win condition for mafia is to outnumber/tie with the number of town people. My strategy is to confuse the people. You can review da game and I did not push lynch on bmg10, and i got mad because town did lynch on mylo and got lucky. if town got wrong then they would lose and no one would report no one. bmg is mad beacuse he blame his loss on me when town did a very high risk high reward move
thx for da information, but can u show me were it say dat in da rules?
deletedover 13 years
I can't fathom why you would set harassment as the default instead of moving the thread in the event that Zovea somehow fails to see it as a joke but okay, I'll stick it out.
deletedover 13 years
Okay, I removed ran4sh and Mikami from the list since those bits were true. I left Natstar and Zovea on the list since those bits are obviously a joke and totally untrue. Please move it back to Epicmafia.
deletedover 13 years
So is the "slight amount of perceivable harassment" in that thread something that could technically count as a violation against me?
deletedover 13 years
You realize the thread is not in any way serious, right? Nor are any of the apparent attacks therein.
So er..... just wondering, do you want to join my family? :P LOL Yeah, I kinda doubt you will, but oh well. BTW, did I say we are in the family HOF too? :P Yeah..... I can invite thegreatcornholio too if you want! :P We can rule the HOF together! :D
meh i suicided in that game because they all meta gamed anyway so w/e. didn't actually realise i was naked. they all lynched me last game because one of them though I was "retarded" so i figured it was the same had anyone actually specified at the start i was naked i wouldn't have suied.