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Mentor/Mentee Sign-up & Info Thread

over 10 years

>Remade because the application thread was deleted, and I felt merging the two into one thread would be a good idea --- As per the original thread linked here:

The Mentor-Mentee Program: What it is This program is designed to help mafia players of all experience levels improve their knowledge and skill-set through the guidance of mentors. Mentors are chosen by moderators as players who have a deeper understanding of the game and are willing to share that with others. As a mentee, you will work with a mentor or mentors at your desired pace and times. Mentees: How to sign up If you are interested in joining the new mentor-mentee program as a mentee, please post here and we will add you to our mentor spreadsheet and be in touch with you soon. We would like to be as accommodating as possible so giving us an idea of your particular wants from this program and any particular preferences (including mentor choice) is completely welcome.

Once a mentor-mentee pairing is approved, you'll receive another PM and you'll be able to begin working things out with your mentor. If you cannot post in this topic, PM one of the mentors here:

How it works The basic program introduces players to mafia through Classic Mafia, a standard and simple mafia setup. Here, you will be introduced to terminology such as "lylo," "mylo", "bussing", "lurking", "fos", etc., and their definitions. We will explain the basic mechanics of a game, as well as answer any site/game/tactics questions you have. Once you feel comfortable with basic aspects of the site and game, we recommend playing some on your own (you can of course feel free to ask the mentors for anything). If you desire more from the program, we will set you up with a personal mentor for more advanced training!

The advanced program is based on mentor oversight in ranked and unranked games. The site administrator implemented a function that allows a mentor to see his or her mentee's role without directly participating in the game. They will be able to share their thoughts and give guidance to their mentees. Mentees may also opt to play competitive games with their mentors and debrief when it's over (mentors cannot under any circumstance treat you any differently than any other player in a ranked game). Flexibility is encouraged to accommodate your needs and you can expect this from your mentor.

There is no 100% systematic way to get better at mafia, so I will stress that you communicate with your mentor(s) and accurately express your thoughts and needs. All feedback is appreciated.

> Applying to be a Mentor Please PM this to thebrontosaurus or any one of the active mentors listed here: - If you have previously applied before the creation of this thread, there is no need to re-apply. We have your application on file. We add mentors on an as needed basis and will get in contact with you if there is an opening.

Main Username:

Date sent:

  • What qualifies you to be a mentor?
  • Why do you want to be a mentor?
  • Which level of mentees would you like to teach?
  • What would you like to get out of the mentoring program & what would you like to give to it?
  • What days and times are you available to mentor, on a regular basis?

>Applying to be a Mentee Please post these applications in thread and you will be placed shortly after. Once placed, please PM your mentor to request access to the Mentoring Lobby.

  • Main username:
  • Type of mentorship: [basic, intermediate, advanced]
  • Availability:
  • Additional notes:

Basic Level Mentoring is for new players who are trying to learn basic strategy and technique, understanding common training lobby setups as well as become more familiar with the site and mafia in general.

Intermediate Level Mentoring is for players who are interested in learning some of the more advanced roles and setups that are commonly used in Competitive play in both Training and Comp Lobbies. By this point, you’ll have a firm grasp on the basics and are interested in learning many popular competitive setups, strategies and techniques.

Advanced Level Mentoring is for players who are experienced in many common competitive setups and are looking to zero-in on specific skills and strategies and trying to improve their gameplay at a high level. Think of advanced mentoring as taking an independent study course at a university, focusing on what you’d like to work on with a mentor to guide you and help you reach your goal.

about 10 years This is the new topic for this thread. Thank you.
about 10 years
Everyone who posted in this thread for a mentor should now be placed; please PM me if you still are not placed with a mentor. Thanks!
about 10 years
Just tell them to PM me

Something came up yesterday so I will be doing the placing right now.
about 10 years
Hi, are brand new players who cannot post on the forums yet eligible for enrollment in the program? If so, how can I go about directing them to the right person to talk to?
about 10 years
juneau ur ITT too tho
about 10 years
I accidentally removed a mentee, and I don't know who it was. If you have been mistakenly removed from your mentor (you can check here ) then please PM me.

Everybody who posted here but does not yet have a mentor will be placed tomorrow.
about 10 years
ITT: people who take this website way too seriously
deletedabout 10 years

KelLinno says

Main username: KelLinno
Type of mentorship: Intermediate, but i also wanna learn some basics on how to be mafia, i usually lose as mafia :(
Availability: Every night in Taiwan time
Additional notes: I want to have Seraphinite as my mentor pleaseeeee :D (because he is really helpful and he helped me a lot when i first join epicmafia and he is a really good person/friend, and he is so good at this game!)

She* thank you! <3
about 10 years
Main username: KelLinno
Type of mentorship: Intermediate, but i also wanna learn some basics on how to be mafia, i usually lose as mafia :(
Availability: Every night in Taiwan time
Additional notes: I want to have Seraphinite as my mentor pleaseeeee :D (because he is really helpful and he helped me a lot when i first join epicmafia and he is a really good person/friend, and he is so good at this game!)
about 10 years
Main username: EaglesBaby
Type of mentorship: Basic to Intermediate
Availability: After 6 PM EST on weekdays. Flexible on weekends.
Additional notes: Need work on outsmarting as maf.
about 10 years
never said it was.
about 10 years
CharlesMark stop advising people; you're bad.

Tryharding isn't a scumtell.
about 10 years
im the one being trolled here
deletedabout 10 years
i don t think i did.
about 10 years
by not being a gimmick alt that uses fancy words for no reason
deletedabout 10 years

CharlesMark says

also you misconstrued my words. you need to appear to be trying less.

how do you do that
about 10 years
nvm. i see whats going on here.
about 10 years
your scumhunting skills are spot on. much better than mine. but when you talk people hear blahblah blah fancy words blah blah blah
about 10 years
also you misconstrued my words. you need to appear to be trying less.
about 10 years
nvm ur hopeless. im p sure the mentor will tell you the same thing.
deletedabout 10 years
you told me to try less. i don't think i can take you seriously and i think i got trolled in that thread.
about 10 years
wordmonger, im not an official mentor but based on the other thread i can help out some.
deletedabout 10 years
Main username: wordmonger
Type of mentorship: can a mentor decide
Availability: EST: most days
about 10 years
Main username: Hanaseru
Type of mentorship: Probably intermediate??? or maybe upper beginner
Availability: EST: Afternoons and evenings most days
Additional notes: I've been on EM for a pretty long time, but I've been in sandbox for a majority of the time
about 10 years
Main username: venereth
I would like basic/beginner mentorship
i am available most of the time, especially this week
notes: looking forward to getting good. I request Seraphinite as my mentor