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The owls are not what they seem.

almost 14 years
+K, game 188194
deletedalmost 14 years
I never claimed it was a tight family. I simply stated, if anyone wants in, they're allowed to.
deletedalmost 14 years
I just have to ask. How is one message spamming ?
deletedalmost 14 years
ty friendo. ;D who doesn't like a good pair of boobs?
deletedalmost 14 years
Okay, I think I did it now. :) yeah right, I post a for real picture of myself on my profile people might think I'm taking this too seriously. But for you!
there is me and a better shot of my bewbz. :) we cool now!?! we so cool. friend requuuuuest.
deletedalmost 14 years
I think I plussed it? I'm not sure, I'm kind of new. You don't have to return +k. I only get super troll mode on when everyone else is super trolling. I tried to claim cop like 20 times d1 and no one listened to me so then I gave up and had a good lol. I'm SORRY, haha.
I know, :\ rest assured I am though. You just can't see my rack. ;x
deletedalmost 14 years
lolol akson, you called me scummy and wanted to lynch me. I was only agreeing.
p.s. wanna go out sometime? you seem real charming. <3
almost 14 years
+K'd for walruses are very cool indeed :O
almost 14 years
hey - please continue working on your setup you showed us in training lobby :)
almost 14 years
You sifted through a pile of shit
deletedalmost 14 years
+K for backing me up:D
deletedalmost 14 years
+K for being a good cop =]
almost 14 years
nice walrus
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
I would like to think I am carefree. My maturity waxes and wanes. At least you didn't minus K me for acting like a fool.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
+ed for great play as mafia :)
almost 14 years
qq moar
almost 14 years
It isn't a stupid reason imo. Also it is in my profile. Plus you get negged and go KoS. Sigh, I guess I shouldn't expect maturity from this site.