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Moderator Applications 2.0

almost 8 years

We have a few slots open for new mods. I've made a new thread just to have a clean slate.

  • Why do you want to be a moderator?

  • Why would you make a good moderator?

  • How active are you in Sandbox?

  • Which timezone are you in?

  • How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Apply by posting in this thread, PMs will not be considered in the interest of keeping things in public record. Everyone will be considered, so please apply if you have any interest in moderating Sandbox.

Non-application posts will be deleted.

almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

to get all the cool senpais to notice me

Why would you make a good moderator?

im a professional moderator that came from my own forums that i made 13 years ago when i was 10!!!! maplestory!!!

How active are you in Sandbox?

not at all!!!!!!

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

no one knows me!!!
almost 8 years

nepenthe says

Why do you want to be a moderator?

I've been on epicmafia for quite a long time so I might as well do something useful for the community for once. And when I modded elsewhere in the past, it was a neat experience (definitely differs from the expectations of most people though), so might as well try it again. Plus I have a fair bit of free time.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I modded a roughly sandbox-sized community a pretty long while ago. It went surprisingly alright compared to how young I was back then (lasted like 2-3 years I think? ended shortly after I became active on em so like 1.5 years ago). I've been here for years so I know the rules quite well. I'm also reasonably unbiased, but more importantly, when I'm biased, I know that and don't act.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Quite active. Maybe a bit too much, even. Mostly in the chat but recently I started occasionally joining games again, too.

Which timezone are you in?

UK for most of the year, Central Europe for parts of the uni breaks (for example, currently).

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

It probably leans positive I guess.

deletedalmost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I enjoy the game, this community and the promotion of tolerance and good will. I keep seeing mistakes made by moderation teams that could have easily been avoided or handled better and I believe I have an eye for gauging what the community wants out of their moderators. They really don't have a lot of power, but its not about power, but rather the leadership and support they can provide to fellow users. I often see abuse or excessive trolling go unchecked.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I can lead my example. I know how to be tolerant yet firm. I know the difference between trolling in good taste and when it disrupts the community. I was chosen to be a moderator very shortly before under Kenny before his ousting. I'm older than most members of the community and can reflect on my experience. I have irl experience in teaching life skills and conflict resolution.

I'm skilled at the interpretation of law, or in sandbox's case, rules. I've been on this website for over 3 years.

I also have many ideas of how moderators can contribute in creative and fun ways.

How active are you in Sandbox? Decently active, online frequently during work, and on almost every evening and night.

Which timezone are you in? EST

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Great, tbh, no feuds, I think I'm friendly with most frequenting members of the community and many could vouch for my character and friendliness.
almost 8 years
I'm just going to re post this:

Why do you want to be a moderator?

I like this community, and i'm here every day so I might as well do something useful. Also I like looking at reports.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I don't have any grudges against anyone, and while drama is amusing I can quite easily stay out of it. I don't let personal issues or opinions cloud my judgment. Even if I do not agree with the rules, I still understand why they are there and will abide by them: but this also means I might have a varying opinion compared with other mods which can be a good thing.

How active are you in Sandbox?

I'm here everyday.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

There are people who like me, There are people who probably don't like me. I feel like most people have not much of an opinion of me.
deletedalmost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I want to help the community and give the moderators a more positive look then they've been given in the last couple of weeks. We need to bring this community together and stop with the harassment and bullying.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I've received many endorsements and compliments from users who think I'd be a level headed mod. I was mod briefly under Golb 2.0, and I didn't make the community hate me. I'm not going to abuse my powers, step out of line, leave the community hanging, or be rude towards others. I like to have fun and be positive and I wanna bring those good vibes back to Sandbox.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Pretty active in between classes and work. On at odd hours during the day and at night.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I think people like me and enjoy having fun with me. I think I've annoyed people and have done some questionable things in the past, but I've grown up and I think people see and appreciate that. If you asked people why they disliked me they'd just say I'm annoying or did something in the past, I don't think they'd be able to find a specific reason.
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
Because I care about the community, and I spend a lot of time here so I would like to be as useful as possible. I like helping people out.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I've been moderator/admin on several other websites or communities before so I have some experience. I'm collected and don't make rash decisions. I think I would know when to act up and when not to.

How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm here nearly every day for a few hours unless something else comes up. Equally active in chat, forum and games.

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I'm on good terms with everyone, really.
almost 8 years
I will be locking this thread in 2 hours.
almost 8 years
How active are you in Sandbox?
very. I doubt anyone on the current mod team is as active as I am. I am also active while everyone else is asleep. Wouldn't it be nice to have eyes at all times?

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Not sure tbh. I always say I think people find me annoying, but that is just me being passionate about something and talking about it a lot. (or too much). people might see me as sexual but I only use it as a platform for a joke. I am always joking. I live for making a smooth reply to someone or to make someone laugh. Idk about the rest.

although i am new and have only been here for about 4/5months I feel like ive had some impact on people?
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I care for sandbox and I try my best to have fun here and let everyone else have fun. I am always on (which is something i shoudln't do lul save me im addicted). WHen everyone is asleep I am on. When there is a guy making clones of everyone, joining games endlessly with spam accounts, suiciding n1 endlessly. I was the only one who really cared. At first I laughed and put all my clones on my profile like a badge but i felt liek it disrupted games too much and me and few other users actually cared and wanted actions.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I am always on first off. I care about sandbox. And i am super active. I read reports on free time for kicks and think, from all tyhe reports i've read, I have gained exeperiance in what was reportable and what isn't. I wouldn't overmodderate yet I would keep sandbox a fun place. In my own lobby i demodded someone who was banning someone randomly and only modded people I know i could trust with the keeping my lobby alive and fun. I don't get offended easily, i don't salt, and I would be porffessional when it comes to modding. My oversexualised behaviour has lowered and I only comment things like that now and then. I have yet to offend anyone by my comments, and I am a personality you don't find quite often so you would have another opinion on your team. Sure i might be a troll. but this is sandbox lul. I know how to have fun. I know how to learn from my mistakes and my bad behaviour like kicking every no avi i see lul (now i only kick abc) and when i kick someone its only to make others laugh or for the luls. I know how to tak eresponsibiltiy and i would be serious about my job.
deletedalmost 8 years
- Out of all of the weird and lovable communities on the internet, Epic Mafia is by far the one that I’m most proud to call home. It’s oddball, it’s filled with such a diverse group of people, and I’ve loved every minute I’ve spent a part of it since 2012. And I can honestly say that I’ve enjoyed speaking with and playing with nearly every member of the community I’ve gotten the chance to know. And I’d be honored to get a chance to represent said community that’s made me feel so welcome over the past 4 years, despite the number of times I hear “fred sucks”

- I think I’d make a good moderator for a number of reasons. I‘ve had a lot of leadership experience in the past, especially involving games. I’m currently the head of my college’s board game club, and was the head of my high school’s board game club as well. Because of this I’ve had to deal with the riffraff and hijinks that comes about when a bunch of people try to play a game as aggravating as monopoly or epic mafia. I also am friends with people in many of the small groups that’ve popped up around sandbox, especially some that I think aren’t very represented, and think I’d be a good voice for people who don’t really get their opinions heard that much.

- I’m decently active in sandbox. I’ll play a game or two a day at the least, but I have the sandbox lobby tab open all times on my computer and like to follow forum discussions and what not

- I’m in EST

- I think I have an overall good opinion, and I’ve tried my best to get to know as many members of the community as I can. I don’t have any enemies (as far as I know at least) and I don’t think there’s anyone out there who blatantly dislikes me.
almost 8 years

aquarius says

1. Why do you want to be a moderator?

ive been in sandbox for... 2.5 years? i feel like i know my way around and stuff, im a responsible person in many aspects and i know the rules quite well. i have a lot of friends but i am ethical enough to not favor them over others, mod abuse, etc

2. Why would you make a good moderator?

i dont remember the last time i got a violation for anything. some people may not think so but i am pretty nice and fair and responsible. i also was a top pick for site mod 2 summers ago but ended up losing (to hima) so at least someone thought i was capable enough to consider me, also im around quite often even though i have a job and am a full time student outside of em. i play games when i get the chance and when i dont i am usually in chatbox and in the forums

3. How active are you in Sandbox?

admittedly not as active as i used to be but still here a few hours every day

4. Which timezone are you in?

CST (GMT-6) during fall/spring, EST (GMT-5) during winter/summer

5. How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

middle of the road and its actually quite improved recently from what ive noticed

deletedalmost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I genuinely love sandbox and overall think it's an amazing community of people, one that I've become quite entangled in in the past several months and want to see as happy as possible. I believe I could do a good job and prove to be a valuable member of the team.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I could offer a new perspective to the mod team and perhaps some views that haven't been fully represented in the recent lineups. And although it has been shown I don't always agree with Bebop 100%, my actions as a moderator would remain unbiased and in line with the rules. I've proven to be active and offer some sort of insight in situations like today's and having someone like that on your team could help prevent similar things from happening in the future.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Incredibly active. If I'm not playing in games I'm generally sifting through some section of the website. I'm trying to guess a minimum amount of hours a day but it's more than I'd like to admit.

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Like I said I feel like I became part of the community much more in the past 4-5 months, in that time I believe I've warranted an overall positive public review.
almost 8 years
Remold App

I have been trying to be a Sandbox moderator ever since Christopherzilla owned the lobby. I enjoy Sandbox a lot and it would be great to be a part in enforcing rules and order.

I'd make a good moderator since I know the rules like the back of my hand. I'd be pretty transparent in everything I do so unfair treatment isn't suspected. I'm always unbiased. I used to comment on reports all the time and it's always a goal to remain objective. I also wouldn't abuse any moderating privileges. I've been given temporary modship before and I've never went on a banning/muting spree. (Also I'm not a backstabber.)

I'm on Sandbox 24/7...


Public opinion of me used to be rather negative but I've made amends with the vast majority of people on this site and can converse with them well.
almost 8 years
Mod me.
deletedalmost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
-To ban TheGameGuy from sandbox

Why would you make a good moderator?
-TheGameGuy contributes nothing to sandbox and actively tries to ruin it as much as possible

How active are you in Sandbox?
-A few hours a day at least

Which timezone are you in?
-Mountain for now

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
-Mostly Positive
deletedalmost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
-To ban TheGameGuy from sandbox

Why would you make a good moderator?
-TheGameGuy contributes nothing to sandbox and actively tries to ruin it as much as possible

How active are you in Sandbox?
-A few hours a day at least

Which timezone are you in?
-Mountain for now

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
-Mostly Positive
deletedalmost 8 years
How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox? I think most people are satisfied with the way I apologized and although they know that the choices I made were wrong (and I 100% agree with them), they have forgiven me. Save for a few trolls, I think everyone respects me again. Besides, within a few weeks most of this will have blown over for some new drama anyway. I always want people to like me, and I'm willing to go above and beyond to make people happy. It may end up being a tad controversial if you pick me, so I completely understand if it doesn't work out this time. I'm sure people will make it clear after I post this application whether they'd be willing to accept me as a mod yet or not.
deletedalmost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator? Despite everything, I still care about Sandbox. It's a crappy java mafia game, but it's our crappy java mafia game. I'm fairly certain most people on this site still respect me, and I still want to represent these people that can be logical and see when a person is genuine and honest. I really do mean it when I say that I love everyone. I get heated sometimes but I'm incredibly forgiving and always willing to give anyone a second chance as long as they're genuine with their apology. At the end of the day, all I've ever wanted to do was help. That's the driving motive behind just about everything. Even if my judgement isn't perfect, I'll do something when I think it will make things better. But this time I've grown.
Why would you make a good moderator? After all the drama, I've learned how to handle situations better. I definitely still get emotional to a fault sometimes, but I know that when I'm level-headed, I can make good decisions. I have experience in forum moderation and am very open-minded, willing to listen to all sides of a situation even if I don't personally agree with them. I'm still learning every day how to deal with things, but I think that especially this incident helped me grow a lot. Not to mention that I have a good grasp on the community rules and am ready and willing to deal with issues as they come. Even if someone is my friend, I won't let them off easy if they are truly deserving of a punishment. I may be merciful, but I'm not a pushover.
How active are you in Sandbox? I'm on almost every day a few times a day, if not for longer. When I'm not playing games, I mess around on the forums or lobby chat. Basically whenever I'm on my computer, I have epicmafia open in a tab. Which timezone are you in? EST
almost 8 years
Here we go again.
almost 8 years
i already applied i don't know why this thread is still going on lol
deletedalmost 8 years
* Why do you want to be a moderator?

i want an excuse to be on the site

* Why would you make a good moderator?

i like abusing power

* How active are you in Sandbox?

not active but sadly i still get on every day

* Which timezone are you in?


* How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

its ok
almost 8 years
hello i am Teplep, many call me the greatest pro or the best player on and both are true, i know this game and i am very good at playing it and i am very active and i can teach new players how to play on the same level i play.

but is my experience the only asset i have? of course not! i am also able to find glitches in game mechanics! such as:

we only have one mod in sandbox currently and it is error, he is good but i think we should have another one who is like me and can play the bad cop in an interrogation ( if u get what im saying...

leadership experience: - club penguin tour guide - planet cazmo gold, silver, regular ambassador - roblox war group leader - real world student council member 2x

if you have any questions or concerns about me or my qualifications please feel free to message me back and i'll respond. if i do not receive a reply by the 4th, i will reply back with a follow up.

thank you for your time, Teplep
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I want to crush rule breakers beneath my feet like the bugs they are

Why would you make a good moderator?

I have previous experience and did a great job.

How active are you in Sandbox?


Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Less people hate me than Terry
deletedalmost 8 years
·Why do you want to be a moderator?

This once beautiful lobby has been overrun by low energy crybabies. Together with you, the people of epicmafia, I will return this website back to its former glory. I will bring free speech back to this nation. Make me a moderator, and in return I promise that I will make Sandbox great again.

·Why would you make a good moderator?

I stand for the people. I am with you. I will treat everyone respectfully and equally and I will personally ensure that my fellow moderators do this too. I always take responsibility for my actions and I am insensitive to any sort of pressure. I can say from the bottom of my heart that I am more than capable to handle this job. I am unbiased, unconventional and unprecedented. I cannot be stumped. DoC 2k16.

·How active are you in Sandbox?

I have a very flexible agenda. I will be able to spend over 60% of my day governing this place. For the mathematically inclined, this is over 800 minutes a day in which I will keep this lobby safe.

·Which timezone are you in?

I do not wish to out too much personal information on this, at times, shady website in case of an assassination attempt by one of my competitors. I currently reside in Western Europe, that is as personal as I get.

·How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I have friends in the double digits, so I can conclude that I have a sizable amount of fans and admirers. People respect my boldness and dominance and I acknowledge that these personality traits are what is desired in a moderator.

Thank you for investing your time to read this application and I hope to be a well-respected colleague of yours in the near future.

Sincerely, DoC
almost 8 years
-Why do you want to be a moderator?

I like it here. This is where I come to relax, chat and chill. And I'd like to help sustain the community environment I love to play in. This place means a lot to me(yes, I'm a loser irl) and I want to help keep it as healthy as possible.

-Why would you make a good moderator?

I have been here for quite a long time and I'm still not certifiably insane? Seriously though, I think I'm able to keep my cool in most situations and I believe I will able to make calm and unbiased decisions if given the chance.

-How active are you in Sandbox?

Here every day if not every hour.

-Which timezone are you in?

GMT +2

-How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I don't think I'm one of the high profile(or circlejerky, if that's the word you are looking for) people out there but I'd like to think myself as a decent, mostly tolerable person? I don't think I've made any "enemies" - if I have they are being really quiet :)