
Report #231,197

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedover 6 years
harassment; hateful comments; mod abuse:
hateful comments: insulted my intelligence constantly
harassment: said i was waste of space and more even after I told them to stop.
mod abuse: it specifically states that mods being rude to players falls under mod abuse. they were clearly quite rude to me. They have also been selectively harsh to me. They gave me report spam vio with no warning and extenuating circumstances that explained all the reports and why they were needed.
over 6 years
report spam 2nd. site ban
deletedover 6 years
even look at her comments below. how many times did she call me dumb? this is insulting my intelligence/harassment
deletedover 6 years
also you say i spit garbage? I was actually pretty decent to them during that whole conversation. While sometimes I can be mean, I tried to hold my cool there and I was able to
deletedover 6 years
how was I to know that discussing site-related matters on skype is not protected by this rule? Its not like we were buddies or something that just had a fight on skype. We added each other to resolve our differences on this site. Its easier to talk this way instead of by mails. She was doing mod business, and she talked to me this way

It happens in games too a lot. here is one example:
2:48 she is *ing insane 14:40 “like the moron you are”
over 6 years
You’re honestly annoying.. I tried explaining everything to you, I tried to reason with you, I asked you to stop.. you just don’t listen.. good luck doing whatever you’re doing..
deletedover 6 years
Filing more reports when she knows its not a violation hit her up with report spam 2nd ;)
over 6 years
This is getting ridiculous. All you want to do is report people without having any firm understanding of the rules and fight with people when they disagree with you. Now you're trying to get someone a violation for an off site matter despite spitting just as much garbage as she was. If you keep reporting people for things WITHOUT READING THE RULES you will get banned for report spam. If you took the second out of your life to read the rules and see that it clearly says "community vios are SITE WIDE" you would
realize that, guess what, Skype is an off site matter and therefore not reportable. You deserved a report spam vio for reporting so many people constantly without having a clear understanding of why you're even reporting them.
deletedover 6 years
Okay mtlve lets have a lil chat...ill start by discrediting this report.

1. This all happened outside of epicmafia because you are infuriating to speak to. I told you that all the moderators agreed on your report spam violation and you continued to constantly harass us because you can never accept when you are wrong. Everything i said was aggravated from frustration.

2. I didn't give you the report spam violation. Jess did. Yes i may have agreed to it like every other single moderator.

3. You look dumb rn lol.

You continue to file DUMB reports to prove a point.. yet you're wrong and you make it worse lol. You are wrong in this situation. Everyone is telling you that you are wrong. I did warn you on a report. Its not my fault you cannot read.
deletedover 6 years
Here is this continued later in the day: