Happy People


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Play competitively but mostly for fun; we aim to appreciate the little pleasures that Epic Mafia provides us with and to play the game in a manner that also allows others to gain a positive experience. To be optimistic, caring and helpful to others plus welcoming to the idea of meeting new people - ultimately doing so with a positive attitude, promoting a happy atmosphere :)

about 12 years
Il make the initiative, Thursday night - 9pm US time! Be there xD
about 12 years
>King of the family. What iff it's a girl, queen of the family? :3 ...ANDDD, when. is. the. next. family. game?
about 12 years
ravensbball ... all hail ze King!
about 12 years
Well, at least the visitor counter is integrated into EM xD
about 12 years
EM has added a family page visitor counter? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of what I put up already? :S And congrats Matty on Silver :)
about 12 years
Just saying I'll be on again off again. I know. I know you all love me and miss me soo much :P I'll see what I can do
about 12 years
mantys tell me on skype ur orginizing a fam game xD
about 12 years
I am organizing family games to celebrate our silver boy! In 20 minutes be on skype y'all!
about 12 years
A fam game is in order for lluren!!! Congrats Matt!
about 12 years
XXXXXXXXXXXX Congratulations to Matt for winning a trophy this round! You made us all so proud! XXXXXXXXXXXX
about 12 years
i wanna do a fam game to celeb my win pretty plz :D
about 12 years
I need to be lucky if anime dont play all his hearts ill be ok :D
about 12 years
Oh man........ lluren is on a rool :D
about 12 years
I'm 0/5 today, so my run is OVER. This day was a "play with trolls" day, so I'm done. Matt is our only hope!
about 12 years
People in this fam are running?! Haha why so serious? xD
deletedabout 12 years
about 12 years
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Matt is doing really well on his run! You have our full support! You can do it! Go go lluren! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
about 12 years
Arrange a game and il try and be there for the next one :) Keep in mind im back to work now so the usual hours!
about 12 years
Well we are all like pretty much here...kinda...:PP Someone make a plan for the next lovely family game :DD!!
about 12 years
Family! I miss you guys. :)
about 12 years
I hope we all get back on track with playing together happy people or else ...
about 12 years
Happy new year :0
about 12 years
Jura you total cheated, u cant post that up 3 hours in advance! xD But yeah Happy New Year everyone! Love you all!

about 12 years
BONNE ANNÉE !de la santé, du succès dans vos études et au travail.