Oh we give suggestions ? What about Macao? ( apparently we call it Pharaoh in here ) - each player gets 6 cards , on 2 draw 2 cards unless you put a 3 or 2 then the nest player draws 4 or 5 cards ( 3 is draw 3 cards) unless he puts another 3 or 2. J is to change the colour, 10 is to change who has to put a card. Like if its clockwise, to be counter clockwise (change directions) 9 is to start a chain 9,10,4,5 ( same colour ) 5 (different colour but since previous card was 5 it goes on ) if you remove your whole hand because of the chain you have to draw a card The chain ends if you use J,2,3 or A. If you dont have a card to put, you also have to draw a card. A is to skip turn . Also if you end your hand with A,J,2,3 or a chain, you have to draw 1 card.
idk, apparently there is a rule that if you put K of hearts , the other player has to draw 5 cards unless he has Q of hearts, but i havent played it like that.
the game looks like Crazy Eiths but i think its way better.