If anyone mentions changing :cat: I will personally report that person as that is a very sensitive topic to me.
hey i made some last summer and lucid DIDNT CUCKING PAY ME
deleted over 8 years
wow I'm gonna make my mark in history here! :3 benis
how is :O mad and not shocked? are you literally blind?
deleted over 8 years
Make a new :gay: one but call it :dave:
Stop caring about emotes. Nearly 2 years later and jhubejelly is still crying about emotes
izzy says omg true i hate :( and :o This post is like Zovea, it's homosexual
deleted over 8 years
omg true i hate :( and :o
deleted over 8 years
it's been 24 months and nothing has happened thanks lucid
deleted about 10 years
how do i get this thread noticed by the proper authorities??????
taurarius says change :cat:'s picture to the old :fufu: emote. spread the love of fufu through the world, and rid us of that hamster change :cat:'s picture to the old :fufu: emote. spread the love of fufu through the world, and rid us of that hamster
deleted about 10 years
bump again
pls make alien smiley with 4 eyes like so... ' ::) "
deleted over 10 years
Bump forever. They changed the icons again but not the emoticons lucID PLEASE.
Caeli says Kawarimi says U liars! I just tried :luap: and it didn't work ): same next time try being in sandbox
The :D face expresses more than an emoticon ever could.
:fox: expresses all of the emotions youll ever need
Kawarimi says U liars! I just tried :luap: and it didn't work ): same
deleted over 10 years
deleted over 10 years
make :squish: site wide
deleted over 10 years
We also need a :D