
Report #233,372

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedalmost 7 years
She was told to stop harassing me and that it bothered me. It was in skype, so it was nv: Unfortunately she continues to insult my intelligence and harass me in forums report and games:
almost 7 years
I dont use my powers to harass you.. you're delusional. I did tonight though i admit that and i got punished for it already so admitting it can do no harm xx But that is the first time i have ever used my powers to harass you or be biased against you. You think the whole mod team has it out for you.
deletedalmost 7 years
You know that I would be out of your hair if you were a fair mod that did not use all your powers to harass me for months now. YOU PROMISED TO STAY AWAY FROM ME A MONTH AGO AND NOT DO REPORTS OR ANYTHING BUT YOU REFUSED TO STOP.

You wonder why I am not respectful to you, but like you are harass me all the time and there is no excuse for your behavior. Overall I try to be respectful to you, but you have never tried to do this to me
almost 7 years
You think a stupid violation is going to hurt me? lol this was pointless I'm not some sensitive flower fairy who thinks mafia is the only thing I have in life
almost 7 years
I called her insane
I called her
I said I want to go back in time to throw condoms at her parents so the could never reproduce again.

The violation is warranted.

There you don't need your dumb comments
almost 7 years
I told him exactly what I said to you and I stand by it give me the harassment vio idc. If Ellie acts anything like you I'd disown her. You harass all the moderators on a daily basis and what? Expect us to sit back and take it. We moderate this site for FREE so people like you that claim to love it so much that you complain about any little thing on a daily basis to help better the site have a site to actually come on. Yet you've already made 3 moderators want to step down. The site will die and it will be your stupid we blame because you're Fckig intolerable
deletedalmost 7 years
I am too lazy to go back through all my games, but she has not stopped the bullying in games. Here is one of the last (messed up the connection above):
deletedalmost 7 years
also nathan if you are processing these reports, I demand time to discuss this with you. You only hear Charleys side and my side should be heard too.

Charley has been harrassing me in games, forums, and reports for months now and this is not acceptable.

A month ago her and Jess agreed to not even do my reports due to the fact that we DONT GET ALONG, but she has continued to do them since.
deletedalmost 7 years
she also had jess grudge report me and she has been spamming the report trying to get be banned and trying to get me banned any other way possible.

In this game today she was like again fishing for ways to say that I was harassing her so she could report me:
Note in this game I joined first and she joined last minute, n1ed me, then freaked out she had to go to gy alone with me. then I was talking to dzanek and she was like pretending that I was talking about her and trying to find anything she could to report me there for harassment