

RIP Mod Solaster: January 2011 - May 2012

You don't know what you don't know.

Moral Hazard.


This report comes from DrJack being mad at me because I hammered wrong in our (he and I) most recent game together, where I lynched him in lylo instead of the mafia.

Something must be put in the rules about flagrantly fake reports like this. Players shouldn't be allowed to waste the mod's time like this, or put shit up like this "just in case it goes through because I'm mad and I dont give a shit" -- I'm sure you've seen this attitude in postgames as well. I know you're the person that can get something like this done, so I'm putting it to you.

About a month ago, DrJack and I were trolling in a pre-game of a sandbox game or something, and I was talking about how I was the reincarnation of like.. half a dozen banned players. It was a joke at the time and everybody knew it, including him. But he's going to try to use that joke now as a way of trying to get me banned.

I'd expect something like this from newer or younger players..
deletedover 12 years so can I have the heart back
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And then, you will have to eat those words.
deletedover 12 years
Nah, I will keep this name. Forever.
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You alky.
over 12 years
Eeek, whats up? How have you been!?
over 12 years
Hi :)
deletedover 12 years
I'm keeping this name ;)
over 12 years
hi mafiagal i'm sure you remember ace:
over 12 years
Nope, I had hearts.. I could join comp games fine, not games in training lobby.
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Also, Super is irrelevant to me, you're my sea star <3
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When he was getting lynched and tried to get the wagon off of him by claiming bomb, assuming setup 4.
deletedover 12 years
You're amazing
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Jesus it was only up for a second, you must've kept hitting F5 F5 F5
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Your judgment is wrong. Reverse it.
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You're not funny and you're also wrong in your judgement since you refuse to admit that I'm right and repine is wrong. I hope you choke to death and get sodomized by your alcoholic father.
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For the record, I don't think AWice deserves the violation.