Haha, I never said I was better than you but if you must know I am. Also I'm not telling you to be a grammar nazi, I'm asking you to not be annoying and just write everything on one line. Is that too hard to ask? Then when you start arguing with me about it what am i supposed to do +k you?
I negged you for not writing on one liine. Do they have schools where you're from? If they do go back to one and while you're at it kill your 2nd grade teacher for not teaching you grammar....
I spent my first +k on you for being so honest. :) Have nice day, treat others kindly please.
deletedover 13 years
I negged you for fakeclaiming cop. No it is not a commonly used tactic amongts blues. Its a common tactic amongst a small group of retarded gamethrowers.
Here is the deal; if I invited you to a different Chronic family and you can't get in, go to Chronic 2 or 3 because those families are short in people. I am +K'ing you. This will be the last time I msg you about Chronic.