Merlot sits in a corner. Eyes staring down their prey. Lurching their body forward as they plan to go in for the kill. A smile lurches on their face as the thought of tearing their enemy part pleases them. Jumping from atop the fridge, Merlot the cat tackles their "owner".
"Oh my god Merlot" says the owner. Merlot smiles profusely as the most natural noises an animal could make comes from their mouth.
"Nya" Merlot says. Their furry daddy smiles.
deletedalmost 9 years
ya i did
deletedalmost 9 years
did i ever post in this thread idk
deletedalmost 9 years
:0 tbh im just here to see what jimbei'll put for mundare its been like half a year and the curiosity never ended
fakechest you're a gorilla. Always pounding ya hands on ya chest proving dominance. someone to fear at furry conventions but a priceless friend to keep around(if you befriend furries a lot tbh)
deletedover 9 years
im sorry taichistar but u cant become a furry. u have to find the furry that exists within u. =(
if you look deep inside, im sure you can find something!
deletedover 9 years
Keri! Keriiiiiii! You're the kind of girl that puts on a cute cat costume and you're the type that when you take off that furry mask people are like wtf why did I think furries are ugly? Seriously. Even cat ears is enough to make people wish they were in the same fandom as you.
but yeah I don't need to tell you your furry life cause you're already living it oops ^_^
deletedover 9 years
nightmare aren't you a pokefur? we put u in a ball and then u come out show off ur moves then go back in.
Like. you put on your birb suit, LITERALLY get inside a ball that you live in, as they raise you like a disco ball above a furry bar. When the music starts playing, your heart starts pumping. You step out of the ball and on top of the furry party house and you start showin off your moves and everyone is like DAYUM WISH I WAS LIKE THAT!
and you're like... no. They do not wish to be like that. No one can be like this. Only I can be like this. This ball is meant for me and me alone. And this is my world. My furlife.
deletedover 9 years
Nicoleslaw is a dolphin. You're playful and cheery as you appear on the outside and smart and intelligent but deep down you just wanna mate with anything really. You're like, the ultimate furry. and you don't even have fur. Keep on swimming my dearest animal, and always travel in packs
deletedover 9 years
oh I'm forgetful lol I'll try and get these all done tomorrow
bdog stands on top of a stage, looking down on his fans. A wave of cheers emit, as a small smile enters the corner of his face. But no one can see it, as his face is covered by something. Something strange. A suit, a fursuit. Cheers become louder and louder, until someone shouts those words.
What does the fox say?
He smiles, as a small whisper rolls off his lips that makes everyone go wild.
deletedover 9 years
Leez is a ducky duck a chica chick they like scaring young children and im too scared to write this plz no killing me chica ;-;
deletedover 9 years
Oh Lyre, you are one of the most furries of them all.
Rare picture of Lyre: Lyre is a snow leopard. She never takes her fursuit off, almost as if she WAS a snow leopard. No one has seen her face for years(I personally like her face, but I can understand her doing it for the furry status), and anything about her is a mystery. She attends every furry convention and writes like A TON of stories of furries im note even kidding like wtf girl calm down with those fur-fics....
^Rare pic of Lyre sleeping. She is almost always awake and alert and seeing her asleep is surprisingly rare. I wonder how she does it in the summer with all the heat...
^Picture of Lyre gazing off into the distance, dreaming of better days and contemplating the philosophical paradigms that may exist in the future of the furry world.
deletedover 9 years
rainerk ur like a coyote always chasing after ppl but meep meep mother meeper [runs away from giving a decent reply because im bad at this]