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Mods vio users for no reason now?

about 6 years

got a GT violation when I didn't gamethrow, actually won the game for town but mods have an issue with the way I went about it.

Please be wary users this site is going downhill, the moderator [Charley] that does 80 percent of the reports is married to Nathan, the head moderator and is bff's with Ally, the mod that does the second most amount of reports.

Charley and Ally are bullies and won't stop reporting people themselves and then moderating those same reports..

EM users, please joint me in a site wide strike of epicmafia for a day, the only way we are going to see change is if we stop being Lucids method of cash, if we as the users stop playing then this website will dry up and lucid will be unable to receive revenue. This is the only way he will come back and actually take a look at what the moderators are doing, I would post his twitter information on here for people to reach out in real life but I'm sure mods would take it down if I did that so please pm me if you would like to know how to reach lucid directly to voice your concerns. I can provide a name and social media information for anyone that would like to make a complaint and together hopefully we can see some real change.

Please don't ask me for anything of lucid's besides his social media account I don't want you guys disrupting his personal life to the point of annoyance

deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

MisterPresident says

Moderators did not wipe your account lol

Every single person's account was reset after a certain point because a new lobby system was introduced (I think that's how it happened, at least)

bro, you were not playing the game back then, I was pmed what was about to happen to my account and why by LOLUMAD

My account was not
wiped with everyone elses I didnt even know that happened

no it wasn't dude lmao in games, it shows however many games you have since that lobby in pie form with the real number next to it and on games it shows your pie with the real numbers. that's how it is for everyone who played before main lobby
about 6 years

KickinBananaz says

I just want to be popular enough for someone to make a thread to shittalk me

You and I bo-

Nevermind, already had one.
about 6 years
I would like to point out blacksnakemoans constant abuse of Rainy Day
about 6 years

MisterPresident says

Moderators did not wipe your account lol

Every single person's account was reset after a certain point because a new lobby system was introduced (I think that's how it happened, at least)

bro, you were not playing the game back then, I was pmed what was about to happen to my account and why by LOLUMAD

My account was not
wiped with everyone elses I didnt even know that happened
about 6 years
Corrupt mods.
about 6 years
>my 20k pie was wiped by mods

If anybody was taking you seriously before they aren't anymore
about 6 years
gg belgium you had a good run
about 6 years
I just want to be popular enough for someone to make a thread to shittalk me
about 6 years

Volley says

peach says

i wish i thought i was important enough to be personally bullied by mods )-:


about 6 years

peach says

i wish i thought i was important enough to be personally bullied by mods )-:

about 6 years
i wish i thought i was important enough to be personally bullied by mods )-:
about 6 years

MonteCarrlo says

JM123 is an idiot and worst mod on the site GunGun, don't mind him. He jacks off to soccer matches all night long, which causes too much adrenaline to go to his brain and impairs his judgement.

Arguing with the mods won't do anything since they all circlejerk each other and talk about how right they are and how the user is stupid, plus they don't care, led by Lead Lazyman Nathan. The good mods like SausageDog aren't the ones commenting, and they never resort to the bad mods levels, because they are good mods. It's really not hard to be a good mod, but the mods are children emotionally, so they can't be. It is as simple as that.

If this is truly the case and its so widely believed, why is everyone ganging up on hot? He is encouraging users to come together and as a group we could reject this type of foolishness

You say yourself that the mods circle jerk each other and hot said nearly the same thing in another thread, from what I can see this is a case of having the right idea but presenting it the wrong way, as people keep thinking this is about his vio when it clearly is not anymore.

I think we do need to open a serious dialogue between users so we can discuss how to change things. If we don't like the way hot goes about it we should help him, not bash him.

Dude's heart is clearly in the right place
about 6 years

Flourish says

hotwhipzx says

Flourish says

I'm sure charley/nathan duo is responsible for your tremendous pie too. Seriously how could you even expect us to give a f*ck about this site while the amount of them the owner gives is 0?

Moderators wiped my pie about 5 years ago I have played over 20,000 games mate. My suicide rate was left alone when the wipe happened

Dude even the top guy in score has hardly played 10k ranked games.. I think you should delete this thread before you embarrass yourself to the point which not even pranay himself couldn't handle.

I'm not sure what to tell you iv'e been playing for over 10 years.

This was before the time of the tiered lobbies if you remmeber them, when we had bronze, silver, and gold lobbies. Now gold lobby became ranked matches and everything was put back into one lobby. This was the period in time that my pie was wiped. I have been here since before moderators were even a thing.
about 6 years

Flourish says

hotwhipzx says

Flourish says

I'm sure charley/nathan duo is responsible for your tremendous pie too. Seriously how could you even expect us to give a f*ck about this site while the amount of them the owner gives is 0?

Moderators wiped my pie about 5 years ago I have played over 20,000 games mate. My suicide rate was left alone when the wipe happened

Dude even the top guy in score has hardly played 10k ranked games.. I think you should delete this thread before you embarrass yourself to the point which not even pranay himself couldn't handle.

nope. sorry. im a mafia vet (been here approx. 8 years) and i can remember quite clearly hotwhipz being the top player in 2011 with 20,000 ranked matches under his belt. maybe you should pay some respect to epicmafia legends before you embarrass yourself.
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Flourish says

I'm sure charley/nathan duo is responsible for your tremendous pie too. Seriously how could you even expect us to give a f*ck about this site while the amount of them the owner gives is 0?

Moderators wiped my pie about 5 years ago I have played over 20,000 games mate. My suicide rate was left alone when the wipe happened

Dude even the top guy in score has hardly played 10k ranked games.. I think you should delete this thread before you embarrass yourself to the point which not even pranay himself couldn't handle.
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Flourish says

I'm sure charley/nathan duo is responsible for your tremendous pie too. Seriously how could you even expect us to give a f*ck about this site while the amount of them the owner gives is 0?

Moderators wiped my pie about 5 years ago I have played over 20,000 games mate. My suicide rate was left alone when the wipe happened

about 6 years
Moderators did not wipe your account lol

Every single person's account was reset after a certain point because a new lobby system was introduced (I think that's how it happened, at least)
about 6 years

Flourish says

I'm sure charley/nathan duo is responsible for your tremendous pie too. Seriously how could you even expect us to give a f*ck about this site while the amount of them the owner gives is 0?

Moderators wiped my pie about 5 years ago I have played over 20,000 games mate. My suicide rate was left alone when the wipe happened
about 6 years
I'm sure charley/nathan duo is responsible for your tremendous pie too. Seriously how could you even expect us to give a f*ck about this site while the amount of them the owner gives is 0?
about 6 years

denial says

so just a btw because i don't know if its clear to people arguing about him saying 'yes it was a grudge'

hes basically saying he was starting the fos off as a grudge, but then he legitimately scumread the person

it'd be like if i lynched somebody while initially saying 'lynch all anime avatars, we don't need them' but then lynching them off their actual reaction to it/etc blah blah

honestly, you'd have more of a leg to stand on if you paid enough attention to the cop ccing her and guiltying her, so i can see why mods don't really see it your way and think you're just trying to hide a grudge lynch

I'm not exactly sure why people don't get that this is where i'm coming from. I understand why the mods don't believe me but the fact that people are really sitting at their computers trying to discredit what I'm saying is just ignorant
about 6 years

twirl says

GunGunPower says

twirl says

maybe he is ignoring the OP because the Admin already ruled on the appeal and said the violation was staying because he did in fact GT.

whip has stated multiple times he's not trying to get the vio removed, he's trying (obviously badly) to get people to recognize the issue regarding the current moderation team and the moderation system on this website.

Yet he said they were all fair mods until he got a violation he did not like?

Not what happened at all, never have I said that all mods were fair before. please find the quote
deletedabout 6 years

GunGunPower says

twirl says

maybe he is ignoring the OP because the Admin already ruled on the appeal and said the violation was staying because he did in fact GT.

whip has stated multiple times he's not trying to get the vio removed, he's trying (obviously badly) to get people to recognize the issue regarding the current moderation team and the moderation system on this website.

Yet he said they were all fair mods until he got a violation he did not like?
deletedabout 6 years
well hotwings did u come yet
about 6 years

twirl says

maybe he is ignoring the OP because the Admin already ruled on the appeal and said the violation was staying because he did in fact GT.

whip has stated multiple times he's not trying to get the vio removed, he's trying (obviously badly) to get people to recognize the issue regarding the current moderation team and the moderation system on this website.
about 6 years
JM123 is an idiot and worst mod on the site GunGun, don't mind him. He jacks off to soccer matches all night long, which causes too much adrenaline to go to his brain and impairs his judgement.

Arguing with the mods won't do anything since they all circlejerk each other and talk about how right they are and how the user is stupid, plus they don't care, led by Lead Lazyman Nathan. The good mods like SausageDog aren't the ones commenting, and they never resort to the bad mods levels, because they are good mods. It's really not hard to be a good mod, but the mods are children emotionally, so they can't be. It is as simple as that.