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We all write haikus

over 10 years

in here we all write haikus about epic mafia

a haiku is five syllables, and then seven syllables, and then five syllables again

there may be other legit haiku formats that I don't know ?????????

it begins:

Enter the sandbox,

To find a game nearly filled,

It's full when I click.

over 10 years
By all means, comment,
but do so in /this/ structure.
Your drive-by complaint

Looks incompetent
and reflects on you as well.
No poem, such losers.
over 10 years
For one who has no haiku
You talk quite a lot
over 10 years
Dating Services
On here never pan out well
Much laziness wow
over 10 years
North Korea will
soon be only Korea
Die capitalists
over 10 years
Sorry I just looked
I'll say epicmafia
So it's related
deletedover 10 years
deep poems interest us
but this one isnt deep at all
so dont look please ty
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Zero says

Just what is the point,
doing such meaningless things?
We die nonetheless....

I hope that one day,
happiness will find us all.
Though I doubt it will me.

Is this depressing?
I'm sorry I'm not positive,
but the truth isn't either.

It helps nothing but sadness.
It's our existence

over 10 years
Just what is the point,
doing such meaningless things?
We die nonetheless....

I hope that one day,
happiness will find us all.
Though I doubt it will me.

Is this depressing?
I'm sorry I'm not positive,
but the truth isn't either.

It helps nothing but sadness.
It's our existence
over 10 years
I still don't know why,
but I'm feeling sad inside,
and it won't stop soon.
over 10 years
Germany is great,
Being the best soccer team,
Bless, Germany, mate.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
over 10 years
hima is very gay
take note of the gay lil b
hima is super gay
over 10 years
"i am very gay"
i remind everyone daily
everyone loves me
over 10 years
"I am important"
Says the noavi with pride
Then town lynches him
over 10 years
"who mafia here"
I ask this on the first day
the town lynches me
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england uruguay
one nill, the scorer will be
the subway surfer
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even Japanese
recognize the haiku sucks
spring cherry blossoms
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a reply, that is.
i do not follow your wish
even lucid's wish
over 10 years
that's a fair point,
i concede to the great qow
i am just a nerd
deletedover 10 years
thats not a reply
it is a statement by me
so it can not be
over 10 years
everyone busy
i'm trying to study but
there's noise in my head

writing a haiku,
it's easier when i'm bored
and have things to do
over 10 years

qowjdgns2 says

i woke to see this
this is hella amazing
please, you two, write more

as you can all see
I am the best haiku guy
bow down before me
over 10 years

littlewhitey says

you have to step up
your haiku game is getting
run over by us

never givin in!
haikus shall live on!
over 10 years
you have to step up
your haiku game is getting
run over by us
over 10 years
so many haikus
where did they all appear from
this is sorcery
over 10 years
i'm really sorry,
but i am happily so
nerd wife loenna