I was wondering if anyone would be interested in the card game shithead? Me and my mates used to play it loads irl, it's 2-4 players and the rules aren't too difficult. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shithead_%28card_game%29 The wiki page sums it up quite nicely and there are online versions against bots to try it out http://www.shithead-cardgame.com/ let me know what you guys think?
deletedover 10 years
Here's another idea: There are 4 pieces with 4 different players, and each of the players actually has 4 pieces of their own with alternating color but similar shapes, (similar to themselves but not to eachother across multiple players,) that move around the board in pre-destined locations as randomly selected by the computer at the beginning when it is selecting everything, (from spaces to even the shapes and varying colors, the colors being preset, that each players has to move, with some of the movement being restricted to the rolling of dice, or selection of numbers from 1-12, symbolic of dice, but each of the roles moving around a board and the board not being the primary focus or center of the game which is more revovling around "betting" which person is which given the various answers to the questions, which could, for fun, just be various trivia questions selected at random from various "decks" or selection "packets" with each player in the game, as signified by shapes and not by colors, which alternate for each player, although each player would still have their own color because of the betting necessary to satisfy the rules which are set forth for the so called "betting" on the answers given throughout the trivia section of the game as to be distinguished as separate from the board game in which the dice would play a minor involvement in selecting spaces which in turn would affect trivia and therefore the subsequent "betting" which would involve various chips and amounts based on certainty of each player in his bet.
I haven't really seen that EXACT thing before, but I think you could could make something like that if you really wanted to, assuming no rights would be violated.
Ya, nothing hurts trying to come up with an alternate variant though. I'm pretty sure battleships was a variant of battleship, which i'm pretty sure is copyrighted by hasbro or something like that. Then there's Dice Wars which is almost Risk, and that should by copyrighted too.
So what I'm saying is it could be possible to make something very much like the game, but its not that game.
Please note though that this explains an older version of clue. The only difference I have noticed though is that in the newer versions, everyone starts on a single space in the center of the board. Also you could let users create their own piece themes (like spongebob themed, with bikini bottom residents as suspects and spongebob related tools as weapons).