Mechanics testing: Hookers (along with Drunks and Nurses, but NOT chefs/jailers/gators) can't roleblock Watchers (and their maf equivalent), Priests, Grampses (?), Grannies (and they'll die if they try), Ninjas, Oracles -- and any other roles that don't visit. Most roles without a night action (BP, etc) can't be hooked -- but a Sleepwalker can. Friendly mafia can't be hooked, but opposing mafia can (in multiple-mafia setups). Hooking a Virgin will convert them to a Villager, and hooking a Mistletoe will convert them to a (nilla) Mafia. Hookers themselves cannot be roleblocked (but I haven't tested that, so I'm not sure).
Idea: if hooker hooks virgin, then should turn virgin into a blue.
deletedabout 13 years
All roles that visit will say so specifically in their respective descriptions. Notice that things like watcher and oracle say "chooses" instead of "visits" so they are unaffected by hooker/drunk.
deletedabout 13 years
jailer is a visiting role so it's accounted for now
THE HOOKER CAN HOOK THE JAILER! PREVENTING THEM FROM KILLING! > New feature > Jailer kills at night > Hooker CAN stop the jailer from killing if working alone.
Hooker and virgin are both ladies.
Virgin becomes a villager, which is a guy, the next day.
This is so wrong.