over 9 years

As we all know, if meteor crashes down on anyone during a game, everyone loses the game and thus loses their heart. This can cause a lot of issues and finger pointing as to who is to blame for meteor happening. I had a recent gave that I've been having to fight to get refunded and I think there's a simple solution to this.

If meteor causes the game to end, the game should be unranked.

It isn't fair to make everyone in the game lose their heart if only certain people forced the meteor to happen and most of the time the game gets refunded anyways.

Any thoughts?

deletedover 9 years
over 9 years
Unranking it doesn't help because it'll get abused and those who abuse it get their heart back anyway

Sure they get a GT vio, but they still get their heart back
deletedover 9 years

apeescaper says

Automated says

apeescaper says

Automated says

meteor system is/was broken for atleast 2 years or more. why would it be changed now?

why not

what i meant was: why would mods care more now ? what has changed for them to care more? its not too hard to fix meteor logic, but there arent enough mods that care about this and have enough brain to understand how to fix it

because nobody really had a good alternative for it and ignored it because meteor doesn't happen often

wrong. meteor happens often, in GAI rounds it was happening a lot. and there has been alternatives
over 9 years
Actually I retract. Town will just force mafia to kill and give up the game more. Esp in classic and Fp.
over 9 years
This sounds so legit. DO it. Unrank it.
over 9 years
Nah, imo just teach everyone how Meteor works, how the meteor is going to be forced if you try to kill someone who's getting saved by doc, how hitting an unhit BP is gonna force meteor, how doc shouldn't be saving on mylo if they are not sure as to whether or not mafia would NK,... These are stuff that u learn after playing lots of games and experiencing different scenarios. Teaching new players how mechanics work takes a whole new tab on the site (like how there was a whole Wiki for it). Making deficient threads isn't enough.
over 9 years

Automated says

apeescaper says

Automated says

meteor system is/was broken for atleast 2 years or more. why would it be changed now?

why not

what i meant was: why would mods care more now ? what has changed for them to care more? its not too hard to fix meteor logic, but there arent enough mods that care about this and have enough brain to understand how to fix it

because nobody really had a good alternative for it and ignored it because meteor doesn't happen often
deletedover 9 years

apeescaper says

Automated says

meteor system is/was broken for atleast 2 years or more. why would it be changed now?

why not

what i meant was: why would mods care more now ? what has changed for them to care more? its not too hard to fix meteor logic, but there arent enough mods that care about this and have enough brain to understand how to fix it
over 9 years
end my miserable existence
over 9 years
he wants it to be Automated
over 9 years

Automated says

meteor system is/was broken for atleast 2 years or more. why would it be changed now?

why not
deletedover 9 years
meteor system is/was broken for atleast 2 years or more. why would it be changed now?
deletedover 9 years

Obama says

One ex-mod killed, one to go

Got them both, the chimeras are downed
over 9 years

it's fair because mafia is about being enslaved by the majority. If you failed to persuade the majority to play wisely you deserve your loss.

over 9 years

apeescaper says

i was never trying to argue about who is gamethrowing when. I'm proposing that the game goes unranked instead of everyone having to wait for a refund

over 9 years
Is Obama Mitch or what
over 9 years

Obama says

One ex-mod killed, one to go

over 9 years
I'm gonna duck out of this thread, I believe I proved my point here. It's really, really obviously mafia in that situation.
deletedover 9 years
One ex-mod killed, one to go
over 9 years

Obama says

Giga13 says

They begin the game as a majority...

Vote-wise, not player-wise

I believe this is the same thing still
over 9 years
Ok I explained what I believe should happen in all major meteor scenarios and defended my arguments so I'm leaving now bye Obama
deletedover 9 years

Giga13 says

They begin the game as a majority...

Vote-wise, not player-wise
deletedover 9 years

TweIve says

Romeo, which of these is more obtuse; protecting the clear as doctor or ceaselessly trying to kill someone you know will be docsaved?

You're asking which side should sacrifice their win-con for the other team

over 9 years
Romeo, which of these is more obtuse; protecting the clear as doctor or ceaselessly trying to kill someone you know will be docsaved?
over 9 years
They begin the game as a majority...