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Moderator Applications 2.0

about 8 years

We have a few slots open for new mods. I've made a new thread just to have a clean slate.

  • Why do you want to be a moderator?

  • Why would you make a good moderator?

  • How active are you in Sandbox?

  • Which timezone are you in?

  • How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Apply by posting in this thread, PMs will not be considered in the interest of keeping things in public record. Everyone will be considered, so please apply if you have any interest in moderating Sandbox.

Non-application posts will be deleted.

almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

Epicmafia is my ecosystem, so it's only rightfully so.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I don't have any biases. I'd be more fair than I think most people who are making applications.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Once a week, an hour or two, but if I become moderator, I might throw in another hour.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

"I don't think many people know you."

-Gon 2016


-Elise 2016

I think I get a couple brownie points for the Moomo pastebin, but who knows.
deletedalmost 8 years

Mac says

How active are you in Sandbox?

Very. I'm always in the chatbox, in game, or in the forums. Anyone can testify to this. For some reason, I have fun here, and I want to make sure this place stays fun for a long time.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I think people have mixed feelings of me. Sometimes I cross the line, with spamming, opinions, jokes. But I think the majority of people like or at least tolerate me. In my limited time as mod of Sandbox I don't think I overstepped any boundaries. I think people feel that I'm going to bring my emotions into modding, but I'm pretty calm.

Listen, I did a good job with you when it was me you and Golb. You even recommended me, people liked me as mod. Give me a chance under you, I'll be exactly the same.
deletedalmost 8 years

Mac says

Why do you want to be a moderator?

I spend a lot of my time here, and I'd like to see this place do well. I have fun playing games, posting pictures on the wall comments, posting in forums, and occasionally spamming the chatbox. Sometimes this fun is lessened by people either breaking the rules, or enforcing them. A quick word on both, some of the rules are great for Sandbox. Keep pornographic material out of the lobby, keep doxxing out, basically anything that goes against my rights as an user. However, some rules are not meant for Sandbox. Spamming is fine in chat and in games, and even adds to the fine. Zero tolerance isn't even a thing in Main Lobby anymore, and shouldn't be a thing here. However, some more intervention like harassment does require Mods to step in occasionally, and chat timeouts can be beneficial to both parties in an argument.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I keep my personal life out of sandbox and modding. Sure I've made friendships here, but I don't consider myself part of any cliques. I'm not going to drag private matters into my moderation. I'm also not going to overstep any boundaries, like I said I prefer a small government with a limited role. If something needs to be done (x-rated removed from lobby, doxxer banned) then I'll act. But if it's something large that needs to be put up for discussion, then I'll have to go to you and the other mods to see what should be done.

deletedalmost 8 years
Okay, I'm going to make a more serious application this time -wink wink-

Why do you want to be a moderator?
So I can make decisions with my most favorite senpai Cosmo!

Why would you make a good moderator?
Cosmo says I'm an idiot!

How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm the sandbox mascot, plz...

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I think it's getting better? I've matured quite a lot reputation is still garbage though lmao.
almost 8 years
Yeah I'm gonna open this again for a little bit.
almost 8 years

Bebop says

I will be re-locking this in one hour from this post.

Once again bebop is late
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I've been on epicmafia for quite a long time so I might as well do something useful for the community for once. And when I modded elsewhere in the past, it was a neat experience (definitely differs from the expectations of most people though), so might as well try it again. Plus I have a fair bit of free time.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I modded a roughly sandbox-sized community a pretty long while ago. It went surprisingly alright compared to how young I was back then (lasted like 2-3 years I think? ended shortly after I became active on em so like 1.5 years ago). I've been here for years so I know the rules quite well. I'm also reasonably unbiased, but more importantly, when I'm biased, I know that and don't act.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Quite active. Maybe a bit too much, even. Mostly in the chat but recently I started occasionally joining games again, too.

Which timezone are you in?

UK for most of the year, Central Europe for parts of the uni breaks (for example, currently).

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

It probably leans positive I guess.
deletedalmost 8 years
Oh damn, I'm dumb, I didn't read the rules, rip me.

Non-application posts will be deleted.


Why do you want to be a moderator?
So I can be mod alongside Cosmo!

Why would you make a good moderator?
Cosmo says I'm kawaii!

How active are you in Sandbox?
More active than active itself!

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Poop....but, hey, I'm working on it and I can confirm that Cosmo's reputation is godly :'o
almost 8 years
I will be re-locking this in one hour from this post.
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
So I can pad my resume.
Why would you make a good moderator?
I'll do absolutely nothing. A true god for the modern man: they won't need me, I won't need me, they might not even believe I exist.
How active are you in Sandbox?
As active as god is in the Sandbox.
Which timezone are you in?
All time zones my son.
How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Like that of god.
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
Because I care about the community, and I do spend a lot of time here so I might as well spend it wisely (as far as you can call being on here a lot 'wise') and try to help out as much as I can.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I've been moderator/admin on several other websites or communities before so I have some experience. I'm calm and don't really make any rash decisions; I know when to act up and when not to. I'm also unbiased because I'm relatively new, which means my judgment isn't clouded by anything. On top of this I often find myself online when no other mods are, so I'd be fit to help cover a bigger time period.

How active are you in Sandbox?
I'm here pretty much every day for a few hours unless something else comes up. Active in chat, forum and games

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I'm on good terms with everyone and afaik I'm liked by most people.
almost 8 years
1. )Why do you want to be a moderator?

I want to be a moderator because I really love the website/lobby (and i'd like to make sure everyone else does too.) I've also been apart of this website for over three years or something?? so I think I am aware of how modding works and all of the responsibilities that comes with it, and I'd be happy to assist all of the other moderators in keeping players in line and safe. And also im on here..literally all the time... so im always here to ban the Bad Peoplez..

2.) Why would you make a good moderator?

Despite coming off as a problematic memer, i'm pretty unbias and can be mature. i have good judgement (for the most part) and i'm responsible (AND REFORMED.)

3.) How active are you in Sandbox?

i'm online probably everyday playing games/in chatbox for quite a while...all the time..literally.............

4.) Which timezone are you in?


5.) How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

i think i'm pretty well liked and seen as a decent person by most people. but i'm sure some people aren't too fond of me.

P.S. its my birthday so i think u kind of have to mod me
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

To prevent other nutjobs from being modded.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I'm on a lot and usually no one on the mod team is on during dead hours, which I can usually cover. I also have no plans on getting some stupid GoT movement like Jimbei did.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Too much, you know this.

Which timezone are you in?

Pacific time, we have enough EST on the mod team as is.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Probably terrible, but not as terrible as Terry.
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I want to crush rule breakers beneath my feet like the bugs they are

Why would you make a good moderator?

I have previous experience and did a great job.

How active are you in Sandbox?


Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Less people hate me than Terry
deletedalmost 8 years
-Why do you want to be a moderator?

I want this position so that I can use and abuse the powers that come with it causing lots of drama and getting involved in shenanigans.

-Why would you make a good moderator?

I have many ideas that would improve sandbox. For instance, my first action would be implementing a new rule that makes not completing an opinion thread violation worthy.

-How active are you in Sandbox?

I hang out in this sh*t hole daily

-Which timezone are you in?

EST, but I'm always around....watching....waiting....

-How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

If you read any of the (mostly incomplete, scoff) opinion threads you'll know that I am one of the greatest human specimens to grace this hell.
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
So I can smite noobs and abuse my powers
Why would you make a good moderator?
I have enough money to bribe the other mods and sandbox leader so that they turn a blind eye to my actions. I think I will also be very good at banning anyone I dont like the look of, especially furries.
How active are you in Sandbox?
I will be more active once I have the powers to make everyone my slave
Which timezone are you in?
Whatever one you are in bbygrill ;)
How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I dont care what people think, as long as I have a whip in one hand and the ban hammer in the other
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
I feel like my current position/role in the Sandbox community does not satisfy me. I really like this community yet cannot say I enjoy being part of it, mostly because I don't feel like one. That probably comes from the fact that I am fairly new here (this account, anyway) and have not yet been able to form meaningful relationships with people, although the ones that I have formed were 90% of the time pleasant and I really felt like the other person liked me. Either way becoming a moderator would allow me to interact with more people, which is both a good thing for me as a newbie (the idea that I am a noob is debatable) and a person who does not get a chance to interact with people a lot, but yearns it anyway.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I have had previous modding experience in a couple of forums, there the folk described me as just and rule enforcing. I did agree and actually liked those labels, I think the main reason people apply them to me is because I am not *empathetic* towards anyone who broke a rule, be it a friend or an enemy, and am also *emphatic* on enforcing rules.

How active are you in Sandbox?
I spend 1-3 hours of my time here daily.

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
I won't deny it, although there are people unimpressed with some of my actions I tend to keep it all professional and not get petty about any of it. This is a community of over 200 (is it more? you tell me) people so quarrels are bound to happen.
tl;dr I do not care about what other people think about me UNLESS they take the time to criticize me constructively. As of now nobody has done that so I will ignore the opinions of such persons, unless that opinion is not about me but my actions in which case I will really pay attention to it in hopes of correcting my behavior.
deletedalmost 8 years
**Why do you want to be a moderator?**

-I want to do more for the community and I don't think I can do much more as a moderator
-I play EpicMafia daily and spend a good amount of time on it, if not in game lurking about the chat or the forums can put this to better use by moderating and helping others.
-Bring in a new mind/ new ideas and a new voice into the moderation team.

**Why would you make a good moderator?**

- I help out new users when I can or even existing users who need help
- I've had previous experience gmod servers/s servers/ LoL UK facebook page of over 3000members.
- I'm not biased user, can make rational decisions under pressure.
- I actually care about making a difference and not wanting to be mod for the sake of it

**How active are you in Sandbox?**

On every day, probably at least 6 hours minimum, Browse the forums on my break at work too usually. so yeah pretty active I guess.

**Which timezone are you in?**

Same timezone as you

**How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?**
I think I'm liked by the community

I think there may have been difficulties with a certain user in the past but never the less we have both looked past it and grown to be friends now. It's how you handle it that matters.

That I'm Gon
almost 8 years
Real app:

Why do you want to be a moderator?

There's many reasons, but this one is mine. I believe that Sandbox needs at least 1 moderator who doesn't always see eye-to-eye on a philosophical level with the rest of the team but still knows when to buck up and do the dirty work. I think the mod team also needs a liaison to different groups in Sandbox, and I am well-connected and can represent the interests of certain people.

Why would you make a good moderator?

Other than my experience moderating in Sandbox and other places, I am well-read on the site rules and Sandbox rules, consider myself unbiased to the best of my ability when considering rule-breakers, and I'll do it for free. I know when to be relaxed and when to be a hardass. I've also proven my ability with the report system in the past.

How active are you in Sandbox?

Very active. I'm usually in Sandbox in some form or another for most of the day unless I have something to do (which only happens about once a week unless something anomalous happens.)

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I think I'm perceived differently by all sorts of different groups, but I think it's a net positive most of the time. I'm annoying and people still hold grudges from when I've gotten trollish, sure, but it's only a very small minority that thinks I'm the devil. On the other end, there's a large group of people who I consider my friends and all act very positive toward me, but of course they don't represent the majority opinion either, or at least I'd assume.
almost 8 years
Why do you want [bold]t[/bold]o be a moderator?

Sandbox has a new owner and I t[bold]h[/bold]ink some fresh faces of mods would be more then appropriate. [bold]I[/bold] think I have a suitable personality for the mod team, and that I can handle [bold]s[/bold]ituations maturely, appropriately, and correctly. I've been told by multiple site mods before that I would make a great site mod, and while a plausible cause [bold]I[/bold] think [bold]s[/bold]andbox itself would be much more suitable for me

Why would you make a good moderator?

I've proven in the past through the report system I fully understand the rules, and can handle situations to which there may be rule breaking or drama, and to help diffuse situations before they escalate li[bold]J[/bold]e they have in the past. A good sandbox [bold]i[/bold]s one where a daily dra[bold]m[/bold]a report dies from inactivity, not one where it can thrive.

How active are you in Sand[bold]b[/bold]ox?

I'm on all day~ [bold]E[/bold]ven if one of my job applications gets accepted I spend quite a large portion of my time on here with my friends

Which timezone are you [bold]i[/bold]n?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in [bold]'S[/bold]andbox?

While I do not get along with a few users, the large majority either likes me or is fairly okay with me, and even those who will not will find me unbiased in my moderation and I will not base my moderator actions upon any personal vendettas, and absolutely will not stand for shadow bannings or other actions built on hate.

EDIT: Wow, bold tags don't work? Lucid pls fix.
deletedalmost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?
sounds fun lol

Why would you make a good moderator?
i would be a good mod because im pretty level-headed and could see both sides to an argument
if you want mods to be in touch w game players
i could start playing more games too

How active are you in Sandbox?
on almost everyday

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
people think im cool lol
deletedalmost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

Well i just want to help the community on Em so people are more kind to each other and having FUN :)
I am not a judgmental person and i tread everyone equally even if there were my friends!! it be no difference for them.

Why would you make a good moderator?

Because i want to make this place lovely !
Less drama, less hateful comments and less harassment i want to make people understand this isn't a place to bully anyone its a gaming page and were all here to have fun. So their be consequences for there behaves.

How active are you in Sandbox?

I am on everyday maybe not playing but lurking around in the threads or the chats

Which timezone are you in?

UTC/GMT +2 hours central Eu time

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

I would say i am neutral because i try to stay away from all the drama and try to be kind and funny.
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

I like this community, and i'm here every day so I might as well do something useful. Also I like looking at reports.

Why would you make a good moderator?

I don't have any grudges against anyone, and while drama is amusing I can quite easily stay out of it. Even if I do not agree with the rules, I still understand why they are there and will abide by them: but this also means I might have a varying opinion compared with other mods which can be a good thing.

How active are you in Sandbox?

I'm here everyday.

Which timezone are you in?

However, my sleep schedule is crazy. I'm often awake during less active hours.

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

There are people who like me, There are people who probably don't like me. I feel like most people have not much of an opinion of me.
almost 8 years
Why do you want to be a moderator?

To append a stronger and more diverse voice to executive decisions. To create a fair environment for all individuals.

Why would you make a good moderator?

My values are very liberal. Each action by one or a party that harms or poses a threat to another's well being or identity to a subjective but agreed extreme will face appropriate yet limited consequences. I want to learn more about what our organization could do create a more pleasurable experience. In future incidents such as the event last night, before taking immediate action, I want to hear the various and conflicting arguments of the community and trial our defendant justifiably.

How active are you in Sandbox?

With classes coming up fairly soon, I would not say I will be on as often during the day as I am now. However, I will be online as much as I can to keep our community strong.

Which timezone are you in?


How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?

Fairly mixed. I might have joked with the wrong people in the past and may have unintentionally made enemies. An average user, few would value my opinion over current issues, and those who do would often center their counter-arguments around fallacies. Regardless of the user, whether old or new, friendly or ambiguous, my actions are unbiased and shall judge each user fairly best to each individual's abilities.
almost 8 years

rockgirlnikki says

Why do you want to be a moderator?
I enjoy EpicMafia, and would like to contribute more to the community.

Why would you make a good moderator?
I'm honest, creative, and I am capable of seeing both sides of a situation.

How active are you in Sandbox?
Pretty active during the week; not so much on Saturday and Sunday. I've also been a long-term user (Jan. 2011).

Which timezone are you in?

How do you consider public opinion of yourself in Sandbox?
Mostly good; I don't believe anyone "hates" me.

Hi, just reposting this and tweaking a little.

1) I enjoy EpicMafia, and would like to contribute more to the community that I enjoy being apart of.

2) I'm honest, creative, and I am capable of seeing both sides of a situation. I would look to keep the peace as well as help neutralize issues between users before things get out of hand.

3) Pretty active during the week; not so much on Saturday and Sunday, but could change that if made a moderator. I've also been a long-term user (Jan. 2011).

4) EST.

5) Mostly good. I haven't had any issues with anyone in some time now, and have never been banned or anything of the sort. I can relate to some people in Sandbox as well because I've made mistakes just like them. :)

#BirbRepresentation #PickPenguin