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Moderator Applications 2.0

about 8 years

We have a few slots open for new mods. I've made a new thread just to have a clean slate.

  • Why do you want to be a moderator?

  • Why would you make a good moderator?

  • How active are you in Sandbox?

  • Which timezone are you in?

  • How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Apply by posting in this thread, PMs will not be considered in the interest of keeping things in public record. Everyone will be considered, so please apply if you have any interest in moderating Sandbox.

Non-application posts will be deleted.

about 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I wanna be part of the sandbox community and help run things well round here ina chilled and relaxed fashion.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I will be unbiased and face any reports/challenges in a chilled and calm fashion. I will view things objectivley and without being biased. I am chilled and I don't get salty easily. The only thing i don't like is when people do stuff for no reason so iI will ensure i record my reasons so that if anyone is unser about my decisions I will show the proof and reason to settle the manner calmly and quickly. If my decisions are wrong i won't be too pridful to admit that i was wrong and i learn from my mistakes.

How active are you in Sandbox?
too active but i ahve uni un august so less active at that time but still too active for a uni student ^^'

Which timezone are you in?

est 8pm = 10 am aussie /my time. +11/10 or something.

whcih means when ecerybody is asleep i can be here keepin an eye on things. during the time sandbox is dead i can ensure noone breaks the rules and no trolls go crazy like that time when a guy kept on entering rooms with his millions of alts, spamming non stop, borking games and suiciding. No mods were on at that time but i was. And if i was mod i could've done something about the spammer ~ cause no mod was on to do so at the time ~

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

What they see me as: What that implicates:
~ chilled ~ I don't take things too seriously. Im not a hater and i dont get salty
~ sexual lmao um i am 69% made up out of sexual banter
~ weird different lmao. but that means il give diff opinions to maters than others which would be nice i think :3
~ fun
~ kind/nice
~ weeb I'm passionate about the things i love
about 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I figured I'd give it a shot and I'd like to be some kind of helpful.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I'm very fair, I would consider myself responsible, and it's fairly easy for me to follow directions and make decent if not great judgement calls. I was an Admin of a guild of over 300 members and had to keep all of them in check, which went well for about 2 years before I stepped down. I don't show favoritism when someone is in the right and someone is in the wrong.

How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm on almost every day, be it playing games or just lurking, watching the chat. The only times I'm not on is when I'm at work or when I'm busy with adult things in real life, which...admittedly isn't too often. Not sure if I should be ashamed of that or not.

Which timezone are you in?
EST- The East coast.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I'm cool with just about everyone here in Sandbox, I believe. I don't cause any trouble and have no enemies, and normally when people see me they greet me happily- I would like to think I'm a good person in the eyes of the people of Sandbox, and would like to wish anyone else who applied good luck!
about 8 years
1. Why do you want to be a moderator?
I like experiencing new things. Never been a mod of anything. I'm doing this mostly on a whim, but also because I like this community and everyone in it. I've been using this site since Fall of 2012, when I was in my first semester of university. I recently graduated with a bachelor's degree and now I'm doing my own things in life, but I still like occasionally coming to this site to play games and chat with people. I'd be happy to contribute if I can.

2. Why would you make a good moderator?
I have no idea if I'd be a good moderator, but I'd try my best. I don't even know what a moderator does. I have a moral compass and discipline. I also like pretty much like everyone on this site. It'd be cool to just make sure everyone is following the rules while they're having a good time.

3. How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm super casual. At least twice a week.

4. Which timezone are you in?

5. How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I think most people who know me in Sandbox think 'oh hey. It's that guy.' I'm sure a lot of them feel indifferent about me, which isn't a bad thing. Although I've been on this site for about 4 years, I rarely have deep conversations with people, but occasionally someone will greet me. That has a lot to do with my personality. I'm distant, but also very friendly.
about 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
Because I care about the community, and I do spend a lot of time here so I might as well spend it wisely (as far as you can call being on here a lot 'wise') and try to help out as much as I can.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I've been moderator/admin on several other websites or communities before so I have some experience. I'm calm and don't really make any rash decisions; I know when to act up and when not to. I'm also (something which most people use as a reason) pretty unbiased 'cause I'm relatively new, which means my judgment isn't clouded by anything. On top of this I often find myself online when no other mods are, so I'd be fit to help cover a bigger time period.

How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm here pretty much every day for several hours, afternoons+evenings and depending on if I have school during the night. When counting I probably spend more hours a day here than the amount of hours I sleep per day.

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I'm on good terms with everyone and afaik I'm liked by many. No arguments with anyone either, I don't provoke or upset people that quickly.
about 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

Honestly I believe the regular sandbox players follow the rules at all times and tiptoe the line in a playful manner, so in actuality I just want to be able to keep out the random trolls that we get, such as those banned from main lobby/rednose/abc/ or just the random ones that pop up and drop unprovoked attacks/slurs towards our good user base. Oh and also the random gif posters, to protect the youngins.

What do you have to contribute to moderation of Sandbox?

I want to help you and Sishy since I can cover my timezone from when you're both not on which should be very helpful if any of the people from my timezone/ europe need help! I am definitely unbiased and as a sandbox regular myself, am definitely understanding of how our userbase/lobby works and what we can tolerate/ not tolerate. I'm unaffected by online drama, so I will be open-minded in mediating between the parties involved in any conflict that could affect sandbox games, the wall, the chat, and the thread.

Do you have prior experience to moderating anything?

I know Games Lobby doesn't count, but with being a games lobby mod I have at least learned what lobby moderators are able to do, which I can utilise in order to help you and Sandbox.

That's pretty much it! Thanks for your time and consideration.
deletedabout 8 years
How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? I think most people are satisfied with the way I apologized and although they know that the choices I made were wrong (and I 100% agree with them), they have forgiven me. Save for a few trolls, I think everyone respects me again. Besides, within a few weeks most of this will have blown over for some new drama anyway. I always want people to like me, and I'm willing to go above and beyond to make people happy. It may end up being a tad controversial if you pick me, so I completely understand if it doesn't work out this time. I'm sure people will make it clear after I post this application whether they'd be willing to accept me as a mod yet or not.
deletedabout 8 years

Why do you want to be a moderator? Despite everything, I still care about Sandbox. It's a crappy java mafia game, but it's our crappy java mafia game. I'm fairly certain most people on this site still respect me, and I still want to represent these people that can be logical and see when a person is genuine and honest. I really do mean it when I say that I love everyone. I get heated sometimes but I'm incredibly forgiving and always willing to give anyone a second chance as long as they're genuine with their apology. At the end of the day, all I've ever wanted to do was help. That's the driving motive behind just about everything. Even if my judgement isn't perfect, I'll do something when I think it will make things better. But this time I've grown.
Why would you make a good moderator? After all the drama, I've learned how to handle situations better. I definitely still get emotional to a fault sometimes, but I know that when I'm level-headed, I can make good decisions. I have experience in forum moderation and am very open-minded, willing to listen to all sides of a situation even if I don't personally agree with them. I'm still learning every day how to deal with things, but I think that especially this incident helped me grow a lot. Not to mention that I have a good grasp on the community rules and am ready and willing to deal with issues as they come. Even if someone is my friend, I won't let them off easy if they are truly deserving of a punishment. I may be merciful, but I'm not a pushover.
How active are you in Sandbox? I'm on almost every day a few times a day, if not for longer. When I'm not playing games, I mess around on the forums or lobby chat. Basically whenever I'm on my computer, I have epicmafia open in a tab. Which timezone are you in? EST
about 8 years
Golb didn't think I would make a real one so here it is.

Why do you want to be a moderator?
-I want to help sandbox and I think I would be a good choice for that. I definitely would not bother applying if I didn't think I was one of the best options.

Why would you make a good moderator?
-While it's hard to demonstrate qualities like that when not in a position of power, I have good judgement on issues and am very through and fair in my decision making. I also work well with others, always trying to see things from other people's points of view and doing my best to give constructive feedback on things

How active are you in Sandbox?
-Very. I'm sure you've seen me be very active in chat, which is one of sandbox moderator's main concerns, and I play games in sandbox fairly often. I also obviously frequent the forums and post there. I also go to sleep very late at night so my timezone is a nonfactor.

Which timezone are you in?
-EST, but refer to the last question.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
-Good if not great. I get along with most people. Any disagreements that occur, I do my best to solve very quickly because it is near impossible for me to hold a grudge. I have added & interact with many people from Sandbox offsite, usually playing videogames with them.
about 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I've been here for 6 years and I would like to give a bit more purpose in my stay and improve the community as a whole to rebuild Sandbox as a whole as it was before these days.
(I'm very persistent)

Why would you make a good moderator?

I lack cliques or connections with most of the "popular kids" and lurk all day in games or chats; so I'm reliable for information of events that occurred during x-event.
I am very understanding when it comes to emotions, or events occurring in people's life and feel like I could connect slightly better than some of the previous moderators suggested.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Active everyday, from 8 A.M. to 12 P.M.

Which timezone are you in?

(East Coast, Best Coast~)

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I consider myself quite-known throughout Sandbox, with a few enemies, but I believe my emotions will not fog the judgement concluded by my peers, I accept criticism and will improve upon them when given as well.
I am very transparent in multiple topics; including Terry's...
[Every couple of days, that he does make those topics..]
about 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I want to be moderator because I am very passionate about sandbox and I don't want to see it become corrupted again.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I would make a good moderator because I am not power hungry. I would be an unbiased, level-headed mod.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Very active.
Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Top notch. I honestly can't think of anyone who has beef with me.
about 8 years
I have been trying to be a Sandbox moderator ever since Christopherzilla owned the lobby. I enjoy Sandbox a lot and it would be great to be a part in enforcing rules and order.

I'd make a good moderator since I know the rules like the back of my hand. I'd be pretty transparent in everything I do so unfair treatment isn't suspected. I'm always unbiased. I used to comment on reports all the time and it's always a goal to remain objective. I also wouldn't abuse any moderating privileges. I've been given temporary modship before and I've never went on a banning/muting spree. (Also I'm not a backstabber.)

I'm on Sandbox 24/7...


Public opinion of me used to be rather negative but I've made amends with the vast majority of people on this site and can converse with them well.
deletedabout 8 years
** Why do you want to be a moderator?**
- Power must be in the right hands, im a trustworthy person 8)
- I spend between 8 hours-15hours per day on this website, it would be good if i can do something better than just playing
- Im a new member on this community, it will give me a chance to be a member of it.

**Why would you make a good moderator?**
- I would never mod abuse someone or do actions based on grudge, the rules are above everyone with no exceptions. Overall, im pretty much a fair person.

**How active are you in Sandbox?**
- Im one of the most active persons in sandbox.

**Which timezone are you in?**
- +1 UTC

**How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?**
- I've made new friends here and im pretty sure that they appreciate me, since im not even one month old here i would say that its neither bad nor good. It all depends on how i'll act.
about 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I've dealt with some certain situations in the past, and in general I just like to help people.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I am completely unbiased. If someone is breaking the rules, no matter if I've never spoken to them before, or if they're someone I've known for years, I will treat them accordingly depending on what they did.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Whenever I have access to a computer, I am on. I could log in on mobile if necessary.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I personally perceive myself as an entertaining person. I feel that for those who know me, when they do see me in a game or in the lobby, they know some pasta is gonna be stirred.
about 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I am a serious and dedicated member of the EM community, and I want to help making it a safer and nicer place for everybody here.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I have a long track record of being helpful and kind to everybody in Sandbox. I also have experience handling people, both as a moderator of other pages and in my career and life. I have a kid, after all. Sandbox isn't as bad as my toddler, after all.

How active are you in Sandbox?

I come on about every day, for a few hours, usually in the mornings.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I'm sure everybody loves me and trusts me wholeheartedly. I don't think I've made a single enemy on sandbox. Overwhelmingly positive.
about 8 years
1. Why do you want to be a moderator?

ive been in sandbox for... 2.5 years? i feel like i know my way around and stuff, im a responsible person in many aspects and i know the rules quite well. i also enjoy being in charge

2. Why would you make a good moderator?

i dont remember the last time i got a violation for anything. i also was a top pick for site mod 2 summers ago but ended up losing (to hima) so at least someone thought i was capable enough to consider me, also im around quite often even though i have a job outside of em

3. How active are you in Sandbox?

admittedly not as active as i used to be but considering its summer i hang around chatbox a lot and games sometimes

4. Which timezone are you in?


5. How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

middle of the road
about 8 years
I haven't had any real site violations in the past except for my current one which one of the EpicMafia admins (higher up than moderators) said that he would have overturned it if it wasn't just a warning because it wasn't really justified. I do believe I have a good grasp on EpicMafia's rules, most of which I believe are common sense but they still need to be enforced. Although I do joke around a lot, I am able to be mature and make a clear distinction between an authority figure and a friend at the proper times. My timezone is EST. I think the public opinion on me is fairly mixed and as I do joke around a lot, but I am hoping for an opportunity or a trial run to prove how good I can be as a moderator. I urge you to make the right decision to choose me to be a moderator and test out the waters with someone who isn't a carbon copy of the past moderators and see how enjoyable the Sandbox lobby could be with a different moderation team, a trial run is what I should be given to prove how effective I can be since apparently I have some doubters. I've been a moderator multiple times before when Kenny was the owner and I always made the right decisions and never let my emotions control my moves. I also have contributed much to the Sandbox lobby itself in posting over 100 poll suggestions within 24 hours (and more to come) and posting ideas to help improve Sandbox which is the goal everyone should be striving for. Another positive to making me a moderator is because I have a different view on things than the usual moderators so I can provide different ideas to improve Sandbox and giving different views on situations which I think would be beneficial for all.
about 8 years
I would like to be a moderator because I feel that I am very just in the decisions I make and I don't hold grudges so I would be able to look at every situation from a neutral point of view and decide whether or not someone deserves a punishment for the actions questioned at the time instead of acting on my personal feelings toward them. I do not make quick, emotional, or irrational decisions. I think a moderator should be looked at as someone who other users can bond with and be real with instead of looked at as only an authority figure that is there to punish them when they do wrong and I believe I've made many positive relationships with people on EpicMafia. I'm also very helpful to those who are new and don't know the game yet, I answer any questions they have about a role or a strategy. I think I've contributed to the community by being someone who is fun, someone who can connect with people, and someone who knows how to play the games on EpicMafia and play them well, I am on the site almost every single day. Ever since I was a young child I was put into leadership positions. As a child, I played many games, one called Planet Cazmo and I was chosen to be an Ambassador which was a moderator position for younger people and later on they introduced the Silver Circle and Gold Circle Ambassador programs which I was let into because of my positive experience with moderation on the site. I also used to call a game called ROBLOX as a child and where I was put into leadership positions in war groups that I excelled it. I have also been granted the opportunity to moderator certain streaming websites with chats. In the real world, I have been a two time Student Council member at my high school where I had to work with a team in order to make decisions for our school.
about 8 years
i was still first

Why do you want to be a moderator?
As I've stated (multiple times) before, I want to see Sandbox become a place where we can all just have fun and keep the drama to a minimum.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I'm unbiased. I've got some experience on forums and chats. I will treat everyone equally, and I will listen to the community on issues that require it, instead of going around modding whatever. I have just the right amount of sanity to do the job properly. I will also provide proof of the violation in any and all instances. Full transparency, no exceptions.

How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm on pretty much every day for at least a few hours. There's plenty days that I'm on practically 24/7 playing games or hanging in the chat crew.

Which timezone are you in?
GMT +1.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
The public opinion is that I'm just a huge meme but everyone hates me and loves me so it's fine
about 8 years
First application post muahahaha

I would like to be a moderator because I can provide a voice of reason in this chaos.
I would be a great moderator because I am not concerned with being a troll or spreading memes. I have never been given a vio except for that one time in main when I didn't know you weren't supposed to copy and paste reports.
I have recently made the decision to fully reintegrate into the Sandbox community (therefore very active).
Public opinion of myself is minimal. No one knows who I am. THEY'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT HIT THEM