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deletedover 9 years

what kind of furry you are

(important) 2017 update: I hate you all. Some things are not meant to be dug up.

Worst type of EMer
literally everyone
meme spammer
forum ranter
anyone from mod #sandboxmasterrace
over 9 years
over 9 years
i wanna be a furry
over 9 years
deletedover 9 years
TheWitch is that scary type of yiffer that you don't exactly know what their costume is and they just recreate in the corner of the room drinking some odd sort of beverage while observing everyone else.... no one knows how they find our parties but they do and we just gotta go with it fam
deletedover 9 years
A hundred years ago, unicorns went extinct. No one know where they came from, and no one knew where they went. Some say they went extinct. others say they went to Ireland, but some say they still live amongst us all. And that's DrPeePee. Wearing a human suit, he is a unicorn cosplaying a human as he walks amongst us all, hoping no one figures out his secrets

#callout post
deletedover 9 years
ari we discussed this. You're a shark, my dear friend. You eat bad ppl for breakfast so all your friends can be happy ^-^

^accurate picture of me and Ari dressing up on Fun Friday
deletedover 9 years
kiwiquil what the heckles you're already a furry


Standing proud, you are a strong-willed furry that has the will of a human but the curiosity of a cat. That's why you have at least 10 fursuits. You're a furry that can't get enough of life and just wants to experience it all.

Well, onto the story..

You were just spending a regular day. You kept your Lynx costume in your backpack in case an emergency ever arose that required you to wear it. A normal dumb day at school where people were annoying and the lack of furries was even more annoying. It all changed when you had to go down to the police station. Odd, you thought, as a police officer escorted you there. What could they possibly want? Then your eyes turned to ಠ_ಠ as you saw Jimbei in a jail cell wearing a wolf costume ranting the importance of furries in your country. The police said that since you were the only person registered on the furry websites in the same area, they thought you fit the requirements of communicating with this Wolf. You put on your Lynx costume and walked up to the jail cell, and that's how we kinda started dating(true story)
over 9 years
iffy me like a french fry
over 9 years

from the other side
deletedover 9 years

okay okay how about a mermaid? you're a beauty of the sea that everyone seeks after, even if people won't argue you're a furry I think that you are absolutely beautiful regardless and it doesn't matter what you are, besides just being yourself and being really good at it ;W:
over 9 years
over 9 years
I am Chica from Five night's at Freddy's (")>
over 9 years
I put myself in weeb for obvious Sailor Moon reasons
deletedover 9 years
trick we all know ur a dik-dik and you already are loved for being you so jsut keep being yourself and you're bound to succeed forever ^_^
deletedover 9 years
(I'm skipping you for a post or two carbink I need to think about it) ;W;

Steph- You're a squid. You're also a kid. You're a squid now.

well, when some ugly person is describing why other people suck, mostly because of their own insecurities, YOU SHOOT INK IN THEIR FACES. YOU'RE LIKE NUH UH I AIN'T GONN PUT UP WITH THANK. GET INKED.

one would not expect a fursuit to be slimey, but with your looks hunny you give furries, or slimies, a pretty good name for themselves ^-^

this isn't a sharkinion thread but even if it isn't you're one of the most rockin sea animals out there.
deletedover 9 years
over 9 years
I need to know
deletedover 9 years
~insert goat literally stuck in a flower's body here reference~

SirAmelio. A user who a few words comes to mind. Friendly, generous, and very creative with his words makes him easily fall under a fox's personality. Although a fox is very common amongst the human world they are the most diverse in personalities. Which is why Amelio is freely a furry in mind and in looks.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had a collection of his selfies in a fox fursuit, but not in a bad way. It's cause he's proud of himself and being the best furry he can be, and he's one kick- furry at that. Keep on yiffing, no matter who may disagree with you
deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years
howdy !!!
deletedover 9 years
jung is a turkey. gobble gobble im eating u for thanksgiving
deletedover 9 years
Butterpototo. :0 my favorite pototo :0

well, I'll make this straight. You're a dragon, simply. ^-^

As you put on your dragon suit, your eyes are filled with determination. You get into your car, your mom rolling her eyes. But you don't care what she thinks, because she still loves you even if you look a little bit silly. As the engine starts, and she starts to drive you clench your fists, preparing. You can hear shouts and wails as your mom turns a corner, as you approach a furry convention. A sign clearly states DOWN WITH FURRIES! in red paint, as some idiot really thinks furries are a bad thing. You think that is shameful. Your nose snarles, as you get out of the car. You walk right past the haters giving them a death stare, as their primal instinct is to be scared around someone like you. Although you want to let your fists go into their dumb faces, you know what has to be done. You enter the convention and bide your time, hanging with furries and wrestling around a bit. Outside you hear a shout, you stand up knowing he arrived. Walking out in your cute lil dragon suit there stands a 6 foot tall, bald man. His gold tooth shines screaming jerk, as his brass knuckles shows his inability to fight eye to eye. But you don't care. You shout your battle cry, as loud as the MIGHTY DRAGON AS YOU ARE! You begin fighting this jerk who thinks furries are dumb and you prove. him. wrong. Your eyes spark in fire as you give him the best punch you can into his dumb gut. Tears well at the corner of his eyes as he lets out a wail of pain. He falls to the ground, unable to even fight you back. You look around at the other furry haters. "WELL, anyone else? :0 :0" you say angrily. They all run away.

Behind you, the furries cheer your name, as you smile proudly. You are a ferocious dragon, and no stinkin brass-knucklin butt is gonna get in ur way of being strong :0
over 9 years
what is this thread
deletedover 9 years


just saying the name rolls off the tongue.

and just as your name is natural, so is your life of being a tiger.

A hunter. In life you watch opportunities, wait for the weak points and strike, after lurking waiting for the right moment. Any pray that happens to escape you will be traumatized and will know not to mess with ya. To anyone who makes an enemy of you will surely regret it.

But also a playful side, that allows you to enjoy this stuff. You never forget who you are, never step over the lines you set up and always be yourself, even in face o other people disagreeing with you.

Now how does this relate to being a furry? Well, that should specify that people don't often get a good glimpse of you, but once they do they never forget it. And that is why you are a mighty ferocious furry, that is mighty and unopposed by any furry-haters who stands in your way. Yiff on, brother. Yiff on.
over 9 years
me please