  • The Judge's votes counts as two votes during the day.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

Dawn of the Sheep played 297 times
Don't Lose Your.. Judge? played 221 times
It's Balanced You Just Suck played 210 times
almost 14 years
hey look! It's a midget maid with an afro.
Actually, I find the role interesting as it is.
almost 14 years
The role icon looks HORRID. Please fix it. It's an eyesore, seriously.
deletedalmost 14 years
Role should get some benefit for hammering, requiring it to hammer just makes games unplayable :|
deletedabout 14 years
Yeah after reflecting on it I think pardoning someone who is about to get lynched should be the only power.
about 14 years
I think it would be best just to make it a single use pardon ability. Having the second one lets him be a vigilante, and I highly suspect players would end up using the second one more often than the first, or in order to get a double lynch in a mylo. Just having the single use of the first ability would be good, though. If the judge knew something that no one else did (he got bread/a gun/a vest), he could save someone from a bandwagon.
about 14 years
I like it, maybe make him have the option of choosing at day which ability to use and make it one-shot.