  • The Judge's votes counts as two votes during the day.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

Dawn of the Sheep played 297 times
Don't Lose Your.. Judge? played 221 times
It's Balanced You Just Suck played 210 times
over 13 years
RIP judge
over 13 years
I found way to increase your chances of winning by not voting last with this role by voting early in a setup with werewolfs then you can get the werewolf to guess wrong if they pick you as their target or if they think the person that voted last was the judge instead giving them two people to guess wrong at.
almost 14 years
should get two votes if he gets the hammer:3
almost 14 years
To the neggers, this is essentially a slightly more useful female villager in that it sometimes gets it's vote. Why the hate? :D
almost 14 years
Guys, its been fixed and now doesn't crash games. :D
almost 14 years
Much better, now it actually has a use. However, it seems like such a negative role it might be better to balance it with some benefit for hammering.
almost 14 years
Change this back to the original
almost 14 years
i think its nice +K
almost 14 years
ive wasted 1 hour stuck in a game with the judge in it and it lasted 8 days :/
worst role EVER to be made on EM
almost 14 years
The role broke our game, wouldnt let us lynch after he died
deletedalmost 14 years
It's too easy to deny the hammer on EM. Still don't like this. It doesn't add anything to the game.
almost 14 years
this is terrible.....it's just going to force people to veg. Like, REALLY.
almost 14 years
Dat fail joke.
almost 14 years
Replussed, name doesn't make much sense, but it's a good role.
almost 14 years
http://www.epicmafia.com/role/1172 That was what it was supposed to be.
almost 14 years
It's supposed to have his vote not count unless he gets the hammer. Lucid fix this so it isn't horrible. D:
almost 14 years
Good role, allows mafia to claim in broad daylight and just wait for hammer while village can't do anything to stop it.
almost 14 years
Could be much more interesting if it was something like "Has to hammer or dies as a result" Not stopping a lynch. This is easy troll material.
almost 14 years
don't like it, negged
almost 14 years
i really don't see the point of this
almost 14 years
What if there's 2 judges
almost 14 years
A horrible role, extremely anti-town unless judge outs, in which case the mafia will simply kill him.
almost 14 years
Worst. Role. Of. All. Time.
deletedalmost 14 years
Oh man this isn't going to be absolutely retarded at all.
almost 14 years
I've fixed it, lucid has it and will be changing it.