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We all write haikus

over 10 years

in here we all write haikus about epic mafia

a haiku is five syllables, and then seven syllables, and then five syllables again

there may be other legit haiku formats that I don't know ?????????

it begins:

Enter the sandbox,

To find a game nearly filled,

It's full when I click.

over 9 years
Do you even know
How to write a good haiku?
Get on my level.
deletedover 9 years
Not where I'm from. eye-d'ya. I don't say eye-dee-ah.
over 9 years
Silly Goose harrold, middle has 8 syllables, pls fix your haiku
over 9 years
haiku haiku hai,
kuku haiku haiku ku,
haiku kuku hai,
deletedover 9 years
It's the mouldy cheese, that gave her a new idea; fry the cereal.
over 9 years
Veerat in the room, all the ladies drop their pants, sexy time ensues.
over 9 years
look back at old posts, when liking your own was masked, how embarrassing
deletedover 9 years
Haikus are for weebs, all these weebs must perish soon, I will kill the weebs.
deletedover 9 years
Yellow cheeseburger, chickens dancing on friday, alive coffee cup
over 9 years
I am very cool, i am rich and handsome too, buy me french fries please
deletedover 9 years
Rare Pepe is dead,

Platypops we all hate you,

Sandbox shall die out.
over 9 years
haikus are silly, limericks are more awesome, lets hijack this thread
over 9 years
want to make haikus, forgot that this thread exists, resurrection boys
deletedover 10 years
Look, my first haiku!
I do not know what to say...
Look, my first haiku!
over 10 years
Oh look we saved it.
Now we can write more haikus
since people liked that.
over 10 years
It's the end of the
e.m. forums as we know
them, and i feel fine.
deletedover 10 years
becky is nerdy
that is why she will pass
haikus are great
deletedover 10 years
best of luck to you
ma chère, on your classes
you dont need it
over 10 years
who needs study when
i finished them last friday
i sure hope i pass
deletedover 10 years
based becky is back
we all love your haikus girl
haikus > studying
over 10 years
its a panic day
quick, delete all those old threads
the ones with rude stuff
deletedover 10 years
This thread has been combed through for site standards adherence 6/24/2014
over 10 years
Down on the west coast
They got this sayin' If you're
Not drinkin' you're not playin'.
over 10 years
A totally working game
That totally works
deletedover 10 years
i am bakerswag
i am the best player in
sandbox, no regrets

im bad at syllables