I think this role need an upgrade. Maybe by making cthulhu participate in cult meetings/be known to cult, and/or giving the cult some benefit to keeping cthulhu alive, like maybe making it so they wont die with the cult leader so long as cthulhu lives.
I just don't like how a Great Old One is one of the worst roles in the game.
Cuth should be able to win if all non-cults are mad, or at least if he's the last man standing.
Seriously, there are games where a Cuth has had to selfvote due to being all alone the the world... and no-one winning, nor the game ending due to no win condition.
deletedover 13 years
I think cthuhlu should win if everybody but him speaks the giberish. Then he wouldn't have to rely on the cult.
Def not the greatest role. Winning conditions should be like killer or survivor. Not depending on cult. Maybe it should make people blind (fiddled) and not able to vote (tree). Otherwise chu always gets exposed by voting as soon as someone visited it. Just an idea!
I guess taht means I win, amiright??? I am so 1337 Cthulhu *lol lucky*