over 10 years

As we all know, if meteor crashes down on anyone during a game, everyone loses the game and thus loses their heart. This can cause a lot of issues and finger pointing as to who is to blame for meteor happening. I had a recent gave that I've been having to fight to get refunded and I think there's a simple solution to this.

If meteor causes the game to end, the game should be unranked.

It isn't fair to make everyone in the game lose their heart if only certain people forced the meteor to happen and most of the time the game gets refunded anyways.

Any thoughts?

deletedover 10 years

apeescaper says

caroline says

there is no point in making the game go unranked bc of it. it's the players in the game's fault for forcing meteor and they should be vio'd for it. no point in making it go unranked bc someone had the chance to win and they ruined that chance, which allowed everyone to lose. which is why gt vios should be given along with refunds

so tell me the difference between the game going unranked and the game being refunded

because someone gamethrew hence it is refunded, why should the person who forced meteor get away with getting their heart back when they gamethrew?
over 10 years
meteor should cause no heart loss and just unrank the game,

and there should be a separate violation, Intentional Drawing, that can be reported if someone tries (or seemingly tries) to intentionally draw.

should be a lesser penalty than GT, but bigger than trolling/ISP
over 10 years

caroline says

there is no point in making the game go unranked bc of it. it's the players in the game's fault for forcing meteor and they should be vio'd for it. no point in making it go unranked bc someone had the chance to win and they ruined that chance, which allowed everyone to lose. which is why gt vios should be given along with refunds

so tell me the difference between the game going unranked and the game being refunded
over 10 years

apeescaper says

Onuzq says

apeescaper says

Giga says

Mods should refund it in GT situations

give me an example of a meteor game that isn't a GT situation

Maf cc's doc, orc is clear, blue is clear. Maf can only hit the blue, but the doc is refusing to let the blue die. Meteor falling wasn't maf's but the doctor's fault as maf would be game throwing otherwise.

This has happened a few times in Jan 2.0 hint hint.

why would the doctor need to protect the blue in that situation.

Basically meteor just makes everyone point fingers at who was at fault for it and people shouldn't lose hearts over it.

Dumb players think that it will force the mafia to kill the doc/orc and be auto for the town. It's happened before that I was maf and I had to hit blue, the orc tr me and the blue was 100% for the real doc. I got reported for the GT afterward though (it was no vio for obvious reasons)
over 10 years

Nonon says

remove the meteor

Yes, this is so much better. Let the games stall forever until people get bored and someone eventually suicides because a mafia realizes that he/she is salty and doesn't want to kill.
deletedover 10 years
there is no point in making the game go unranked bc of it. it's the players in the game's fault for forcing meteor and they should be vio'd for it. no point in making it go unranked bc someone had the chance to win and they ruined that chance, which allowed everyone to lose. which is why gt vios should be given along with refunds
over 10 years
that's not the point. the point is that the game should just go unranked and violations given accordingly so that people don't have to go out of their way to get their hearts back
deletedover 10 years
in GAI, town is the one gamethrowing when it's a blue, bomb orc, maf and maf nk's. if town refuses to lynch between blue ccs they are gamethrowing and idk why they wouldnt lynch in blues since its essentially 50/50, town just believes it's "autowin" bc maf "has to kill" when they do not. and i believe all town alive in this situation should get gting vio's and a refund (if maf forces meteor) for not voting when maf didn't have to kill
over 10 years

Onuzq says

apeescaper says

Giga says

Mods should refund it in GT situations

give me an example of a meteor game that isn't a GT situation

Maf cc's doc, orc is clear, blue is clear. Maf can only hit the blue, but the doc is refusing to let the blue die. Meteor falling wasn't maf's but the doctor's fault as maf would be game throwing otherwise.

This has happened a few times in Jan 2.0 hint hint.

why would the doctor need to protect the blue in that situation.

Basically meteor just makes everyone point fingers at who was at fault for it and people shouldn't lose hearts over it.
deletedover 10 years

Onuzq says

apeescaper says

Giga says

Mods should refund it in GT situations

give me an example of a meteor game that isn't a GT situation

Maf cc's doc, orc is clear, blue is clear. Maf can only hit the blue, but the doc is refusing to let the blue die. Meteor falling wasn't maf's but the doctor's fault as maf would be game throwing otherwise.

This has happened a few times in Jan 2.0 hint hint.

It's still gamethrowing from the doctor, smartass
over 10 years

apeescaper says

Giga says

Mods should refund it in GT situations

give me an example of a meteor game that isn't a GT situation

Maf cc's doc, orc is clear, blue is clear. Maf can only hit the blue, but the doc is refusing to let the blue die. Meteor falling wasn't maf's but the doctor's fault as maf would be game throwing otherwise.

This has happened a few times in Jan 2.0 hint hint.
deletedover 10 years
remove the meteor
over 10 years

Nonon says

dumb suggestion

what do you suggest
deletedover 10 years
dumb suggestion
over 10 years

Giga says

Mods should refund it in GT situations

give me an example of a meteor game that isn't a GT situation
over 10 years
Which is pretty much why it should not waste a heart. If there were to be a different preventative measure, i'd say that the person who did not take action during a meteor should be temporarily unable to play similar to a suicide. That's just a suggestion.

Regardless, making mods refund a meteor game is a waste of their time and just making the game unranked without loss of hearts is a much more simple option.
over 10 years
Mods should refund it in GT situations
over 10 years

TheShane says

I kind of agree with this in that meteor should not make everyone lose a heart for nothing. Even if it was punishable, the person who is not killing every time is probably the one who should be held accountable.

so if someone refuses to kill and makes everyone lose, they get a gamethrowing violation and the game gets refunded so everyone gets their heart back. This is basically the same thing as having the game go unranked, except the mods have to step in and refund it.
over 10 years
I kind of agree with this in that meteor should not make everyone lose a heart for nothing. Even if it was punishable, the person who is not killing every time is probably the one who should be held accountable.
over 10 years
meteor has always caused issues and needs to be changed in some way
over 10 years
Meteor is super srs bizness