For a while, I had trouble deciding, but I finally came to the conclusion that this setup sucks shit. It is inferior to many other setups, mainly because of the mafia-sided luck factor. The player base makes no difference as to how the setup is played whatsoever, so you all can shut the fuck up about that kind of nonsense.
lol fuck you both. Sorry if I think it's shit, but quite frankly I don't give a flying fuck about how you feel about my opinion on this setup. You can see it's unbalanced; it's 55/44. Get lost.
deletedalmost 13 years
55/44 is balanced lol
deletedalmost 13 years
five percentage points away from completely balanced isn't unbalanced
Hey, if you're a blue getting lynched, and someone has the hammer and is asking you to claim, do the town a favor and claim. There's a chance that that guy could possibly be cop with a guilty on you, and softing cop and refusing to claim makes you look like confirmed hooker.
You know, just saying that that sort random string of events might happen once in a while, occasionally, possibly.