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Mentor-Mentee Program Info/Sign-ups

deletedabout 11 years

<h3>The Mentor-Mentee Program: What it is</h3> This program is designed to help mafia players of all experience levels improve their knowledge and skill-set through the guidance of mentors. Mentors are chosen by moderators as players who have a deeper understanding of the game and are willing to share that with others. As a mentee, you will work with a mentor or mentors at your desired pace and times.

<h3>Mentees: How to sign up</h3> If you are interested in joining the new mentor-mentee program as a mentee, please post here and we will add you to our mentor spreadsheet and be in touch with you soon. We would like to be as accommodating as possible so giving us an idea of your particular wants from this program and any particular preferences (including mentor choice) is completely welcome. Here is a format you can use to post: <br><br> Main username:<br> Type of mentorship: [basic, intermediate, advanced] -Basic is for generally newer players<br> Availability:<br> Additional notes:<br> <br> Once a mentor-mentee pairing is approved, you'll receive another PM and you'll be able to begin working things out with your mentor. If you cannot post in this topic, PM one of the mentors as linked here.

<h3>How it works</h3> The basic program introduces players to mafia through Classic Mafia, a standard and simple mafia setup. Here, you will be introduced to terminology such as "lylo," "mylo", "bussing", "lurking", "fos", etc., and their definitions. We will explain the basic mechanics of a game, as well as answer any site/game/tactics questions you have. Here is an example of a basic training session game. Once you feel comfortable with basic aspects of the site and game, we recommend playing some on your own (you can of course feel free to ask the mentors for anything). If you desire more from the program, we will set you up with a personal mentor for more advanced training!

The advanced program is based on mentor oversight in ranked and unranked games. The site administrator implemented a function that allows a mentor to see his or her mentee's role without directly participating in the game. They will be able to share their thoughts and give guidance to their mentees. Mentees may also opt to play competitive games with their mentors and debrief when it's over (mentors cannot under any circumstance treat you any differently than any other player in a ranked game). Flexibility is encouraged to accommodate your needs and you can expect this from your mentor.

There is no 100% systematic way to get better at mafia, so I will stress that you communicate with your mentor(s) and accurately express your thoughts and needs. All feedback is appreciated.

<h3>Questions, concerns, or suggestions?</h3>

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions feel free to message mangofruit, beccaecca, me, or one of the mentors as linked here. You will also get an answer posting in this thread and we encourage your public feedback and suggestions.

over 10 years
over 10 years
I saw that, Giga. I'm just saying because this is the wrong thread to apply for being a mentor so I thought he may be interested in becoming a mentee because he looked at this thread.
over 10 years

thebrontosaurus says

Isaac, are you applying to be a mentor or to be a mentee?

Isaac says

I'd love to be a mentor because

over 10 years
Isaac, are you applying to be a mentor or to be a mentee?
over 10 years
Callin' booty kthx (;
over 10 years
Main username: b0oty
Type of mentorship: professional
Availability: sporadic
Additional notes: I like to snuggle
over 10 years
Main username: Isaac
Type of mentorship: intermediate/basic
Availability: 3pm - 12am (I'm on practically all day)
Additional notes: I love helping others out, I'd love to be a mentor because I introduce a lot of my friends to this website and it'd be cool to be able to mentor them and get more people interested in EM. I'm great at classic/multi which are probably the most played setups in training as well.. I feel as if those setups are great for newbies. I'd also like to improve myself while helping others.
over 10 years
Main username: PandaStomper
Type of mentorship: Advanced
Availability: Pretty much whenever, been itching to play lately, and now am getting friends involved.
Additional notes:
deletedover 10 years
Main username: YunoGasai1
Type of mentorship: intermediate/advanced
Availability: Usually mornings and evenings, but my schedule is flexible.
Additional notes: I'd like to work on my scumplay. I request kittykeri because she's every nice!
over 10 years
Mentee Application
Type: intermediate
Availability: 8-10am GMT +/- some hours. Quite flexible really. :)
over 10 years
Main username: shintaros

Type of mentorship: basic

Availability: Uhh around 3-10pm GMT. Definitely not from 7-2 pm GMT 'cause I'm usually sleeping around that time.

Additional notes: English isn't my first language, so I might not be quite familiar with some words and expressions and stuff..

That's all I think!
over 10 years
Mentee Application
Main Username: malleable
Type of Mentorship: intermediate/advanced
Availablility: 8-11pm NZST
Additional notes: I'm assuming beginner level = only just learning the rules? I played for a while last year, just returned yesterday.
over 10 years
Mentee application.
Main username : DassiveMick
Type of mentorship : Advanced
Availability : 12-9pm GMT
Additional notes: I used to play back when the site was new, now I have returned and there are a load of new roles and setups that I'd like advice in
over 10 years

runwithfire says

appleofmyeye says

I'm a mentor but I'm not allowed in the mentoring lobby...what do I do? Lol

If you're still not in PM thebrontosaurus

Thanks run, I took care of it.
over 10 years

appleofmyeye says

I'm a mentor but I'm not allowed in the mentoring lobby...what do I do? Lol

If you're still not in PM thebrontosaurus
over 10 years
Mentee Application
Main username: omgitscedo
Type: Intermediate/Advanced
Availability: 1pm - 5pm ish, 1am - 5am EST.
Additional Notes: I've been playing forum Mafia for about two years now. I understand a lot of the mechanics and the logical processes. I'd like to understand setups, ranked and comp setups. I think I need work on scumhunting, some aspects. Oh and I'm also a terrible Mafia. I've rolled Mafia like twice in a forum game so when I rolled Mafia here I was like... confused. I also suck at counting.
deletedover 10 years
Mentee application.
Main username :oihsdfoih
Type of mentorship : Mostly basic. Some intermediate.
Availability : Same time as appleofmyeye.
Additional notes: I feel that I have a lot more to work on and I am sure that appleofmyeye can truly help me with becoming a pro at basic setups and also some intermediate setups. I can learn a lot from her as I understand her style and would like to perfect it. Please PM me thanks!
deletedover 10 years
I'm a mentor but I'm not allowed in the mentoring lobby...what do I do? Lol
over 10 years
qmfzgvip sent a message to Ucklar 15h 59m ago
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Hi. i couldnt post in the topic so i sent a message...

Main username: qmfzgvip Type of mentorship: Advanced Availability: 24/7 Additional notes: I'm a Classic style or the fool setup player! i love poirot and sherlock holmes! :)
over 10 years
Main username: Hanaseru
Type of mentorship: dunno.. maybe intermediate?
Availability: Most times, usually afternoons EST
Additional notes: I'm a sandboxer????? but why not :3
over 10 years
Main username: abasar
Type of mentorship: advanced
Availability: almost always
Additional notes: none
over 10 years
Main username: JasonFX
Type of mentorship: Intermediate
Availability: Most times; Fairly Flexible
Additional notes: Oh cool! I would love to get mentored or at least have someone to discuss game mechanics.
over 10 years
Main username: popstar
Type of mentorship: intermediate/advanced
Availability: any day with advance notice between 16:00 - 22:00 CST = 22:00 - 04:00 GMT
Additional notes: thanks for the opportunity
over 10 years
Won't be here for the next 2 days, sorry! Please bear with me and I'll get everyone placed soon (I know I keep repeating myself here)
over 10 years
Main username: jangau
Type of mentorship: intermediate/advanced
Availability: allmost every day (18:00 to 22:00 GMT), but my schedule is flexible.
Additional notes: I really need to learn to hide my roll better, maybe some more scumhunting tips.