Happy People


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Play competitively but mostly for fun; we aim to appreciate the little pleasures that Epic Mafia provides us with and to play the game in a manner that also allows others to gain a positive experience. To be optimistic, caring and helpful to others plus welcoming to the idea of meeting new people - ultimately doing so with a positive attitude, promoting a happy atmosphere :)

over 12 years
over 12 years
Its quite obvious when people cheat tbh... O_o
Bought myself some more pussy, we can commence on the food exchange - who wants in?
over 12 years
Caught another cheater. Dat mantys!
over 12 years
Yeah ive noticed that as well, whos erasing everything? :S And yes, dem happy people xD
over 12 years
All dem happy people.
over 12 years
over 12 years
Did you eat your pet goldfish? :O Jk, RIP Mr/Mrs anon fish! You served your kind well and displayed exceptional bravery! Besides you already have a few alts? :S
over 12 years
Ehhh i forget or iff i do no one isnt on when i do la de da dum. But okay. I'll try. The play stuff is finally over sooooo.. I'll probs. Be on moar often because yea... Moar free time...anyways... I'm gonna make a ton of lovely alts and troll all of you and TL jk.... My pet goldfish died. Kaybye.
over 12 years
Jazz you should log into your Skype more often for a chat xD
over 12 years
over 12 years
Dat cat avi is also cool. Especially the dino one .__.
over 12 years
You should use a cute animal picy, so you can join Pato and Radekai xD
over 12 years
Oh and does anyone have any ideas of what my new avatar picture thingy should be?
over 12 years
Sorry I haven't been here for a while. Ok a LONG while. But that doesn't mean that I don't love you! It just means that ummm haha it means still love you. (couldn't think of anything...) Stay freshy fresh my family!
over 12 years
The penguin speaks! :D And yes, I stay in a small village between Perth and Dundee, but I'm in Glasgow right now for the week! Why'd you ask anyways? :S
over 12 years
nuuu :( and are you really from Scotland?
deletedover 12 years
nooooo mori :'(
over 12 years
Not gonna be on over the next few days as I'm staying over at my bros place and his connection speed sucks! :(
deletedover 12 years
welcome all the new people :D
over 12 years
Also welcome Maria! Looking forward to getting to know you as Ive heard alot about you! :)
over 12 years
No worries JT :) Glad to have you with us! Hope you enjoy the stay and mingle in well with the others! Also congrats Obama on being reelected!
over 12 years
Thanks for the add!!! Proud member!
over 12 years
Sounds good, Im on Skype now so lets do it :)
over 12 years
Fun fam game tonight???
over 12 years
100 KUDOS great job :D