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Vocaroo the lines above you

almost 10 years

You know what I thought would be fun? Using vocaroo to say the lines that the person above you posts.

So for instance if someone posts: "The dinosaur killed the lion with his flame breath", you'd make a vocaroo saying "The dinosaur killed the lion with his flame breath."

And then you'd post something for the next person to say... Keep it less than X-Rated please.

Sound fun?


To start it off say "I'M BATMAN".

I'm sexy and I know it!!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
deletedalmost 7 years not too bad tbh

What an absolute fücking bîtch. That’s my response to this load of shît you can keep your shîtty jury vote because this is not worth responding to bye
almost 7 years

irish wristwatch
irish wristwatch
irish wristwatch
irish wristwatch
irish wristwatch
almost 7 years
over 8 years

“There’s honestly not a whole lot of difference between the Godzilla movies and the giantess videos besides the fact that instead of a giant lizard you have an attractive lady playing the part.”
over 8 years what

If you love me let me goooooooooooooooo
over 8 years
over 8 years

Fartshe is smelly smiley face : )
over 8 years

Ashe is nice. *le lenny face*
over 8 years
over 8 years

Dobby says

Dobby's gotta have them socks! He loves big ones, black ones, and wet ones! Oh, wrong socks?

Say it as if you were talking to someone and they started getting confused towards the end...

I attempted this one.... but I know epicmafia community would save this for decades to come..
over 8 years

Dobby's gotta have them socks! He loves big ones, black ones, and wet ones! Oh, wrong socks?

Say it as if you were talking to someone and they started getting confused towards the end...
over 8 years I stopped because I felt uncomfortable

Born is the best and totally not stupid.
over 8 years
sorry english muffin is not native speech.

please say:

Hi weeb (: How’re you? Me? I’m good. Hehe. Thinkin’ about your weeb ath. Yeah. It’s making my bussy a little wet too. Hehe :P Just a little bit though. Yeah… I was thinking about you um, licking my bussy. This little wet white bussy. Hahaha. You’d like that wouldn’t you? Mmm…I’d like that too, but you’re gonna have to beg for it. Cause I’m not just gonna stick this bussy into any weebs face. Yeah… that’s a good weeb…beg for this little white bussy.
over 8 years

Hello from the other side
over 8 years

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?
deletedover 8 years

If there were two guys on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock would that be up or what?
deletedover 8 years

This is an old thread, bye bye
almost 9 years

We only carry sizes 1, 3 and 5. You could try sears.
almost 9 years

Giovanni gives me chest angina in the most beautiful way.
almost 9 years

Xela the sickest m8 on my crew m8, he so cool he do super fly moves like back flips.

You even seen a mofo do backflips? xela can.

xela super cool yo. but dont be flirtin or i be getting kinda aggressive hear me?
almost 9 years

Jesus can walk on water... I can walk on cucumbers... Cucumbers are 96% water... therefore I am 96% Jesus.
almost 9 years

I love Kenny and all that he stand's for. He is the leader sandbox needs.
almost 9 years

Kinuu says

*whispered* you smell different when you sleep

Bumping :)

>waiting for a new one thats more appropreate for her< =w=
almost 9 years

*whispered* you smell different when you sleep
deletedalmost 9 years