  • Clock starts at 6.
  • Chooses one person to kill each night.
  • If victim is villager, clock goes up one hour.
  • If victim is mafia, clock goes up two hours.
  • If victim is third party, clock goes down three hours.
  • Gets an extra life if clock goes to 9 o clock.
  • Dies immediately if clock lands on 3.
  • Wins if 12 o clock, or if one of last 2 alive.
deletedabout 13 years
Id change the timer to one day, and let him win even if the timer doesnt go off. If timer goes off game ends as a solo for more points. Whatya think?
about 13 years
If you don't like it darwin, then just negg it. simple as that. Personally i liked your role, communist, and don't know why it was added. but don't hate on mine please. I posted a link to it a couple times to the training lobby, and put in some time to creating it, but i never heard anyone call it genius, in fact i'd be surprised if they did.
about 13 years
I don't see what all the fuss is about. The implementation of the Gray and Autocrat were genius, but this??
about 13 years
Also, lucid, i added that in because i felt like it would add in another aspect of the role. Heres another idea, if Clock Maker dies the town can't tell the difference between night and day, and something along those lines happen? i'm not sure what would happen, but it would be logical considering his role.
about 13 years
Lava, i like that idea, but most games also do not have 3rd party roles. and the ones that do, its like 10 people to one third party. Mafia are more common to hit, so its also quite likely to hit third party, then mafia. Also, if he started at 6, then chances are he wouldn't get to 12. He would be more likely to win by dying and starting the timer.
about 13 years
I think his win condition could be reached really quickly, like say he kills of Village PR and a third party nights 1 and 2, then he wins. Maybe like 6:00 am, instead of midnight
deletedabout 13 years
Seems too gimmicky to me
about 13 years
Harder to win with this role than alien lol.
deletedabout 13 years
kind of too gimmicky for competitive but would be fun for sandbox lobby, plussed.
about 13 years
Seems VERY interesting, may need some tweaking but otherwise BRILLIANT, +
deletedabout 13 years
Sexy ass role dude :D plussed
deletedabout 13 years
very sexy, i shall +
about 13 years
about 13 years
Yes. Do it. Plussed :D
about 13 years
Nice idea :) I'll add it.
about 13 years
There should be another rule, like "If the clock strikes 6:00 he dies, and the timer does not start."
about 13 years
His Clock starts at 8:00PM at the very beginning of N1, so he can still kill n1 and make it 9:00 or 10:00 or 7:00. and and his timer starts when he dies.
about 13 years
interesting, at what hour does the clockmakers time start, before he kills anyone?
about 13 years
Alright done. and the people would know, it would say something like "The clock maker has died... time is running out..."
about 13 years
cut timer to 2 days might make it better for smaller games
about 13 years
But third party roles usually are never found in games of less than 10 people, so it isn't out of the ordinary.
about 13 years
Very interesting, but is really restircted to large games only...