
part of  family

conservative liberal

I speak Polish so you can guise test me on that if you want. I lurk as a blue very often. I swear every game. Funny masons are funny. Epic leading. I've fucked everyone as hooker.


1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!

Created Setups

deletedabout 13 years
+k back
about 13 years
I have 2000 points now so i can finally give you the +karma for being a good player.
about 13 years
thanks +4k thanks
about 13 years
+k for pro doc and pro avatar
about 13 years
+ked back :D
deletedabout 13 years
Thank You and Returned ^_^
deletedabout 13 years
I still Think You should've Claimed Earlier, Because You know That one of The PR is fake. So If we Lynched Rukky, You could watch the Doc and Doc could Doc you And we would have 2 Clears Etc. Etc. ^_^
about 13 years
It is good to encounter you, Mr. Horseman. Although I may relish in gentlemanly habits I have never had the privilege of learning good technique in horseback riding. Perhaps we could discuss it sometime? I'll make you my specialty tea for the occasion. I look forward to it, sir.
about 13 years
why thank you! +k(: see ya around
about 13 years
ty. +Kd returned
about 13 years
+k returned.
deletedabout 13 years
Returned. :)
about 13 years
so sick of the fking lag on this website i voted him but it would not go in
about 13 years
+4k for understanding.
about 13 years
Cool. Returned! :D
about 13 years
sorryyyy you were lurking. yeah it was my fault.
about 13 years
+k returned
about 13 years
+4k returned
deletedabout 13 years
Sorry I forgot to +k you, done now :D
about 13 years
+K returned