over 9 years

As we all know, if meteor crashes down on anyone during a game, everyone loses the game and thus loses their heart. This can cause a lot of issues and finger pointing as to who is to blame for meteor happening. I had a recent gave that I've been having to fight to get refunded and I think there's a simple solution to this.

If meteor causes the game to end, the game should be unranked.

It isn't fair to make everyone in the game lose their heart if only certain people forced the meteor to happen and most of the time the game gets refunded anyways.

Any thoughts?

deletedover 9 years
why are meteor laws so complicated? last time i checked, they tried to give doc a note for GT for doccing on clear all nights(dumb), when really not doccing was more likely GT. then mafia also got a note for the same thing. if it's not autoloss and mafia intentionally hits the clear knowing it's gonna be the same thing everytime, it's GT. if theres intent to force meteor / they are aware of how meteor works = its GT

also, people who think its GT for doc to go on clear when it's not autoloss for mafia otherwise are wrong. they usually use that excuse to force meteor. i get too feisty around this topic so i will exit
over 9 years

Riotkiller says

No. There are times when town force mafia into Meteor (IE. when it is autoloss for mafia to kill, and town NL anyway) and in those times the town do not deserve their heart back.

if this situation happened and meteor makes game unranked, town would have to lynch or else mafia could just make the game unranked as opposed to making everyone lose
over 9 years
it depends on the context. if the town is good, they'll say "doc on the clear, mafia kill someone else or you're gamethrowing," which then it would be the mafia's false if they force the meteor
deletedover 9 years
how about if town forces meteor mafia automatically wins and vice versa
over 9 years

Sims says

if it's the clear they probably wouldnt get a vio

does mafia get a vio for trying to kill the clear?
over 9 years
if it's the clear they probably wouldnt get a vio
deletedover 9 years
do people still give doc GT for doccing on the clear in non-autoloss situations for mafia? or did they finally change that
over 9 years
the solution is dont force the meteor
deletedover 9 years

caroline says

Riotkiller says

No. There are times when town force mafia into Meteor (IE. when it is autoloss for mafia to kill, and town NL anyway) and in those times the town do not deserve their heart back.

that's why i said all town alive in that situation deserve gt vios

It's enforced on town who knowingly do it. But those who are just stupid and don't realise it aren't intentionally throwing the game, so they can't have that.
deletedover 9 years

Riotkiller says

No. There are times when town force mafia into Meteor (IE. when it is autoloss for mafia to kill, and town NL anyway) and in those times the town do not deserve their heart back.

that's why i said all town alive in that situation deserve gt vios
over 9 years
people will happily let meteor end the game if they get their heart back in the scenario where they know they will lose otherwise. it is fine. this thread wouldn't have been made if you weren't in first place tryharding for another trophy and lost a hear due to meteor.
deletedover 9 years

apeescaper says

does the person who gamethrew not get their heart back if its refunded?

They do
deletedover 9 years
No. There are times when town force mafia into Meteor (IE. when it is autoloss for mafia to kill, and town NL anyway) and in those times the town do not deserve their heart back.
deletedover 9 years
exactly, and if yall see the dilemma of mafia not being able to kill anyone then instead of making everyone lose the heart, why not just lynch? besides, two clears and their thoughts is better than one anyway
over 9 years

caroline says

apeescaper says

caroline says

it's the town or mafia's responsibility to be like "hey you can't force meteor here'' etc etc

sometimes its not that simple. a recent game i was in, meteor was on mafia and they tried to kill the clear blue, but doctor was protecting him. So did mafia gamethrow for trying to kill the clear? Did doctor gamethrow by protecting the clear? Should everyone be penalized and lose their heart because this happened?

imo doctor is gamethrowing and should honestly know better but then again i know town will yell at doctor for "not saving the clear" which is why town should just suck it up and lynch with 4 people cuz like i said earlier it is still 50/50 anyway

I don't think either side was intentionally trying to lose the game. And if neither side gets a violation for gamethrowing, the game doesn't get refunded and everyone in the game loses their heart for no reason. And that shouldn't happen.
deletedover 9 years

apeescaper says

caroline says

it's the town or mafia's responsibility to be like "hey you can't force meteor here'' etc etc

sometimes its not that simple. a recent game i was in, meteor was on mafia and they tried to kill the clear blue, but doctor was protecting him. So did mafia gamethrow for trying to kill the clear? Did doctor gamethrow by protecting the clear? Should everyone be penalized and lose their heart because this happened?

imo doctor is gamethrowing and should honestly know better but then again i know town will yell at doctor for "not saving the clear" which is why town should just suck it up and lynch with 4 people cuz like i said earlier it is still 50/50 anyway
over 9 years

caroline says

it's the town or mafia's responsibility to be like "hey you can't force meteor here'' etc etc

doesnt change the fact that the way its designed is basically only detrimental to the players rather than supportive
over 9 years

caroline says

it's the town or mafia's responsibility to be like "hey you can't force meteor here'' etc etc

sometimes its not that simple. a recent game i was in, meteor was on mafia and they tried to kill the clear blue, but doctor was protecting him. So did mafia gamethrow for trying to kill the clear? Did doctor gamethrow by protecting the clear? Should everyone be penalized and lose their heart because this happened?
over 9 years

caroline says

honestly, the rule is prob not gonna be changed

i'm kind of figuring it won't, but it might be changed if enough people agree
deletedover 9 years
it's the town or mafia's responsibility to be like "hey you can't force meteor here'' etc etc
over 9 years

caroline says

apeescaper says

caroline says

there is no point in making the game go unranked bc of it. it's the players in the game's fault for forcing meteor and they should be vio'd for it. no point in making it go unranked bc someone had the chance to win and they ruined that chance, which allowed everyone to lose. which is why gt vios should be given along with refunds

so tell me the difference between the game going unranked and the game being refunded

because someone gamethrew hence it is refunded, why should the person who forced meteor get away with getting their heart back when they gamethrew?

most of the time, when a draw occurs, it's because the player didn't know about the mechanic or something happened that still caused it to draw (bp hit / doc save can still cause meteor on the last day/night)

so yeah, it makes very little sense to penalize everyone when the issue is most commonly lack of information or a misinformed player. if it seems intentional, report it, but yeah, the draw mechanic has always seemed like a catch-all to just penalize unknowing players to me
deletedover 9 years
honestly, the rule is prob not gonna be changed
over 9 years

caroline says

apeescaper says

does the person who gamethrew not get their heart back if its refunded?

i assume not, idk cuz it's never happened to me. but i think gting for forcing meteor and giving everyone their heart back is better than unranking

the only difference between those two things is everyone has to wait for the mods to refund it lol
deletedover 9 years

apeescaper says

does the person who gamethrew not get their heart back if its refunded?

i assume not, idk cuz it's never happened to me. but i think gting for forcing meteor and giving everyone their heart back is better than unranking
over 9 years
does the person who gamethrew not get their heart back if its refunded?