOX. HE DOES NOT KNOW SANDBOX, LIKE WE THE USERS KNOW SANDBOX. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE MY FRIENDS. FOR SANDEXIT.

Lucid isn't all up in Sandbox's business. Maybe he doesn't research or look into issues as well as he should, but he isn't purposefully being biased or unfair to certain users in Sandbox because he doesn't like them. Lucid is NEUTRAL. If we allow Sandbox to be a completely sovereign lobby then allow shady business to occur. Remember a few days ago with sl0nder being banned from the chatbox for.. nothing? That will be allowed and no one can stop it. The people in control of Sandbox can do literally anything they want without being punished or held to a certain standard. We need Lucid as an insurance plan.

Anyone can email lucid and become owner. Lucid is bias'd. Anything Eris tells him to do he does. The proof is in the last fiasco that happened, which we fixed ourselves. (Jimbei gave lobby to Golb, after pressure form community Golb gave the lobby to Bebop)
about 8 years

DrPeePee says

JamalMarley says

We must fight to have a constitutional monarchy. I do not trust anyone in Sandbox to be controlling it without Lucid being able to step in to save us if needed.

Lucid is not perfect. Lucid is not a good checks and balance system. First he took the lobby from Kenny and gave it to Golbolco, without checking the with the community or researching. Then he took the lobby again and kept handing it over, next to hima which would have been a disaster. Then to platy, then he stepped in AGAIN and gave it to garden, which we all hated. Then finally site mods fixed it and gave it to Bebop, only for LUCID TO MESS UP AND GIVE IT TO JIMBEI. LUCID IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED. HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR SANDBOX. HE DOES NOT KNOW SANDBOX, LIKE WE THE USERS KNOW SANDBOX. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE MY FRIENDS. FOR SANDEXIT.

Lucid isn't all up in Sandbox's business. Maybe he doesn't research or look into issues as well as he should, but he isn't purposefully being biased or unfair to certain users in Sandbox because he doesn't like them. Lucid is NEUTRAL. If we allow Sandbox to be a completely sovereign lobby then allow shady business to occur. Remember a few days ago with sl0nder being banned from the chatbox for.. nothing? That will be allowed and no one can stop it. The people in control of Sandbox can do literally anything they want without being punished or held to a certain standard. We need Lucid as an insurance plan.
about 8 years
just make me site admin that will solve everything
deletedabout 8 years

Golbolco says

Interesting how PeePee was talking about the virtues of Sandbox's owner being switched around every once in a while in Matt12's thread...

It's calmed down recently, with the major SJWs leaving, some becoming more lax, and others ignored. The power shuffles help, because no one group has been in power long enough to abuse it, and when new owners come in clean slates are implamented.

But in this thread he talks about the benefits of not switching the owner out.

By becoming custom, Lucid would have NO control over who is owner. Let that sink it. We wouldn't have to deal with owners being swapped in and out every 20 minutes. We could return to the days of voting ourselves, and or just owners passing along naturally.

I still don't have a clear stance, but I'm curious how PeePee will choose to reconcile these two seemingly-contradictory ideas.

I was just stating that it helped get rid of the SJWs, not that I supported it. I do see Amelio's argument, but Lucid is not the solution as seen by the last year.
deletedabout 8 years

JamalMarley says

We must fight to have a constitutional monarchy. I do not trust anyone in Sandbox to be controlling it without Lucid being able to step in to save us if needed.

Lucid is not perfect. Lucid is not a good checks and balance system. First he took the lobby from Kenny and gave it to Golbolco, without checking the with the community or researching. Then he took the lobby again and kept handing it over, next to hima which would have been a disaster. Then to platy, then he stepped in AGAIN and gave it to garden, which we all hated. Then finally site mods fixed it and gave it to Bebop, only for LUCID TO MESS UP AND GIVE IT TO JIMBEI. LUCID IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED. HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR SANDBOX. HE DOES NOT KNOW SANDBOX, LIKE WE THE USERS KNOW SANDBOX. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE MY FRIENDS. FOR SANDEXIT.
about 8 years

bdog1321 says

i am fairly certain that as lucid owns the site he can change the owner of whatever lobby he wants custom or not

the only lobbies that mods and lucid don't give a crap about are locked private ones
about 8 years
i am fairly certain that as lucid owns the site he can change the owner of whatever lobby he wants custom or not
about 8 years
Interesting how PeePee was talking about the virtues of Sandbox's owner being switched around every once in a while in Matt12's thread...

It's calmed down recently, with the major SJWs leaving, some becoming more lax, and others ignored. The power shuffles help, because no one group has been in power long enough to abuse it, and when new owners come in clean slates are implamented.

But in this thread he talks about the benefits of not switching the owner out.

By becoming custom, Lucid would have NO control over who is owner. Let that sink it. We wouldn't have to deal with owners being swapped in and out every 20 minutes. We could return to the days of voting ourselves, and or just owners passing along naturally.

I still don't have a clear stance, but I'm curious how PeePee will choose to reconcile these two seemingly-contradictory ideas.
about 8 years
We must fight to have a constitutional monarchy. I do not trust anyone in Sandbox to be controlling it without Lucid being able to step in to save us if needed.
about 8 years
about 8 years
The problem is that sandbox is already treated like a private lobby. We should deprivatize sandbox.
about 8 years

DrPeePee says

Sandbox deserves to be free. The SJW wave is dying. It is time to take it back. IT IS TIME FOR REVOLUTION! VIVA LA SANDBOX! SANDEXIT!

its weaker than before, but its not dying. check the chatbox every few hours and you will always notice there are SJWs there.

the only way it'd be acceptable is if Chris gets sandbox back, but like I said on my second point, its still not good enough
deletedabout 8 years

SirAmelio says

Is this a serious topic? I'll pretend its a serious topic.


1) If Lucid has no control over sandbox then this means that if Bebop and his mod team eventually starts screwing things up, we will have no choice but to suck it up and wait until he voluntarily steps down, and by then it couldve caused a lot of damage. (this is all theorical, im not saying they are screwing things up just yet even if i do disagree with some policies)

2) Moreover, the rules here will be the same as the site rules anyways. The community right now isn't ready to return to what it was before the SJW wave, so things will still be moderated. In addition, in a theorical case in which people don't get upset about everything, there are a lot of things that still wouldn't really work.

Even Vydia lobby gets moderated ocassionally if someone reports them. Things like pr0n, and some cases of HC are moderated there, because you could use them as proof to report to adsense that the site has things against the adsesnse policy, and without adsense, epicmafia is as well as dead.

Sandbox deserves to be free. The SJW wave is dying. It is time to take it back. IT IS TIME FOR REVOLUTION! VIVA LA SANDBOX! SANDEXIT!
about 8 years
I am split on the issue. I see the appeal of both sides and both Peepee and Amelio make good points. I feel like there's a middle ground we can reach, but I'm not sure just yet.
about 8 years
the skill of adaptation is one of the strongest and most useful skills people can have
about 8 years

SirAmelio says

Is this a serious topic? I'll pretend its a serious topic.


1) If Lucid has no control over sandbox then this means that if Bebop and his mod team eventually starts screwing things up, we will have no choice but to suck it up and wait until he voluntarily steps down, and by then it couldve caused a lot of damage. (this is all theorical, im not saying they are screwing things up just yet even if i do disagree with some policies)

2) Moreover, the rules here will be the same as the site rules anyways. The community right now isn't ready to return to what it was before the SJW wave, so things will still be moderated. In addition, in a theorical case in which people don't get upset about everything, there are a lot of things that still wouldn't really work.

Even Vydia lobby gets moderated ocassionally if someone reports them. Things like , and some cases of HC are moderated there, because you could use them as proof to report to adsense that the site has things against the adsesnse policy, and without adsense, epicmafia is as well as dead.

how do you live a life where everything is decided by the outsiders
about 8 years
Is this a serious topic? I'll pretend its a serious topic.


1) If Lucid has no control over sandbox then this means that if Bebop and his mod team eventually starts screwing things up, we will have no choice but to suck it up and wait until he voluntarily steps down, and by then it couldve caused a lot of damage. (this is all theorical, im not saying they are screwing things up just yet even if i do disagree with some policies)

2) Moreover, the rules here will be the same as the site rules anyways. The community right now isn't ready to return to what it was before the SJW wave, so things will still be moderated. In addition, in a theorical case in which people don't get upset about everything, there are a lot of things that still wouldn't really work.

Even Vydia lobby gets moderated ocassionally if someone reports them. Things like pr0n, and some cases of HC are moderated there, because you could use them as proof to report to adsense that the site has things against the adsesnse policy, and without adsense, epicmafia is as well as dead.
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
I'd also like to hear some arguments from the Sandreturn side
deletedabout 8 years
Discuss please. I am personally Sandexit as you can see.