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I am a gentleman of Oxford with scholarly expertise in the fields of physics, chemistry, and engineering.

over 12 years
over 12 years
+K for one of the classiest people I have ever played with.
deletedover 13 years
+K for an I.Q. above your age unlike 90% of the site. ^.^
over 13 years
I would love to play a couple games with a gentlemanly scholar such as yourself. We should keep in contact.
over 13 years
Double agreed.. Come back!!!!!!!!!
over 13 years
Agreed ^
over 13 years
over 13 years
+K. Playing with you makes the game fun again. I hope I get another chance to do so!
over 13 years
Fun playing with you Gentleman! And I look forward to more cool games! Bye!!!
over 13 years
+K because you are always so gentlemanly :D
over 13 years
+K you are great gentleman
over 13 years
I would like to join Miss Togepi on this fantastic symphony.
deletedover 13 years
I accept the invitation to the Symphony. I will even bring my own tea ball for the loose leaf tea.
over 13 years
+k for the game where you were guised and we couldn't tell. You are indeed a gentleman and a scholar, and we shall have tea by the lake one day. Farewell for now, my new friend.

<3 sdemon99
deletedover 13 years
Happy 100k :)
over 13 years
No no sir. To add in milk first is savage. Only truckstops and common folk do it that way.
A member of the higher society adds in the milk afterwards for sure.
over 13 years
I would be honored to drink my tea with you. However I would like to inquire, if you pour your milk in before the tea or after, since I don't mingle with the sorts doing the former.
over 13 years
Delighted to play with! +k
over 13 years
Cool and kind, like you bro.. +KKKK
almost 14 years
Why, thank you, Mr. Scholar! It is an achievement I wear with pride. The game that granted me this ability to karma was an autowin to boot! I am quite pleased. Thank you and good day, kind sir.