Chronic & Crunk



REBORN: 12/8/2017 11:28pm

۩ Don't talk about Chronic & Crunk, or how it got #1 again in 12 days, unless you know about the Shrooms.

۩ Don't do Chronic when Granny Takes You To Church, but do as much as you like every-time JFK dies.

۩ If you're gonna make it rain, send money to geordie our vogue model.

۩ Chronic actually stands for Mafia Chronicles, drugs, and the gigantic pain in the neck we are to you. Mafia is a drinking game, come get Crunk with us.

۩ Any time you are in a game with Shivv, remind him that the 5 families loves him, and that the five guys who play on the MafiaGod account all equally feel the same about him.

۩ Don't cheat. Be prepared to give a detailed reason for the actions you have committed to. Don't put up with things that are not fair. This is a family where we enjoy each other's company. This is not a mod team and families are not meant to be or reflect one either, but we do support the mods. Stand up for your liberty. Stand up for those who need it. MafiaGod has reserved the right to judge his own family members as cheaters or not cheaters, to keep them or not keep them and clear their names before the community, because MafiaGod's judgement is sovereign yet flawed at times over everyone else's in this matter. MG however will hold you to the rules.

۩ +K everyone in Chronic & Crunk. It affects the family's score. Kudo family members, just in case they actually get it. Remind them to kudo you.

۩ Men: Be polite to the ladies in Chronic; Ladies: call the Men in Chronic cute annoying names. Be creative! (Like slugger, champ, mahnkeybutr, and daddykins.)

۩ Be a great player. Rely on whatever helps you win. Be as cunning as foxes and ferocious as wolves. Do not copy & paste or AtE (too often). Hide your bubble. Think and reread before you vote. Keep the trade secrets about how you win games to yourself. Don't teach others the method to your maddness.

۩ Continue to boldly create new ideas for EpicMafia, try to best that one guy who created Carbon 14 Dawnstart.

۩ Having an avatar and a good name is ideal! (We don't support no avi policy lynch. All no avis are not new players)

۩ I prefer to add people to families who have one cool name without numbers & more than 75,000 pts, because then I know that you are a bit more dedicated. If I made exceptions you were a good enough or polite enough player.

۩ Leave the last game in the last game. A booted mod is a mod no more, welcome them back into the fold.

۩ asdfghjkl;' = Code for I am so bored with this game I am sniffing cocaine off my keyboard right now. GSABD.

۩ Support members running for mod. & mentor. Be a report troll. Mods can suck at modding. Have substantial evidence to present, hold them accountable. Remind them they have left their original calling and now betray us all on a regular basis.

۩ Don't N1 family members unless you know they don't mind. Host kill all you want.


Slogans & Quotes :: When the uniformed majority got informed, the informed minority said, "YOLO!"

"Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government. It is almost the equality of family." – Don Vito

Mission Statement :: Mafia Chronicles exists to aid & abed Epic Mafia to become the best game that it can be. We do this through 1.) our swag game playing abilities, 2.) creating new ideas or supporting great ideas that help better the players, & 3.) teaching new players how to play or older players how to play better.

Chronic & Crunk Players :: SuperNova –343,776; Sinek8 –342,171; MafiaGod –317,784; Antidote –295,977; Diabolik–276,232; betmen –266,453; xPooky–241,715; apeescaper–238,504; LIoyd –188,837; payamcf–188,126; meg–187,357; D3xTr0m3th0rph4n –174,295; Died–156,197; JM123–144,490; tannyboi–104,932;

Our Thing

  1. Everyone kudo everyone in this family with all your accounts.
  2. Add the following Skype/Discord:
  3. Once you join the chat, tell us what rules you want to keep and get rid of.
  4. Join Chronic & Crunk Lobbies to become mods in them.

Last Recorded Stats 2/27/2019

Score: 5,246,483 Karma: 2,893 Kudo: 838



First family to make 5 million points. 2/9/2019 Score: 5,050,595 Karma: 2,773 Kudo: 817

over 5 years
can I join
over 5 years
Ayyy Eedis <33
over 5 years
Well come Eedis!
over 5 years
over 5 years
almost 6 years
Ok, I've settled on the balanced setup that will replace GS Gauntlet and here it is ....
Guns n Gangsters

changes -
no tailor - subbed by janitor and actress
no double sabatuers
no double queen bees
no fabricator

added sharp shooter single
added sab / queen bee duo
added double gramps for wifom

This should now more so balance it. It should be 51% Mafia 49% Town.
almost 6 years
GJ Abz
almost 6 years
Congrats to Mack for trophying!
almost 6 years
+k ME
almost 6 years
Add me pleeease
about 6 years
In honor of 5 million, I have updated every line in CAPO CRIMINI, slightly.
about 6 years
DAYUM lOlllllOl put us over the top! I can die a happy man.
about 6 years
Add me
about 6 years
150k to 5 mil
about 6 years

I really really really want this to be a thing. Please help?
deletedabout 6 years
can have more than 25
about 6 years
Almost 5M O_o
deletedabout 6 years
I have +K everyone, and not even received 1K back
about 6 years
look at ya all
proud to see you all here

on behalf of MG and my self welcome to C&C
about 6 years
Welcome me
about 6 years
> 4M score
about 6 years
I love you, hope all is well!
over 6 years

when we got our attention back
over 6 years
congrats d3x
over 6 years
I finally brought a trophy to the FAM <3