

Here's how it is folks if you neg me, leave a note... We can work things out. Don't be a scummy troll and ghost neg(:

Don't like my avatar? I don't care(: Don't like my name? I don't give a damn I may make you mad in the game, but when its over and all said and done I don't hold grudges(: We can always be friends don't take anything personal(: but I have low tolerance for suiciders.... Best Fool Ever(:


3 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 10Gotcha!
1 / 20Lucky Kiss!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
almost 13 years
Another EMer from Indiana, eh? There's quite a few of us! Whereabouts are you from?
almost 13 years
and a +k back for being just too awesome :)
deletedalmost 13 years
Giving you some K :)
almost 13 years
I'm pretty bored as well, here have my +k
deletedover 13 years
+k'd back. :]
over 13 years
+k for dat watching
over 13 years
Sorry I hit that backspace):
deletedover 13 years
+karma, just 'cause I can.
over 13 years
+K returned :)
over 13 years
Dat +k returned.
over 13 years
+2 you :)
deletedover 13 years
Lol .. what ? Have I said something I dont remember ?>__>
almost 14 years
+k for dat RebelChild! <3
almost 14 years
4k for you!please return!:D
deletedalmost 14 years
+k'd, return?
almost 14 years
+ K ed you :)
almost 14 years
Sorry for the veg....):
almost 14 years
+k for being the best fool ever.
Post that game to your wall!
almost 14 years
+4k!.. :D
almost 14 years
+k'd for being a good lover D;