

RIP Mod Solaster: January 2011 - May 2012

You don't know what you don't know.

Moral Hazard.

almost 13 years
But I doubt what you say is your true motive, you are simply being childish and eager and want me off of this site Dave. Therefore you are trying by all means possible to persuade Solaster into your likings which would be bias.
almost 13 years
If you don't break the rules, then you have nothing to worry about. You are saying "BAN BETRAYAL BECAUSE HE'S A THREAT!! AS LONG AS BETRAYALS ALIVE, I RISK BEING BANNED". If you dont break the rules, you won't ever be banned, simple as is Dave. Stop trying.
deletedalmost 13 years
I'm not reporting him for report spam, I'm reporting him his crusade to get me banned - it's harassment.
almost 13 years
I just got another vio for game related sui and the first one makes no sense because it is 3 months old when you click it says sorry we cant find what your looking for is there any way you can find a way to remove the vio
almost 13 years
I wasn't necessarily trying to troll. Just so much acting like a faggot.
almost 13 years
What is a banIP ID?
deletedalmost 13 years So all I need to do is to talk while vegging out and I can't be held responsible for a game related suicide?
deletedalmost 13 years The thread wasn't pointless or spam, it was "Goatemis has selfdeleted" this which he jumped at the opportunity to report me after you gave the go-ahead (he obviously didn't care enough to report it until you said so) He reports instances of "harassment" (minor at best) for other people that don't affect him at all. He also didn't care for my "Cunt." comment (this was because he trolled a game) until he was given the idea that the person who reports must be the harassed. Listing things like "he also insulted Felagund in game x" when a) he hasn't even considered reporting anyone for anything of that nature and b) none of these are related to him in the slightest. He also tries to report me for spamming in a situation where my "spam" was obviously not detrimental not because he was bothered by the spam but because he wanted to get me a violati
deletedalmost 13 years
deletedalmost 13 years
You're missing the point. Betrayal doesn't care whether or not I break the rules. He has an ulterior motive to try and get violations on my account because he's angry that I reported him for trolling. He doesn't feel like I actually broke any rules and he's stalking my actions on the site in hopes to get revenge. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT?
deletedalmost 13 years
How is it game throwing if they put us in an auto loss situation and when hammering on lylo they counted it as wifom and we won, if anything they should get a gamethrowing violation.... Lawyer cced cop and the janitor cced me as doctor because she "didn't want me alive" I don't know why they didn't lynch her after she didn't die.
almost 13 years
Did you really give me a violation for saying you have no merit as a player, but Vifam and Crypto attacking me on the forums is okay in your mind?
deletedalmost 13 years
So, for final clarification, you can't give me the points back because it was Shacky who did it?
deletedalmost 13 years
It was Shacky, I replied asking and he never replied, but he's demoted now, soo...
deletedalmost 13 years Okay, it wasn't because of Atikur, but I don't see Fela's gamethrowing or why it was refunded, still. :s
deletedalmost 13 years
I'm not sure, I just got a PM from Shacky saying, and I quote, "A recent game you were in, Game #754015 has been refunded. You gained 1 heart. You lost points.". The game was 3 days ago, so I'll look back and see if I can find it.
almost 13 years
hello dear Solaster, why can i not see who moderated my report.
report that was obviously a game related suicide."I had some stuff come up, and had to go answer the phone." reported guy commented on report. if someone wants to answer the phone there is no need to suicide in minute five of game.
i think who moderated my report thought that emperio vegged.
deletedalmost 13 years
Report 8715: #754015

Why was this game refunded then, might I ask, and the other one can't be? D:
deletedalmost 13 years
it wasnt out of game influence. i was threatening to report doc, not john.