
Report #233,721

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedover 6 years
I asked them to stop processing and commenting on my threads and reports 2 days ago, as they are doing this merely to harass me: There was no reason for them to close this report again: They did this so that the vio is not deleted like it is supposed to be. This has continued from this report: Additionally she was telling everyone that I was like insulting her children and other bs like this, but she refuses to provide examples because it never happened. This is slander. I was trying to avoid her, but like closing down my report so that the vio does not get deleted is bs and she is doing it to continue her harassment and slandering of me.this was another example where she harassed me in reports. she gave me a vio for the fun of it to just make me mad and slander me some more:
deletedover 6 years
Because a rolemod is very bad
deletedover 6 years
how is this still open but has a mod veredict
deletedover 6 years
And I stepped down so you don't have to worry about me doing bs reports you file.
deletedover 6 years
Dude I already got the vio doing a report on you is not bloody harassment. As for commenting on your threads block me on the forums you can mute certain people from your thread also. Fact is you mention me in your threads so ofc I'm going to reply grow the hell up.
deletedover 6 years
also she told me to not contact her either. She should do the same. leaving me messages like she did on that report and moving it violates her own agreement:
deletedover 6 years
It is not readable above.
1. She has history of giving me bad vios:

2. she has a history of harassing me:

3. she promised to not do reports:

4. I asked her to say out of my threads and reports. This included processing reports:

There was no reason for her to close this report here. She clearly did it to harass me more. She wants me to have the vio, even though Jess said to remove it, so she is trying her best to give me this incorrect vio: HARASSMENT!!!!!!!
deletedover 6 years
how is it cool for the former admin to harrass users like that?
deletedover 6 years
charley said really rude things to mtlve on skype for no real reason. if she weren't mod she would have gotten harrasment vio already.