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Site to be shut down

over 10 years

Unfortunately, Google decided to shut down the Adsense anyhow. I've asked for an appeal, but if they do not reply by the end of the month, I will be shutting down the site. Thanks for the good times, but I suppose it's time for me to move on.

deletedover 7 years

admin says

I've decided I'll fight for the site on my own dime.

shut up
over 10 years
I've decided I'll fight for the site on my own dime.
over 10 years
I literally think i'm going to cry now.
over 10 years
guess we migrate to this game
over 10 years
over 10 years
Wow I was visiting Google yesterday, too. This is the saddest news.
over 10 years

Aiden says

It can be $10,000 for 95% of the company.

There are several of us who would give that for the problem is more so the long run ... without ads ... without donations ect. it doesn't bring in enough to have the income not only to pay back the $10,000; but keep it going. lucid probably won't sell it for less than $30,000 even if I put the cash money in his face right now. He's worked too hard on it.
over 10 years
Hey, Lucid. I gained a massive amount of karma which took me countless dedicated hours for me to be able to glance and smile at my arbitrary #.

Don't do this to me.
deletedover 10 years
It can be $10,000 for 95% of the company.
over 10 years
Shark tank won't invest in anything unless it makes them 4 times to infinite times the profit. You have to have a God like product to sell, AND it better be a lot classier than ANY gaming site has ever been. It would have to be the gaming site to end all other gaming sites. Your homework on anything and everything you haven't and won't think about better be done, why? Cause you simply don't have at least a Masters in Finance.
over 10 years
over 10 years
Gogo Fact-Checker Mintie~
over 10 years
"But here's the main thing the conspiracy theory gets wrong: AdSense works by Google taking a cut of any ad placed on a participating website. If Google was banning websites from AdSense, it would be reducing its own revenue. Its costs might temporarily go down, but the next month Google would be in an even worse hole than it was the month before. And history has shown that Google has had no problem adding billions of dollars in new ad revenue each quarter. In Q1 2014, for instance, its revenue was $15.4 billion, up 19%. You don't get there by reducing your ad partners." -
over 10 years
But wont the site be lonely? without anybody
over 10 years
Assuming it's true, hue.
over 10 years
It's almost as if giant corporations do immoral things in order to ensure that their productivity and gains are secure. Imagine that.
over 10 years
That is...shocking. I am honestly lost for words after reading that.
over 10 years

Vintage says

The Truth :

what is this
deletedover 10 years
Lucid, why don't you go on ABC's Shark Tank to ask for an investment?
over 10 years
over 10 years

Warrens772 says

Elk Hunting Ranch


It pains me to see websites like this even exist.

EDIT: Anyone wanna create a Reddit thread asking for support? We've been around for a pretty long time and tbh Epic Mafia is a pretty well-known site. We could get support based on our community alone and hopefully other people would help us. And if you hate Reddit, so do I. But they've basically been known to run the internet, could honestly just help our appeal.
deletedover 10 years
Wow I'm... I'm speechless! This couldn't possibly be happening...
over 10 years
Failed to load page content

wheres mitch and his dad?
deletedover 10 years
over 10 years
It's probably your fault now that I think about it, Froce