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harassment by mods

deletedalmost 7 years

Mods harassing me: 5 months ago- I had an account constantly harassing me to the point that I had to delete all my accounts and make new ones to avoid them. I reported them for harassment but the mods decided it was not severe enough so not harassment (not severe enough for vio but enough to make me re-set all my accounts!). Prayag and Charley were both mods then:

Here I reported Charley specifically for enabling my harassment (she would say the same thing to me every game but would not lobby camp me like my main harasser):

Making up reports to try to vio me: 1. Forum spam1 (refused to take down)- 2. Forum spam 2 (removed because was joke and they had already given me a joke vio for this)- 3. Report spam (was misunderstanding and I did not know how to report people for cheating investigations specifically but they did not give me the required warning): 4. Harassment (report filer told them to take vio away even)-

Harassing me/mod abuse: - thread stood up against her for me finally got harassment vio for all of this

No vioing reports of mine because they hate me - could have a 10 page thread on this but like they would even pretend my report was not proper and post a link on how to post but it was proper (had game, description of what they did, etc):

Dating connection: Charley and Prayag are dating. Many of the times when Charley/Jess would make up a reported to give me. The other one or prayag would instantly close the report with a vio and sustain the other would sustain the appeal. Clearly they were doing this so no one else had chance to vote against it or even read it, as they know that I did not deserve these violations. If Charley and Prayag are going to date, they should decline to process the appeals as its not fair for the players. It allows them to make up vios, like they have, and sustain them without mods voting against it in the matter of even like 2-3 minutes as they did with me

Harrassment on skype Beyond verbally abusing me on skype (see harassment reports for link to Charley doing this), they gave my skype to ABC and more recently one of them was posting my skype on addmetocontacts. Charley was talking to me 2-5min before each spam on reports or mail. Breaks in the spam corresponded to when she was off and would start up again when she came on and talked to me or did actions on the gameā€¦

remove corrupt mods
14 signed
we demand mods treat us players with respect, and ones that do not are removed
are the mods harassing me?
about 6 years

emily says

dr3amer says

emily says

i'm confused about why anyone's dating life and who they are or aren't dating is any of your business... if the vios are made up, you can appeal and ask another mod to look over it in that case and specify you don't want prayag, jess and charley to look at it...

anyway bye cya

I have done this in the past and they still always review it and just say that I can't specify who reviews them

Stop being a jerk
If I appeal them, another person in this circle of 3 would always nv the report immediately so no one else had a chance to see it

yeah no that's a lie i've had a report given to me because the person specified they didn't want jess to look at it. also jess has quit the mod team, feel free to drag the current ones but keep her name out of this post thanks.

p.s. weren't you quitting maf why are you checking this? xxxxxxx

about 6 years
good work on bumping something rather than starting a new thread
deletedabout 6 years
how many times do i need to say this before you stop?
deletedalmost 7 years
I don't think the mods should be openly hostile to mtlve even if she forum/report spams. You're supposed to be the shining beacons of righteousness in a toxic sea of gamethrowers and trolls... and yet some of your actions towards mt have been petty and mean.
deletedalmost 7 years
harassment by mods39
Ra1nyDay4d 18h+1
Mods harassing me: 5 months ago- I had an account constantly harassing me to the point that I had to delete all my accounts and make new ones to avoid them. I reported them for harassment but the mods decided it was not severe enough so not harassment (not severe enough for vio but enough to make me re-set all my accounts!). Prayag and Charley were both mods then:

Here I reported Charley specifically for enabling my harassment (she would say the same thing to me every game but would not lobby camp me like my main harasser):

Making up reports to try to vio me: 1. Forum spam1 (refused to take down)- 2. Forum spam 2 (removed because was joke and they had already given me a joke vio for this)- 3. Report spam (was misunderstanding and I did not know how to report people for cheating investigations specifically but they did not give me the required warning): 4. Harassment (report filer told them to take vio away even)-

Harassing me/mod abuse: - thread stood up against her for me finally got harassment vio for all of this

No vioing reports of mine because they hate me - could have a 10 page thread on this but like they would even pretend my report was not proper and post a link on how to post but it was proper (had game, description of what they did, etc):

Dating connection: Charley and Prayag are dating. Many of the times when Charley/Jess would
deletedalmost 7 years
u shouldnt get involved with other ppls reports and also u should be more patient with others bc u just want blood
almost 7 years
Anyone want to make an mtlve bingo card?
deletedalmost 7 years
My god I closed the report because there were too many open. I didn't say the violation won't be removed I said that Nathan will still read this when he comes online. As for me commenting in your threads you invite me to by mentioning me in them. Of course I'm going to defend myself. You can block people from the forums and you can mute people from commenting on your threads. You don't even know the definition of the rules. Shush.
almost 7 years

dr3amer says

Charley continues to harass me. The person that submitted the report of harassment on me requested the vio to be deleted. I have asked Nathan for days to do it but he is ignoring me. Charley now closed the report and basically said I should not get out of the vio. She continues to harass me in reports after she asked me to leave her alone and I asked her to do the same:

Online Therapy & Free Counseling
deletedalmost 7 years
Charley continues to harass me. The person that submitted the report of harassment on me requested the vio to be deleted. I have asked Nathan for days to do it but he is ignoring me. Charley now closed the report and basically said I should not get out of the vio. She continues to harass me in reports after she asked me to leave her alone and I asked her to do the same:
almost 7 years
sometiems i see the name of a thread and know who the author is already without actually seeing it for real

this is one of those cases

shut the everloving f*ck up for once in your life
almost 7 years
omg mtlve is mikeyru
almost 7 years

shaGuar says

I read nothing

I'm also out of excuses on how to say no to the person who called me in here

First let's examine how little any of this matters. I suggest you women have some drinks, watch mean girls together, debate among yourselves about which one of you is least like the dimwit blonde.

In seriousness, the amount of words the dreamer came up with suggests she probably has a couple of good points in there somewhere. Also if she's investing this much, that also suggests some merit to whatever the complaint is. Probably something to just concede over to her. Where are any of the rational thinking men on this mod team anyways?

in my but :p
almost 7 years

dr3amer says

feenikss says

dr3amer says

shaGuar says

There's no way you would not have stopped after thread 5 though.

You know what I think that feeniks dude is right. mtlve is prob the same troll who played as MikeyRu

A month ago I got 2 vios that I did not deserve and they would not retract them. As a punishment for myself, I decided to post a mod review every day for the 2 months of the vio. They actually lucked out that I only did like 1/3 of these reviews. Most of these reviews that I did were actually constructive criticism on the mod system or a report. 5/12 of my threads lead to mods reversing a report or verdict. like 3 were not read on mods and probably could have resulted in reversals if mods had read them. 3 were on abc so a hopeless cause (even though he should have been nv)

most of your threads were garbage and even if you overturn 100 reports, you are still a liar and a scumbag

you literally lied to get out of a violation, got caught, and continue to lie

prove where you I lied. you hate me because I was the last to report you when you were banned

lmao i already proved you are a pretender, liar and a scumbag in this thread

also in the thread i never mentioned how you yourself kept joining my games in competitive and kept rejoining when i created new games when i specifically asked you to not join my games. you kept doing it even after you cried in the reports section about DangeloD joining your games and asking to violate him multiple times. you are a fake whiteknight, pretender, liar, scumbag and many more bad words. gtfo
deletedalmost 7 years

feenikss says

dr3amer says

shaGuar says

There's no way you would not have stopped after thread 5 though.

You know what I think that feeniks dude is right. mtlve is prob the same troll who played as MikeyRu

A month ago I got 2 vios that I did not deserve and they would not retract them. As a punishment for myself, I decided to post a mod review every day for the 2 months of the vio. They actually lucked out that I only did like 1/3 of these reviews. Most of these reviews that I did were actually constructive criticism on the mod system or a report. 5/12 of my threads lead to mods reversing a report or verdict. like 3 were not read on mods and probably could have resulted in reversals if mods had read them. 3 were on abc so a hopeless cause (even though he should have been nv)

most of your threads were garbage and even if you overturn 100 reports, you are still a liar and a scumbag

you literally lied to get out of a violation, got caught, and continue to lie

prove where you I lied. you hate me because I was the last to report you when you were banned
almost 7 years

dr3amer says

shaGuar says

There's no way you would not have stopped after thread 5 though.

You know what I think that feeniks dude is right. mtlve is prob the same troll who played as MikeyRu

A month ago I got 2 vios that I did not deserve and they would not retract them. As a punishment for myself, I decided to post a mod review every day for the 2 months of the vio. They actually lucked out that I only did like 1/3 of these reviews. Most of these reviews that I did were actually constructive criticism on the mod system or a report. 5/12 of my threads lead to mods reversing a report or verdict. like 3 were not read on mods and probably could have resulted in reversals if mods had read them. 3 were on abc so a hopeless cause (even though he should have been nv)

most of your threads were garbage and even if you overturn 100 reports, you are still a liar and a scumbag

you literally lied to get out of a violation, got caught, and continue to lie
almost 7 years
mtlve's care level about things is bigger than 100 normal users' care levels all together
deletedalmost 7 years

shaGuar says

There's no way you would not have stopped after thread 5 though.

You know what I think that feeniks dude is right. mtlve is prob the same troll who played as MikeyRu

A month ago I got 2 vios that I did not deserve and they would not retract them. As a punishment for myself, I decided to post a mod review every day for the 2 months of the vio. They actually lucked out that I only did like 1/3 of these reviews. Most of these reviews that I did were actually constructive criticism on the mod system or a report. 5/12 of my threads lead to mods reversing a report or verdict. like 3 were not read on mods and probably could have resulted in reversals if mods had read them. 3 were on abc so a hopeless cause (even though he should have been nv)
almost 7 years

There's no way you would not have stopped after thread 5 though.

You know what I think that feeniks dude is right. mtlve is prob the same troll who played as MikeyRu
deletedalmost 7 years
hi vilden
almost 7 years

emily says

anyway bye cya

Good quality mod content here
almost 7 years
I read nothing

I'm also out of excuses on how to say no to the person who called me in here

First let's examine how little any of this matters. I suggest you women have some drinks, watch mean girls together, debate among yourselves about which one of you is least like the dimwit blonde.

In seriousness, the amount of words the dreamer came up with suggests she probably has a couple of good points in there somewhere. Also if she's investing this much, that also suggests some merit to whatever the complaint is. Probably something to just concede over to her. Where are any of the rational thinking men on this mod team anyways?
almost 7 years

dr3amer says

emily says

charley reported HERSELF for harassing you, you're the one who insisted you didn't harass her in return after you said some terrible stuff about her kids and running around crying victim about it when she went in on you for it.

What horrible stuff did I say about her kids? you all keep saying this but I never did. Quote what I said and stop slandering me.

ABC was the one harassing her and her kids. I condoned what he did always. Am I ABC? Stop saying that I did something to her kids like wtf.

This is what always happened:
She said that ABC threatened her kids. I said that was *ed up and he should not do this. I concluded with the fact that charley herself is no angel and needs to look at how she treats people too, just like abc.

Minie keeps saying that I changed while she was away, and the reason was that I was treated so poorly by the mod team over the last 5 months and I turned into like a victim mode. I have been harrassed by Charley alone for like 6+ months. If she had not treated me this way, I would like have been still acting like my normal self.

You guys constantly say that I am acting like a victim, but you ignore the fact that I am a victim of her harassment for months now. If not for this I would have minded my own business all along like the person that minie used to know

Minie is wrong i dont see how you are changed, you are a scumbag and always have been
almost 7 years

Ra1nyDay says

I am done with this game until this issue is resolved

RIP EM. You are officially dead because of this leadership

you are a scumbag, you know very well that first vio is a warning and no other warning needs to be given to give a warning violation. already proved that in a thread.

bye, and dont come back
deletedalmost 7 years

emily says

you deleted the post :) no one managed to get screencaps lol so you can keep twisting it and playing the victim card. i'm done with this conversation since i wanted to make sure everyone who reads this knows it wasn't baseless accusations lmao. bye now!

I deleted it because they felt harassed about my bingo card (calling everyone Charley's B1tch basically in the card)!

Emily I told you to stop slandering me. If you can site facts then you can confront me but stop making up bs. You were not on I think when we were talking in that thread anyways so you clearly have no idea what was said. Stop slandering me with bs that you are making up.

Like what terrible stuff would I even say about her kids? I don't know her or her kids so like why would I insult a bunch of toddlers that I don't know?

Stop slandering me. I am okay with you posting facts but don't make up * to slander me like you did in this thread