Happy People


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Play competitively but mostly for fun; we aim to appreciate the little pleasures that Epic Mafia provides us with and to play the game in a manner that also allows others to gain a positive experience. To be optimistic, caring and helpful to others plus welcoming to the idea of meeting new people - ultimately doing so with a positive attitude, promoting a happy atmosphere :)

about 12 years
over 12 years
yeah me too
deletedover 12 years
i miss our family <\3 we should do something soon :D
over 12 years
Merry Christmas every-nyan! Hope everyone got lovely pressies and that they had a great time! Also Happy Birthday to the sweetest dino out there! xD
over 12 years
Merry Christmass Happy Family.<3
over 12 years
Meeerrrrrry Christmaaaaas guys <3
over 12 years
and i talk to you too mantys :P im not mad against u xD
over 12 years
now that we are all in vacation, we need to do something :D
over 12 years
Im getting busier and using the internet less and less... but EpicMafia will always be in my heart!
over 12 years
No idea when the next fam game is, and Jilly Baby, where have you been?! Its been forever since Ive last heard from you or seen you!
over 12 years
Whoa. Epicmafia just got even more trippy. Hello family!
over 12 years
bum bum bum, so when is the next family game? (:
over 12 years
WOW thanks for inviting me ravens
over 12 years
fun fam game
over 12 years
We should get together sometimes again folks! I don't even remember when was the last time we played ToM, WTF or family games! (mooning)
over 12 years
No dino I made it lawl. Raaawr!
over 12 years
...Is that legit? lol
over 12 years
http://puu.sh/1yBfn WTF? lolololol
over 12 years
I meant "this family" not as a good thing :p not as a bad thing either tho :D But those ppl.... o-o so many new ppl. Anyways, just me or ppl in sandbox plays so bad now ? Its totally diff :O Why are u making it sounds like im dead lol
over 12 years
Honestly... I miss the old family. D: but hey guys. :) Im getting on my main account more often. cx
over 12 years
Lol, I still need to get prezys also, lol....and they are able to, we just come close enough to maybe able to give a kiss...and hand the lovely prezzys to each other...and yea :PP
over 12 years
I know right? everyones just suddenly decided to stop talking on here T_T and yeah I bought all my presents, but as a result I am now broke T_T Do dinos celebrate christmas? how do you exchange gifts with such small arms? O_o
over 12 years
This. Family. Is. Quiet. on. EM. OOOEE. So anyone ready for Christmas yet?
over 12 years
Yes we are wonderful xD And Sheung your spirit is always with us, even though ur technically no longer here :)
over 12 years
This family o-o