  • Anyone who visits Cthulhu goes mad.
  • Mad players are unable to vote and their chat is jumbled.
  • Only the Shrink can cure madness.
  • If masons attempt to mason Cthulhu, Cthulhu will die.
  • Can only win with the cult.

In popular setups

I JUST WANT TO TROLL YOU played 1,430 times
Tricked Ya played 141 times
over 12 years
I guess taht means I win, amiright??? I am so 1337 Cthulhu *lol lucky*
over 12 years
U ee bcUfUa eU ecUUUUUa UUUdd fU dbUfUU UUdUe Ub UU U ed UbUUUaUc UdcU
over 12 years
right now thulu is really unfortunate in those open 12 player sandbox games. there's no cult a lot of the time!
over 12 years
I think this role need an upgrade. Maybe by making cthulhu participate in cult meetings/be known to cult, and/or giving the cult some benefit to keeping cthulhu alive, like maybe making it so they wont die with the cult leader so long as cthulhu lives.

I just don't like how a Great Old One is one of the worst roles in the game.
over 12 years
I visited chthulu as nurse it gave me a message but I wasnt talking gibberish
almost 13 years
It did win you idiot because cult is like mafia and this role is sided with the cultists lol.
almost 13 years
This role is broken. Cult won with Cthulhu in setup but Cthulhu didn't.
almost 13 years
should win if all visiting roles are thulud
almost 13 years
This role needs to be fixed. You can easily out them by speaking in all caps. Fix this so we can use it as a viable role.
about 13 years
i hate this role lol
about 13 years
in case you ever wanted to know what happens when the entire town goes mad and Cthulu is dead.
about 13 years
I kinda want this role given a win condition, or outright removed.
about 13 years
What if the win condition was that Cthulhu wins if town doesn't win?
over 13 years
Cuth should be able to win if all non-cults are mad, or at least if he's the last man standing.

Seriously, there are games where a Cuth has had to selfvote due to being all alone the the world... and no-one winning, nor the game ending due to no win condition.
deletedover 13 years
I think cthuhlu should win if everybody but him speaks the giberish. Then he wouldn't have to rely on the cult.
over 13 years
How could Cthulu win without cultists? Who else would bask in his glory after his victory?
over 13 years
if you whisperleak the one CTHU, they all know who is it..

And also...

when you CAPSLOCK , they will also know..
over 13 years
If you say 1 letter at a time in caps, you can say the cthulu's name. This needs to be fixed
over 13 years
over 13 years
Def not the greatest role. Winning conditions should be like killer or survivor. Not depending on cult. Maybe it should make people blind (fiddled) and not able to vote (tree). Otherwise chu always gets exposed by voting as soon as someone visited it. Just an idea!
over 13 years
I think you should be taken out.
deletedover 13 years
I think this role should be taken out
over 13 years
Cult-sided Silencer is Cult-sided.
over 13 years
I think some additions is needed for this: no whispers, and scramble with lowercase and uppercase.
over 13 years
Why the fuck would you remove this?