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Mentor-Mentee Program Info/Sign-ups

deletedabout 11 years

<h3>The Mentor-Mentee Program: What it is</h3> This program is designed to help mafia players of all experience levels improve their knowledge and skill-set through the guidance of mentors. Mentors are chosen by moderators as players who have a deeper understanding of the game and are willing to share that with others. As a mentee, you will work with a mentor or mentors at your desired pace and times.

<h3>Mentees: How to sign up</h3> If you are interested in joining the new mentor-mentee program as a mentee, please post here and we will add you to our mentor spreadsheet and be in touch with you soon. We would like to be as accommodating as possible so giving us an idea of your particular wants from this program and any particular preferences (including mentor choice) is completely welcome. Here is a format you can use to post: <br><br> Main username:<br> Type of mentorship: [basic, intermediate, advanced] -Basic is for generally newer players<br> Availability:<br> Additional notes:<br> <br> Once a mentor-mentee pairing is approved, you'll receive another PM and you'll be able to begin working things out with your mentor. If you cannot post in this topic, PM one of the mentors as linked here.

<h3>How it works</h3> The basic program introduces players to mafia through Classic Mafia, a standard and simple mafia setup. Here, you will be introduced to terminology such as "lylo," "mylo", "bussing", "lurking", "fos", etc., and their definitions. We will explain the basic mechanics of a game, as well as answer any site/game/tactics questions you have. Here is an example of a basic training session game. Once you feel comfortable with basic aspects of the site and game, we recommend playing some on your own (you can of course feel free to ask the mentors for anything). If you desire more from the program, we will set you up with a personal mentor for more advanced training!

The advanced program is based on mentor oversight in ranked and unranked games. The site administrator implemented a function that allows a mentor to see his or her mentee's role without directly participating in the game. They will be able to share their thoughts and give guidance to their mentees. Mentees may also opt to play competitive games with their mentors and debrief when it's over (mentors cannot under any circumstance treat you any differently than any other player in a ranked game). Flexibility is encouraged to accommodate your needs and you can expect this from your mentor.

There is no 100% systematic way to get better at mafia, so I will stress that you communicate with your mentor(s) and accurately express your thoughts and needs. All feedback is appreciated.

<h3>Questions, concerns, or suggestions?</h3>

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions feel free to message mangofruit, beccaecca, me, or one of the mentors as linked here. You will also get an answer posting in this thread and we encourage your public feedback and suggestions.

over 10 years
I wanna be a mentor, I think it's fun.
over 10 years
Give a mentor to this ... THING (not even possible to call her a player)

Username: erotica
Type of mentorship: BASIC - - - - - -
Additional notes: Troll / VERY BAD (I don't know which of the 2)
Availability: I don't's not me

To give you an idea: <-- User profile

Can it be done? :P
over 10 years
Everyone up to this post has been added. Thanks again for your patience. Please PM me if you've been given a mentor but haven't been added to the lobby yet.
deletedover 10 years
Main username: mozerella
Type of mentorship: Intermediateish
Availability: Whenever
Additional notes: :D
over 10 years
Main username: syd29
Type of mentorship: intermediate/advanced
Availability: evenings/weekends during the summer, except for every 6th day starting with May 2nd
Additional notes: I used to be *decent* at mafia, and used to actively play comp and training. Then I became a 12-rando sandbox lurker. And now I no longer can Strategy! correctly in fast-paced chat-room mafia. So I need to re-learn to Strategy! correctly.
over 10 years
Thanks for the application, PMysterious. You'll be placed soon.

Also want to announce that I apologize again for taking so long. I know it's finals time for a lot of university students (some of our mentors are), so I apologize for in advance for the extended wait.
over 10 years
Main username: PMysterious
Type of mentorship: advanced
Availability: Usually on at night in Central Time.
Additional notes: The mentor is preferred to understand that I don't have the best English in the world and I am usually pretty slow to get things in my mind. So bear with me if that is the case. I have played Competitive before, but I get blamed for losses a lot or am usually lynched straight off the gate if I get into a sticky situation.
over 10 years
Sorry it's taking so long to place everyone. I'm really happy with all the applications! We're still sorting out who our new mentors are going to be, once this is sorted out you will all be placed.

Thanks for bearing with me here. Appreciate it!
over 10 years
I want to be mentored (like a mentee or whatever)

Main username: alextasy
Type of mentorship: Intermediate-Advanced, I've only been here about a month but I've learned a lot through observing.
Availability: Very available.
Additional notes: Er so this program is to help me with strategy and stuff, right? I've watched a lot of games to teach myself more, but it'd be nice to have someone help me continue to improve in any set-up. :D
over 10 years
Apple you want to be a mentor? You can see the application here: - Just PM me!
deletedover 10 years
Main username: appleofmyeye

Type of mentorship: Basic or Intermediate

Availability: Mon-Wed from 12pm - 7pm EST.

Additional notes: I'd love to show fairly new players the ropes of this game. I want to show them terminology, different setups, and different strategies. They'll be pro's in no time :)
over 10 years

applecidersyo says

Main username: applecidersyo
Type of mentorship: intermediate
Availability: my time zone is PST (GMT-8:00) and I'm usually available between ~1:00PM -1:00AM
Additional notes: I don't play a lot of ranked outside of the DanganMafia lobby. While I think I'm pretty decent at scumhunting and towntelling, I lack in familiarity and experience with different set ups (I'm always reading the suggested strategies). I slowroll way too much and I would like to have some help transitioning so that I may play in comp without crying for 50 years.

I want to clarify that I suffer a lot of anxiety when it comes to playing in training/thinking about playing in comp and have low confidence when playing, so that's what hurts me the most. Yeah.
over 10 years
over 10 years
actually lol how can i apply to be a mentor it seems like sumthing fun to do
over 10 years
Main username: itg321
Type of mentorship: Expert
Availability: GMT +10
Additional notes: i wanna see the mentor lobby let me in pls
over 10 years
Main username: applecidersyo
Type of mentorship: intermediate
Availability: my time zone is PST (GMT-8:00) and I'm usually available between ~1:00PM -1:00AM
Additional notes: I don't play a lot of ranked outside of the DanganMafia lobby. While I think I'm pretty decent at scumhunting and towntelling, I lack in familiarity and experience with different set ups (I'm always reading the suggested strategies). I slowroll way too much and I would like to have some help transitioning so that I may play in comp without crying for 50 years.
over 10 years
Main username: gabilauren

Type of mentorship: intermediate or advanced idk

Availability: evenings EDST (i live in australia??)

Additional notes: i just wanna learn how to not be fos'ed right away. like to be TR as maf etc. idk. i just like help.
over 10 years
I'd like to try this again. I've had 2 mentors with not-matching time schedules I think. I'd love to have a mentor that I can actually meet though :-)
I'm on CEST, or GMT+2. I'm usually up quite late.
over 10 years
Thanks guys,

Everyone up to this post who hasn't been given a mentor yet will be giving one by tonight EST. Thank you for your patience.
deletedover 10 years
Main Username: Nidor

Type of mentorship: Basic/Intermediate (mainly inter.)

Availability: Evenings, PDT

Additional notes: I'm semi-good at mafia, I would just like to learn a little bit more and try to be the best player I can (:
deletedover 10 years
Main username: Swagseok

Type of mentorship: Intermediate or Advanced

Availability: Evenings CST

Additional notes: Swag understands basic terminology but needs a weee (A LOT) more work on scumhunting. Swag is basically screwed if cop dies. Swag seems scummy even when innocent and even scummier when maf. Swag sad. * ^ * (For srs though, I've lost every ranked game so far. Not for lack of trying. D:)
deletedover 10 years

freeko says

Sign me up then. I can mentor people too.

Main username: freeko
Type of mentorship: advanced
Availability: I only sleep 2 hours a day, fun fact.
Additional notes: mentor must not have autism.

If you actually want to be a mentor please PM thebrontosaurus = with your application and please use the format on here for the application:
over 10 years
Sign me up then. I can mentor people too.

Main username: freeko
Type of mentorship: advanced
Availability: I only sleep 2 hours a day, fun fact.
Additional notes: mentor must not have autism.
deletedover 10 years

freeko says

Is there a way to mentor a beginner but also be mentored by someone that is of a higher level?

over 10 years
Main Username: prcsmath
Type of Mentorship: Advanced
Availability: Whenever I feel like going on in th evening.
Additional Notes: No biased comments from the mentor please.