You're a furry that goes to furry purride parades, traveling around the world making people question why all the people with good looks are into the weird stuff
whys this a thing
Why are furrys a thing?
You're the top customer at baddragon, I think that says enough.
Tweet tweet. You wear a cute lil birdsuit and even have the beak to boot. Every time someone comes near you make some tweet sounds and post pictures of your buds for nasty upvotes.
You quit the furry fandom 5 years ago. Reminding you of what your previous life was like will make you pick up your old habits.
Butter exhaled smoke out of her fursuit. You sighed as her fursona was so on point that you just can't help but be attracted. You rub your hands on her scalie back as you have a night of softcore furry fanfic reading, as your tail wags back and forth in happiness. That's right, you're a dog. None the less, a golden retriver. You bark in happiness every time a fanfic has a happy ending, and you whimper every time it has a sad ending. Butter lovingly strokes your cute furry head as you slowly fall asleep. You dream of tennis balls and of being an actual dog, as your dreams spiraled into a kinky nightmare including butter, 3 empty bottles of lube and a pear-scented tattoo in the shame of a gondola.
Life continues as you spiraled into insanity, as you tried to fufill your kinks in your life. Butter was disgusted but also disgustingly interested, as your reached inside your inner kinks and all that was left was emptiness.
deletedalmost 9 years
wolf diety
a sex-obsessed dolphin
Furry me up
You're that one bird that got hit by the baseball that one time
Im a furry please give me validation
You literally have fursuits of every animal ever so whenever you bring home someone from the latest furry convention you can dress as their favorite animal and make sweet butt love all night. yiff yiff.