deletedabout 8 years

Today I'd like to propose a motion coined by Bebop. As you know, Sandbox is technically a default lobby, forming the big 4 with Main, Games, and Survivor. Sandbox has always been a grey area, since many see it as a custom which should be able to form it's own rules. HOWEVER, like the EU and UK situation, I believe Sandbox should leave the default lobbies, and become custom.

By becoming custom, Lucid would have NO control over who is owner. Let that sink it. We wouldn't have to deal with owners being swapped in and out every 20 minutes. We could return to the days of voting ourselves, and or just owners passing along naturally.

We could finally make our own rules, without site mod interefences. Site mods don't want to even moderate Sandbox reports because of all the drama. Sandbox issues should stay in sandbox.

Sandbox is England, Games Lobby is Wales, and the default lobbies are the EU. Let's make Sandbox Great Again friends.

about 8 years
unban lilin
deletedabout 8 years
Sandexit sounds like a sh*tty breakfast cereal
about 8 years
sandexit ur account lol
deletedabout 8 years
dont forget youre here forever
deletedabout 8 years
nobdy can every really leave epicmafia
deletedabout 8 years
Good thing I used my 26 alts to vote #Sexit
deletedabout 8 years
sandexit will end as poorly as brexit
deletedabout 8 years
this lobby is a mess
about 8 years
Just keep the Sandbox lobby like it is.
deletedabout 8 years

AbsolutelyWitchcraft says

I want to know what happened under all of these owners. Was Garden unpopular/incompetent? Never struck me as one.

Anyways, if we exit will we wage war upon ToS?

Ok so Christopherzilla was the first owner of Sandbox. Very well liked, and decided he wanted to "retire" and kind of move on from Sandbox, so he gave the lobby to his friend Platypops. Platy was immediately swamped with users and complaints and stuff because ppl saw a power vacuum and wanted in. So he gave the lobby to Kenny. Nobody really knew Kenny, and he ended up being owner for a while, and he was really well liked. Brought in a lot of fun and new stuff, like the poll RPG, movie nights, etc. One day someone emailed lucid, shenningans happened, and Golbolco became owner. After this craziness happened. Golb was de ownered and not very popular after like 2 days, and Hima was made owner by the mods, more emails after 2 hours and Platypops was made owner. Everything seemed fine until out of no where, garden emailed lucid, and became owner. This shocked everyone, cuz garden was pretty nice and mostly played games. He was owner for like 2 months, became super inactive, and people started complaining again. So there was a list made of users people would like to see made mod, and Bebop was chosen (great owner btw totally not butt kissing :^)) One day bebop modded his GF merlot. Sandbox mod Jimbei was mad or something, got a few people to email Lucid, and Jimbei was made owner, and then immediately turned around and made Golb owner. This lasted 2 days, and Golb gave the lobby back to Bebop, because everyone got fed up with all the owner changing.

TL;DR: People would email Lucid, Lucid wouldn't bother to fact check them or check in with the community, and gave the lobby ownership away like candy.
about 8 years
this is where i put the bee movie script right
I want to know what happened under all of these owners. Was Garden unpopular/incompetent? Never struck me as one.

Anyways, if we exit will we wage war upon ToS?
deletedabout 8 years
New Names: #Sexit and #reMAIN

credit to Bebop
about 8 years
You hear that? That’s the mating call of Main Lobby. They want to [redacted] us! Well I haven’t had a good [redacted] in weeks, I’m ready for one! They say every Sandborn man is worth a dozen from the Main Lobby, do you think they’re right? We die today brothers. We die, bleeding from a hundred violations, with chatbans in our necks and deleted comments in our guts; but our war cries will echo through eternity. They will sing about the Battle of Sandbox until the EpicMafia has slipped into obscurity. Every man, woman and child will know who we were and for how long we shitposted. DrPeePee and MeetTerry. ChaoticDoom and Golbolco. Error and Blister. Sandborn warriors will cry out our names as they leap into the lobbies of Main and Survivor. Mothers will name their sons for us. Girls with think of us instead of their lovers. What is dead may never die!
deletedabout 8 years
I never wanted brexxit but this sounds awesome, cut out lucid + all site mods and we have a perfect lobby
about 8 years
wtf cub wrote that same joke 2 messages ago
about 8 years
it should be sexit not sandexit
deletedabout 8 years
Referendum when?
about 8 years
you're doing it wrong, the proper term is sexit
deletedabout 8 years
Tricky. I wont vote unless i see a convincing comment.
about 8 years
its sandmain not sandreturn
about 8 years

Kenny says

Lucid changes owners at a whim because he is collecting data for his graduate thesis. It's titled "Psychological Effects on an Internet Community". He's doing a study to see how people handle sudden changes. He also told me he plans to apply this to his full time career after he graduates and gets his masters in Uber Driving from Devry this winter.

Some day there will be bizarre reports of carjacking in San Francisco where a masked assailant jumps cars, removes the driver, and then tosses a kidnapped person into the driver's seat and drops cinderblocks on the gas pedal.
about 8 years
Lucid changes owners at a whim because he is collecting data for his graduate thesis. It's titled "Psychological Effects on an Internet Community". He's doing a study to see how people handle sudden changes. He also told me he plans to apply this to his full time career after he graduates and gets his masters in Uber Driving from Devry this winter.
deletedabout 8 years

Warlock1268 says

will sandbogs memes lose value after this?

Not sure friendo, but the liberal media wants all memes censored to main lobby standard, so watch out
about 8 years
will sandbogs memes lose value after this?