  • Visits one person every night.
  • Receives a report with the role of that person.
  • If that person has a suit, will learn the role of the suit instead.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

Overturn To Megan Fox played 324 times
I hate myself and you too. played 323 times
Fancy Points  played 189 times
Full Moon played 138 times
FabStalkNillaWolf V3 played 106 times

Available Achievements

Elementary, Watson (20)
You investigated two mafias during the night and survived.
deletedalmost 13 years
this role is OP
over 13 years
Detective cannot tell what cop type a cop is because they always just say Cop day 3!
over 13 years
I wished this role worked how Crazy intended :<
over 13 years
Dude how is it overpowered, Tailor and Actress work exactly like God father and miller to detective.
over 13 years
Agreed with lucky. Still finds out the janned role.
over 13 years
Lame role. Basically a town stalker, no point in cop now when you can be precise.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
This is a good role. we need another lead role and I think this is it. but have it where the detective can't see through suits and actress it evens it out. and I don't think the detective should die if selects mafia, it will just make the detective role seem not effective, sure you can use the process of elimination, but that's not fun everyday asking the detective who's clear, we want a guilty.
almost 14 years
• Dies if selected person is sided with mafia.

Balances it out. you need a doctor to find mafia and stay alive. This is also reference to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.
almost 14 years
Thats not even my role description.
almost 14 years
What happened to detective fucking someone each night
almost 14 years
He's going to fuck me at night. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
deletedalmost 14 years
Haah waaw.
almost 14 years
Did anyone else see that description changed? "secretly fucks one person each night. wins if fucks everyone TROLOLOLOL"?
about 14 years
Janitor don't jan - Detective got nothing to report.
Stalker don't stalk - Detective got nothing to report.
about 14 years
Yeah it's OP. It learns the janned role, the stalked role, the tracker report...far too strong.
about 14 years
a little overpowered, since they know whats the report of the cop, and if there are cop ccs, the mafia needs to copy the exact report as well. (just an example)
about 14 years
Also, you can avoid being caught by detective. Just don't stalk or don't jan until detective dies.
about 14 years
Not necessarily overpowered. Although it is luck based; you have to guess who's the mafia.
about 14 years
way too overpowered. the detective can figure out the role of the person detected AND their report
about 14 years
Detective only can see what his targeted person discovered. You don't reveal to yourself a role of your target.
deletedabout 14 years
Way too overpowered. It's as if stalker could also hear reports.
about 14 years
I would like it as a role like watcher, So it sees what happens, but sees the role or action not who did it. Such as seeing that they got a gun or bread. You saw a cop visit ______.